Category Archives: websites

The Lie That is FaceApp

If you’re not familiar with it, FaceApp is a photo app that allows you to touch up portraits and selfies, but what it’s often used for by crossdressers is to turn a guy’s face and body into an attractive girl’s face and body, which it does very well. I’m sure the filter is fun to play around with, especially if you get turned on seeing yourself as a hot girl. But obviously FaceApp is not real. It’s a lie. And when someone sends me pictures using the app, I still don’t really know what they look like. My advice: never use FaceApp or similar filters.

There’s one crossdresser whom I followed for years on Twitter and who I suspected was using some kind of filter since she just made the cutest girl with the most lovely face. Sure enough, she eventually admitted that ALL her pics were heavily filtered, and I lost all interest in her. I’ll admit I use a little Photoshop here and there on my website to remove pimples or blemishes, but I avoid altering someone’s appearance. I want the models I shoot with to look how they look.

The popularity of FaceApp has grown so much the last few years that more and more I have to ask some of the people who write me to verify that they’re not using it. Thankfully I can often detect if a picture has been run through a filter, but not always. Sometimes people send me pictures that are simply too good. I look at them and think, “Wow, you should be a famous fetish model looking like that!” So if someone’s pics just look shockingly good, I often have to ask if this is an accurate portrayal of themselves. If someone has not transitioned and is not taking hormones – if they’re presenting as a crossdresser – then they’re certainly going to have masculine traits to their face and body. I certainly do, and no one is ever going to mistake me for a genetic woman when I’m walking through hotel lobbies or otherwise out and about. But if a crossdresser sends me pictures where their face has no flaws and has the appearance of a hot genetic female then I almost certainly know they’re using a filter. Or maybe they’re just one of the most talented crossdressers in the world! I don’t like to complain on this blog, since complaining’s not sexy. But receiving email with FaceApp pics is one thing that drives me a bit crazy, especially if someone is looking for a modeling gig. Obviously, don’t do that.

I know one CD from Fetlife who has written me numerous times and they’ve admitted that they use FaceApp on some of their pictures. I can usually guess which pics are the filtered ones, but because she has never come clean and told me specifically which pics are filtered and which ones aren’t, I can’t invite her to a photoshoot. I still am not quite sure what she really looks like. So in the long run it’s actually self-defeating to use filters. If you show up at a photoshoot and don’t look like your pictures the photographer is going to be annoyed at best. FaceApp might be hot and fun to play around with, but I’ve never used it for myself. I suspect I would just find it depressing knowing that I could never come close to that artificial image.

A related phenomenon that I sometimes run into – and this one doesn’t involve filters – are potential models who have a way of posing so that you still don’t really have any idea what they look like. I’ve received some truly baffling photos, usually of CDs, where they’re turning away from the camera so that you only get a partial glimpse of their face. Or they have their hair brushed down over their face with the kind of pose that looks like they’re basically trying to get away from the camera. I’ve had people send me maybe four or five pictures where I come away thinking, “You know, I saw your pics and I still have no idea what you look like.” So when I get nicely posed pics with someone looking at the camera with a nice smile or a relaxed expression on their face, with well-framed shots showing their whole body in proportion without the dramatic foreshortening that you sometimes get in selfies, it’s just such a treat! It’s like, “Oh, thank you for smiling and showing me what you really look like. Now I can give you an honest reply!” Most who write me with pics like that end up getting a yes since they’ve already shown that they can take a good picture. If you’re hoping to model, obviously never send bad or mediocre pictures of yourself. Send the good ones, as long as they’re real and there’s no FaceApp. That thing is a curse.

Those Hot Video Loops!

When it comes to the “wank bank,” I’m the kind of person who usually enjoys looking at still pictures more than videos. It’s a personal preference, and I know many people prefer videos. Sometimes, though, I’ll see short little videos on Twitter that may be only eight or ten seconds long and which repeat as they play. Some of those little “loops,” as I call them, are just incredibly HOT and really all that I need to, well, get a reaction. I’m sure I’m not the only one, and I suspect that more than a few people have had a similar response to the little video previews that I post on Twitter and Bluesky.

