I used to have several tutorials on these pages showing simple bondage ties, but the page hasn't been updated in a long time.
The main thing I've learned in doing bondage is that there are many different styles and ways to tie and there's no one right or wrong way. It all depends on your intent and what kind of bondage excites you.
The main things to watch out for are safety and good communication with your partner. We don't want to be in any real danger when we get tied up and we certainly don't want to damage our partners. Nerve damage is a real risk to be aware of.
There are loads of safety and information links online and most larger cities will have a BDSM club and probably offer some classes. I've been to many classes over the years and almost always learn something new. One other good resource with tons of links is on the Massachusetts Bondage site, with a long list of tutorials and websites.
And if you really really want to see my old tutorials they're still tucked away OVER HERE...I still consider myself a student rather than an expert. There's always something new to learn...Have fun and stay safe!
There are now lots of good books available on bondage. I've checked out most of the titles below, which should all be available on Amazon and they all have good information. My favorites are probably "Shibari You Can Use" and "Bondage for Sex," but they're really all quite good.