This was my third FetishCon and I would say it was the best so far. I met lots of people, saw good friends whom I sometimes only see once a year, shot lots of pictures, went to lots of parties, and basically crammed way more into four days than I normally do in a month. The first day the lovely Sybil and I were able to shoot and we had a special treat with the fabulous Jean Bardot stopping by. It’ll be awesome having Jean and Sybil together on the site in the weeks ahead!

Then that evening was the big Thursday Meet N Greet party – one of the best events – and they had Kinky Karaoke too at the end of the evening – Who hoo! I’ve never sung in front of that big a group before but I gathered my courage and signed up. The party probably had 200 to 300 people, although the area where they did Karaoke was probably closer to 50 people actually paying attention (sort of). And it was a tough crowd since there were so many distractions, including a few trampling scenes going on nearby, but I went big and gave it my all for Alice Cooper’s “Billion Dollar Babies,” one of my favorites. Sadly, I have no pics of me making a total fool of myself – well, I do, just not singing ;-)

I also had a chance to meet my new friend Allen G., whom I’ve been chatting with the last couple months. He’s very good with the ropes and is a huge fan of pantyhose encasement and full-body bondage. We got to shoot a couple things over the weekend and I really look forward to doing some more with him in the future. There were many high points to the weekend and getting tied up by Allen was definitely one of them.

It was a long weekend and Saturday I was already starting to droop, but that evening I ran into Brittany Morgen, whom I’d talked to earlier in the day, and we were finally able to shoot some pics (we’ve been talking about doing something for years!) Our friend Judy helped out immensely and we had a fun time, and I got to try out a new latex dildo gag on poor Brittany. I don’t think she minded.

There were lots of things going on – including a bondage escape contest, pitting two girls in teams against one another. Here’s Britney Morgan, I believe, with Lew Rubens above, designer of the liplocker gag; also the super-cute Michelle Peters and her bondage partner.

Also, obviously lots of cute girls, and there seemed to be trampling scenes going on everywhere you turned. It’s always great to see Art_esia too, who has to be the ultimate super-fan at this event. She knows absolutely Everyone, and hey, she’s even taller than I am in heels!

A huge draw for the event are of course all the fetish and bondage models running around – they’re everywhere! Everyone was very cool and approachable, and it’s always amazing to be talking to these ladies whom you’ve seen online and in magazines so many times. Here are Akira Lane and Christina Carter above.

With Hannya Strange and Aimee Reyes, whom I met while taking a lunch break – real nice girls.

With Jewell Marceau and Anastasia Pierce – two super-sweet ladies!

Looking a bit scared with the stunningly beautiful and deadly Mosh – amazing on so many levels.

One of the coolest ladies at FetCon, the lovely JJ Plush, whom I had the honor of getting to shoot with, and yes, getting tied up by JJ is sweet! She’s a class act all around.

With the amazing Julie Simone – I’ve always admired her and her mysterious manner.

And of course the fantastic Sandra Silvers. We Sandra’s gotta stick together – very cool lady.

I was also very struck by Yvette from Germany, who was wearing this unique and inescapable elbow binder. It looks really cool though it’s not cheap – I believe, normally over four hundred dollars, though there was a FetCon special in the two hundred range. She certainly looks lovely in it though and has several cool websites, Yvette-Xtreme, SuperTightBondage, and she appears at BoundCon in Germany.

And finally, he’s not pretty to look at, but I LOVE the Reverend B. Dangerous, who does the final act at the final Sunday night party. This guy is amazing! During his freakshow performance he chews on broken glass, gets a drill up his nose, eats nasty crawly things, has a big dude stand on the back of his head while he lies in broken glass, and generally just gets the crap beaten out of himself, with no illusions or tricks – he just endures it. I actually get a little teary eyed when he’s wrapping up the show and getting a cinder block busted on his nuts with a sledge hammer by the lovely Kendra James – once his pain ends, it means the convention is winding down for another year too! But I just love shows like this where everyone can scream and holler and go crazy while he does his madness on stage – something about his lunacy really touches me deeply. And he’s a real nice guy off the stage! I had a blast clowning around with him for the camera afterwards (that’s real blood) and hope to see him again, and everyone, at next year’s FetCon.