So the Bondage Booth at Carnal Carnival yesterday turned out to be a big hit. I went in wondering if it was really going to work, since this was the first year we’d ever tried anything like this. But once the crowds started to arrive I was pretty busy tying all afternoon – women, men, and tg’s all got tied up. And my friends Lea and J. and his girlfriend R. were great help too and made all the difference. It was a great time just hanging out with them. There were a couple times where every one of us were working on someone and the rope was flying. So all in all, I’d say it was a success, and I suspect there’s a fairly good chance that we’ll be back again next year to do it again.
I never had a chance to see many of the other events or vendors at the Carnival, but it seemed to be a good turnout that raised some funds for the club. Definitely a fun time and thankfully we had a cool July weekend.
So this Sunday, July 27th, is Threshold’s yearly Carnal Carnival. It’s a fun event and a big fundraiser for the club. And this year I’ll be running the Bondage Booth, along with several friends who’ll also be there. The idea of it is that for five tickets (one dollar per ticket), you can be placed in simple but effective bondage for fifteen minutes. So if you want to stew in bondage for an hour it’s only twenty bucks!
So if you’re in Southern California and you’ve ever wanted to be tied up by a tranny (me), now’s your chance! I’m really hoping we’ll have a good turnout and lots of takers. I’m bringing plenty of rope, as are my friends, but I’m also recommending that any takers who want to visit the booth can also bring their own ropes. And if you’re into sensory deprivation and gags, you can bring your own gear too and I’ll gladly apply it. Hope to see you Sunday!
Just a quick note that the Club Fantasy party is all set for this Friday, July 18th, from 8:00 PM till midnight, in N. Hollywood, CA. We had a major heatwave last month but things should be more bearable this time. So bring your ropes and come have some fun!
Then on Saturday I’ll be one of seven presenters at the “Insight” at Lair de Sade, also in N. Hollywood (scroll down on the above link for more details). I’ll be available to show some basic bondage techniques, and other skilled presenters will be on hand with their specialities. It should be a lot of fun, with lots of individual instruction.
Then finally, on Sunday, July 27th, I’ll be at Threshold’s Carnal Carnival (same location as Club Fantasy). I’ll be “manning” the Bondage Booth. You can buy coupons at the front desk and redeem them for time spent in simple but effective bondage, applied either by yours truly or by friends who’ll be there helping out. It’s a fun event and an excellent fundraiser for Threshold. Hope to see you there!
Recently Lorelei from Bedroom Bondage was kind enough to give me some advice on setting up a new links page. She’s awesome – a fabulous lady and a total class act!
It made me head hurt figuring out how to get this script to work but I think I finally have it up and running here. So if you have a bondage or transgender or kinky website feel free to add your link. All I ask is a return link back to Trannies In Trouble. Of course, it has to be a legit site – no Cialis adds or junk hardcore links. I also added a blog category, so add your kinky blog too!
I think I have all the bugs worked out, but if anything’s not working right feel free to let me know. My email is on the main page at Trannies in Trouble.
I love my family but they can be really exhausting. Sometimes I just wish someone would shoot me and put me out of my misery when I’m with them. The situation isn’t really that bad but this visit has just been giving me that drained and empty feeling (Who are these people? And why am I here with them?) Maybe we can get out and see some movies or something to fill up the time. It’ll be so good to be home again in a couple days. And then I’ll probably miss them – ain’t that how life goes?
I had a really great time with my friend K. in Las Vegas. There was no dressing or anything, as she’s not really into the “scene” (though she does know about my life). We did the usual stuff that you do there – walking in casinos, losing money, eating too much. The most enjoyable times, as always though, were away from the noise and people. It was also hot as hell, about 105 most days, but in the evenings it was fabulous to go for a swim and soak in the hot tub.
I always like to see the new construction too, and as usual there was lots. I took this picture of a bunch of cranes that caught my eye (really two pictures stitched together in Photoshop). Off to Atlanta tomorrow to see the folks.

L.A. Citybeat had a great cover on today’s Fourth of July issue. I love dark sarcastic stuff like this. I actually do enjoy the Fourth quite a bit and am a real sucker for the marching bands and fireworks. I haven’t found much of that in L.A., unfortunately, but when I’m back in my hometown in Colorado I love that stuff.
This weekend, though, I’ll be in Vegas, seeing my best friend K. Unfortunately I’ll be one day late for the holiday hoopla, but it should still be fun. I’ve been to Vegas many times, but find it’s best in small doses. Then next weekend I’m seeing the folks in Atlanta. Busy summer travel.
Oh, and I apologize to everyone whom I owe an email to. I’ve got dozens of emails to reply to and have had so much going on I just haven’t been able to get to them. And, well, now I’m going to be out of town, so it’s not looking good…

Sandra Gibbons talks about what's happening in her world, both bondage related and not