Well, it’ll be a busy week here, heading off tomorrow to Indiana for a few days at Donna Patricia Richardson’s yearly bondage getaway. I’ve known Donna online for years and have admired her strict bondage style but this will be the first time actually meeting. Apparently the cabin she’s rented for all of us (I think about 12 CDs) is so far out in the country that I probably won’t have internet access or cell service for a few days (which is a nice change, to be honest!) Sunday night we’ll all be locked in and who knows what will happen. There should be some new pictures though on the Yahoo Group after we all get back (if we do). It should be a fun and intense few days and I’m bringing plenty of bondage gear…We shall see who gets tied up…
Then, just a couple days after that it’ll be time for the TEASE party, as mentioned below. There Will Be Birthday Cake!
Well, I normally hate to acknowledge birthdays but I have a big one coming up (cough, cough, clears throat) so I figured why run from it this year (though I still won’t say the number!) It’ll be falling on the date of the next TEASE Party, May 3rd, so if you’re in the L.A. area come on out and help me celebrate! Perhaps birthday spankings will occur…Hope to see you there!

About ten years ago a nice web designer from Italy made a small site for me that I posted at the domain Sandra In Trouble. I’ve made a few very minor tweaks to it over the years, but since the design and layout are pretty tricky I never attempted a major change. I’d hate to take it offline though since Enrico did such a nice job on the original site. But time moves on so I finally gave it a new look, adding a list of links where my pictures can be seen and moving the original layout down to the bottom of the page for anyone who hasn’t seen the original site. At least now it won’t seem so static (well, at least until this one is online for a few months ;-)

Sandra Gibbons talks about what's happening in her world, both bondage related and not