When you’re watching a longer video and hoping to get turned on by it, there’s often one section that does it for you – for example, the moment the gurl gets gagged, or a line or two that Star Nine utters in a particularly disdainful way, or the moment when the bad guy or femme fatale leaves the poor hapless crossdresser alone, tied up and abandoned in a cheap motel for the maid to discover. But it’s almost always a specific moment that does it, not the entire video. I’m sure lots of viewers probably often skip the intro and talking parts of my videos and just fast forward to the bondage. It makes me wonder sometimes if I should just try to make shorter videos that get right to the hot parts, though when you’re trying to edit even a simple storyline, it’s not always easy to judge what to leave in and what to cut. There was a recent scene with Ana Corvida meeting Otto and being put in some super-inescapable bondage. I really liked that one, but again for those who got off to it there was probably just a specific moment that really worked. I believe VLC Media Player lets you select an in and out point and just play that part on a repeating loop – a very important feature for your most effective porn viewing experience!

Below are a couple short video “loops” that I recently saw on Twitter that really grabbed my attention. The first one shows a beautiful dominant woman named Vie with manicured nails and bright red lipstick. One detail that drove me crazy was the way the sleeves of the sexy knit blouse she’s wearing are narrow and tightly fitted to her forearms, making her arms look especially sleek. And her entire manner and that little laugh at the end made me practically swoon. The minute I saw this little clip it was just like OMG! What someone finds a turn on, of course, is such a personal thing, but I certainly bookmarked that tweet. I just hope she doesn’t delete it! (I wasn’t able to embed the tweet here for some reason but just click on the image below to view it in a new tab.)

Another tweet that I really liked shows a very hot Domme named Navlia in a tight pvc dress and above-the-knee boots, making a snapping sound with a leather belt as she looks into the camera with a serious look on her face and an imposing cage behind her. Again, her whole manner is hot, and something about the snapping sound of that belt just really gets to me. I can’t say that I’m really into impact play all that much, but I certainly would be in this scene – for me everything here just worked!

I’ve posted lots of short little videos myself on Twitter and Bluesky and I certainly hope that they’ve been bookmarked many times and enjoyed in the privacy of the bedroom with the door locked and the window shades drawn. I don’t get many comments on this blog, but I’m always curious which videos previews are the most popular (aside from the “like” button count on Twitter). It would be amazing to wake up one day and be blessed with a special ESP that lets me know which videos are being enjoyed at any given moment and which elements in them are the hottest. In any case, whoever’s out there enjoying my little previews, hope it’s a good one!

The Age-Verification Ambulance Chasers

Apparently, there’s a law firm in Kansas that’s using the state’s new age verification law to solicit potential clients to sue porn website owners. Kansas’s law (one of the strictest in the country) is designed so that any citizen, not just the state, can bring a lawsuit against a producer. The Kansas law allows for a minimum fine of $50,000 dollars against any website operator with a site accessible in Kansas that doesn’t have an age verification system in place. It seems some producers may have already received letters from the Kansas law firm demanding a settlement to avoid legal action. I can just imagine having to speak to one of these lawyers: “It would be a shame to find yourself embroiled in a big lawsuit. But hey, buddy, making a settlement would be a much wiser path, spare yourself all that scrutiny and embarrassment of being dragged into court with your weird fetish website, could ruin your life. Yeah, would really be a shame if something like that were to happen to you, wouldn’t it?”

If this kind of thing escalates, it’s possible it could reach a point where I may have to block my own website from showing up in states where I could conceivably get sued. Pornhub has already done that, and in those states, you have to use a VPN (virtual private network) to get around the block. Thankfully VPNs are pretty cheap. Ironically, many teenagers are already way more familiar with using VPNs than many adults are. It’s too early to say what traction these legal tactics will have, and of course there’s the big Supreme Court case coming up in January challenging Texas’s age verification law which could change everything (or not). More wait and see.

