
I went to Disneyland yesterday with friends and since I didn’t want any extra attention, I just went in boy mode. It’s been decades since my last visit, and to be honest I didn’t really expect much from it but ended up having a great time. The thing that really stands out (no surprise!) are the totally fabulous costumes of the women they hire to portray Alice and Mary Poppins and all the princesses milling about. I couldn’t stop staring, with that mixture of yearning and envy that is the lot of us crossdressers ;-) The tour guide outfits, in an English equestrian theme, are pretty fabulous too (I prefer the blue vest over the white blouse as opposed to the jacket!) Anyway, here are a few pictures that I found online, including one of Ryan Astamendi’s pictures of Disney princesses in real life. Another photographer, Dina Goldstein, has done some pictures of fallen princesses that are pretty hilarious. A fun day at the happiest place on earth!

3 thoughts on “Disneyland”

  1. I’d love to be a princess, Mr. K! ;-)

    And thanks so much, PF! To quote Mae West, “I used to be snow white but I drifted.”

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