I recently heard this very catchy remix of Friendly Fires’ tune “Paris,” and it’s been running through my head ever since. When she sings, “One day we’re going to live in Paris,” though, you sort of know it’s never going to happen. Good dance music.
You can stream it on this page. Just look on the right side for the little box that says “Paris (Aeroplane Remix)”
I recently saw the new Mickey Rourke movie, The Wrestler, and it’s an excellent “feel bad” movie. It is rather shocking to see how bad Mickey Rourke looks, especially since he was, well, beautiful when he was younger (Hell, I would have had sex with him back then, and I’m not even much into guys). The movie is indeed grim – dealing with aging and decay and how life doesn’t turn out how we would have hoped – but it’s so well done and Mickey Rourke’s performance is so good that it wasn’t nearly as depressing as I feared. And there’s also a good song at the end – one of those hopeless-loser ballads by Bruce Springsteen. Definitely a good choice for a nice wallow.
The Wrestler website
I recently did a self-bondage set of pictures that was a real turn on for me and a very helpless predicament, with the handcuff key frozen in a cube of ice. I started out by stuffing my mouth and then sealing it up with a heavy medical tape pulled tight and smooth over my lips. Then I tied myself up, and finished off with a cruel set of hinged handcuffs. Here are a couple preview shots, just glamming around and then preparing to start tying myself. I’ll be posting the full set later for this Friday’s update. Hope you enjoy…

This Saturday, February 14th, some friends and I will be running another Bondage Booth at Threshold’s My Kinky Valentine event in North Hollywood, CA.
The idea for the Bondage Booth is that for five tickets (one dollar per ticket) you can get tied up for 15 minutes in simple but effective bondage. So if you want to get tied up for a full hour it’s only 20 bucks, and the money goes to a good cause (it’s one of Threshold’s yearly fund-raisers to help keep the club afloat).
We had a lot of fun last summer when we did it and are hoping to top it this year. Also, if you have a favorite ballgag or hood, bring it along and we’ll strap you in. I’ll be there for most of the afternoon – noon till 6 PM. Hope to see you there!
I see the post office recently released an Edgar Allan Poe stamp – very cool. I remember back in my 20s I had a beautifully printed “complete works of” volume that was just wonderful. He was such a great and tragic figure, and I always loved the walling-up themes in some of the stories ;-) Wish I still had that book; alas, somewhere over the years I lost it.

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
The other day I hiked up to the Hollywood sign (not in my high heels). You can’t actually go up to the sign, as it’s all fenced off, but the path goes up above so that you’re looking down on it. I took a couple snapshots and got this interesting perspective that you don’t normally see. I put a couple shots together in Photoshop for a wide-angle view (there’s some distortion and obvious tilting, especially along the “Y,” where the two pictures meet). And a nice view of smog-covered Los Angeles below.

Sandra Gibbons talks about what's happening in her world, both bondage related and not