The Future of Porn as 2024 Wraps Up

I always enjoy doing these yearly wrap-ups, and I’m happy to say this year has been a pretty good one for me. Running Trannies In Trouble gives my weeks and months a certain sameness – doing the photoshoots, editing the material, updating and emailing. In many ways my life is routine and even boring most of the time even though it may look like one big bondage orgy from the outside. I’ve said many times, though, that when a photoshoot goes well, I often get a natural high afterwards – often some of the biggest emotional highs that I ever get – which is probably a big reason why I keep doing them. Running a website for a living can be stressful but I know if I stopped shooting, I would miss those moments. When it goes well it can be a rush.

I’ve also had some nice social events with friends this year. My friend Jeanne and I again went to the Transgender Erotica Awards last March. I never feel like I really fit in at that show since it’s not a bondage-themed event, but it is interesting looking in from the outside. For me, though, as I’ve gotten older, my tastes have become simpler. I don’t need much to have a nice evening. Just hanging out with friends and family are what makes life worth living. I can’t imagine being isolated and alone, as so many are, especially the elderly. I’d be miserable living like that and I’m grateful for the people in my life.

The Future of Porn – Back in July I also wrote a blog post about The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 and its hardline stance against the porn industry. I wish I were writing something really sexy here, but I’m afraid this post will inevitably be a little dry with all the legal stuff going on. I’m usually not overly political on this blog, and my own political leanings aren’t that important to the discussion. But whether you love or hate Donald Trump at least now we know who the next president will be. In many ways the waiting before the election was the worst.

Since the election I’ve been reading more legal news as it relates to porn and trying to anticipate what might come next. In some ways I would actually be more worried if JD Vance were president, since he’s on the record as being very anti-porn. He’s also good buddies with Kevin Roberts, who heads The Heritage Foundation and who wrote that much-quoted introduction to the Project 2025 playbook calling for porn sites to be shut down and porn people to be put in prison.

The Trump administration has a long list of goals they want to achieve, especially in their first 180 days in office, and while I could be naive and missing things, I’m doubtful, despite the rhetoric of Project 2025, that an outright ban on porn is on that to-do list. Plus, Donald Trump and his people tend to broadcast what they plan to do. For example, it’s clear that they’re moving full speed ahead with plans to carry out mass deportations, something that’s been discussed and in the news for a long time. A friend of mine also pointed out that Trump’s campaign especially appealed to men, and if there were an attempt at an outright ban against porn that it would alienate a lot of his supporters.

That’s not to deny that we’re currently experiencing a very strong anti-porn push in this country, with much of the movement at the state level with all the new age verification laws being passed. As many of you know, Pornhub has pulled out of the states that currently require age verification simply to avoid the hassles of trying to comply with these new laws. Again, I’m all for keeping kids off my website, but these invasive laws are not the way to do it.

One interesting unintended public statement this summer was from Russell Vought, who’s a major policy wonk who contributed a lot to Project 2025’s “Mandate for Leadership” playbook. He was secretly recorded last July while meeting with two guys who he thought were donors to his think tank. ā€œI actually neverĀ talk about our porn agenda,” he said, later adding, ā€œWeā€™d have a national ban on pornography if we could, right?ā€ And regarding age verification laws he admitted that they’re a good way to get rid of porn websites, since as mentioned above sites like Pornhub will often simply pull out of those states where the laws have been passed. “Which of course is entirely what we were after, right?” (more here). Vought has since been named to head Trump’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB), where he also served during the first Trump administration.

The biggest recent news, though, is the challenge to Texas’s age verification law, Free Speech Coalition v. Paxton, which the Supreme Court will start hearing on January 15th, 2025, though of course we won’t have a ruling till the end of the summer. This could be a big one, though again it’s anyone’s guess how it might play out, although with the current makeup of the court the FSC has a lot of work ahead of them. I’m a paying supporter of the FSC, who are a very worthy group advocating for the porn industry.

The upcoming Supreme Court case (lots more details here and here), could have a huge impact on age verification laws – reversing them or leading to even more laws, depending of course on which way the decision goes. California’s proposed age verification law thankfully did not pass earlier this year, and I breathed a big sigh of relief when I heard the news. What we don’t know, though, is whether the new Trump administration will supercharge the anti-porn push in this country, or if things will continue on as they’ve been going, which has certainly been bad enough for the porn industry. Even a family member of mine called me this summer and said, “They’re going to come for you!” By my nature I’m a cautious person and I’m always waiting for the other shoe to drop, but obviously I just don’t know. If I were going to guess I would imagine that there will be continued hassles and scrutiny in running an adult website, more age verification laws (maybe a federal law, which would be a huge headache), but that there wouldn’t be an attempt at an outright ban. Speculation, of course, will get you nowhere and I could be totally wrong about all of this. It’s just wait and see.

So on that not very reassuring note, I hope everyone has a nice time over the upcoming holidays and a fun New Year’s Eve at the end of the month. As always, thank you so much to everyone who follows Trannies In Trouble, and of course a very special thanks to the paying members who have joined through CCBill or have bought some of my videos on Clips4Sale. Without your support the site would just be a hobby with an occasional random update. I really could not do it without you! Take care, keep the faith, and all the best in the new year! Love and hugs, Sandra

Exposed, Sissy!

The sissy exposure fantasy is incredibly popular among some crossdressers. It’s a specialized humiliation fantasy where the crossdresser gets turned on by having their crossdressed pictures, often with their legal name attached, posted online so that they run the risk of someone finding out their secret – thus exposed! The really brave exposure addicts will turn over their crossdressed pics to a Domme, along with some pics of themselves in boy mode showing their face, as well as their legal name and maybe a copy of their driver’s license or even their place of employment. Then they get the thrill of knowing that a family member or coworker or boss might stumble across their images and find them out. It’s not really my kink but when someone puts all their information out there, I do have to give them credit for following through. A few years ago, I had a European crossdresser write me on Twitter, practically begging me to expose her. Looking back, I probably could have made a few extra dollars if I’d taken on the task for a special fee.

For those who are bitten by the bug, it’s obviously a real charge. When you step back and consider it, though, it’s probably a lot less risky than it seems, at least in many cases. (If you’re a member of Congress or a schoolteacher you’d of course be playing with fire.) But the chances of someone surfing the web and randomly finding this material is incredibly small, unless they happen to be into crossdressing or the exposure fantasy themselves and are looking for this kind of thing.

My guess is the biggest risk would actually come from the crossdresser herself, who might “accidentally on purpose” leave clues or hints for the people in their lives or deliberately fail to clear their browser history or leave their computer on showing their exposure page on the home screen. As Freud famously said (and I’m paraphrasing): a fear is often a desire. I can attest to that fact in my own occasional addiction to humiliation phone lines and my desires to see others be humiliated, especially if I feel they deserve it or secretly want it. Like many obsessive sexual fantasies, the whole thing probably looks pretty silly from the outside, but the urge can be almost irresistible. I can imagine that if someone really was found out on an exposure site that the response would probably be something like, “Guess Joe is into some weird shit – whatever!” And in many cases I suspect a lot of people couldn’t care less or at most may be slightly embarrassed or annoyed that they’re now privy to this information. Again, though, the likelihood of being found out online is probably pretty small unless one actively were to take steps to be found out. In over twenty years of running Trannies In Trouble, I’m aware of only a single closeted model on my site who claimed they were recognized by a coworker. When the model wrote me, I didn’t want her to suffer any consequences, so I removed all of her pictures from the free pages of the website, leaving only the galleries in the Members’ Area. As far as I know nothing more came of it.

One of the models I work with, Marissa Nicole, is also into the fantasy and has posted some pics of herself on Twitter, though without her name attached. Of course, having worked with her I know her legal name, but then I’m a professional and would never divulge such information unless she were to beg me (hint, hint, Marissa, something to keep in mind). But seriously, in this case Marissa is probably at the mid-level range of exposure, with some room for plausible denial if someone were to approach her and ask, “Uh, did I see your pictures online?” which would be a major thrill, I’m sure.

I have another Twitter friend who DMs me and who is a major attention whore. She’s a perfect example of the kind of person who I actually would enjoy humiliating for real because, well, she kinda deserves it with her endless craving for attention. (And I did write her and share with her this paragraph for feedback before posting this.) She lives on the opposite coast but if she were in the same city I’d certainly have to meet her to put her through the wringer. What’s funny about this Twitter friend is that she’s also into the exposure fantasy but none of her photos fully show her face – they’re all cropped off from the nose upward. She’s one of the many Amazing Headless Crossdressers whom you see so often online. (At least she doesn’t post only leg and feet pictures!) I’ve actually seen her online on a zoom call and she looks nice but, well, each to their own in how comfortable they are being out and about. The funny thing though is that this same headless crossdresser also signed up at one point with an online Domme for the exposure fantasy – but yes, using her headless pictures! I was kind of surprised that the Domme let her get away with this – I certainly wouldn’t have put up with it. Of course, when she posted her exposure page on Twitter with the cropped photos, I really just wanted to comment and say, “Uh, how is this any different from what you normally do?” But I didn’t want to sound overly snarky on Twitter. So now I’m leaving the snark here for my blog! The whole thing was pretty amusing and it seems to me to hardly even rise to the level of exposure.

I’ve also mentioned in an earlier post sissy roberta in Colorado, with whom I’ve been having fun both on Niteflirt and also doing some self-bondage while I watch her on Google Meet. Sissy roberta is also into exposure though in her case it’s more a blackmail game where I have all her personal information and there are certain financial costs that she takes to ensure that no one sees that material. Of course, if I had one hundred such sissies that I could consensually blackmail (Sandra’s Sissy Exposure Service) I’d probably end my days doing a scaled-back version of Trannies In Trouble and ruling over my sissy empire – though it would be a big full-time job if it were one hundred sissies! Of course, girls who are truly into these fantasies in a serious way are rare, and when there’s money involved, such as in consensual blackmail, the number drops to a mere fraction of one percent. There’s a lot of talk but not a lot of follow through out there, to which any Pro Domme can attest (and I certainly don’t consider myself a Pro Domme). But for those sissies and CDs who are seriously into these fantasies and want to follow through it can be a lot of fun.

The lesson here is that one’s fantasies can rule one’s life – they’ve clearly ruled mine – and they can make one do some very silly things chasing that thrill. Certainly, when it comes to the phone sex line that I’ve mentioned, I’ve done things that I wouldn’t want anyone to see or hear. And I’ve heard from enough people over the years who’ve shared pictures and personal details that they would never want anyone else to know about. With my experience running an adult website, I take discretion very seriously, and I’m flattered to be trusted that way. But for those who want all their secrets to be revealed, that too can be arranged. More to cum!

Fun with Online Self Bondage and Niteflirt

A while back I wrote about the online self-bondage services I occasionally provide and also about the sessions I’ve been doing with sissy roberta, the CD from Colorado who craves to be tied up and used. We’ve had some fun sessions this summer, and we recently started using Google Meet so that I can watch her when she’s gagging and tying herself up. It’s similar to Apple’s FaceTime and works great – highly recommended as a way to keep an eye on someone at a distance!

An interesting development is that she also has a female roommate who helps keep an eye on her when she’s doing self bondage. Everyone who’s into self bondage should have a roommate like that – I have one too! If you’re in the closet and have a roommate, you never know what opportunities you might be missing by keeping your secret hidden!

I also mentioned a while back the phone sex site that I’ve been visiting off and on for about six years. Well, I finally made my own profile on Niteflirt, and I’ve already had some calls and LOTS of text messages. It’s been eye-opening and a fun experience, though some of those calls can get a little weird! One CD from the Midwest has called me a few times. I can barely get a word in edgewise with her, but she seems to be getting turned on, so okay.

One of the main things I’ve learned on Niteflirt is just how driven some people are with their sexual fantasies. That’s not a unique observation, of course, but wow, some of the guys especially who write me are laser focused. I probably am too, but not like some of these guys! On the other hand, I have a friend, for example, who’s into BDSM but he’s not a fetishist and his kinks are very wide ranging. He’s just into all kinds of different things and can look at all kinds of different porn. I’m not like that at all. For me there are very specific things that turn me on – obviously bondage and dressing, plus humiliation and all those robbery fantasies that I’ve been lucky enough to act out with Star Nine. And I like making others helpless too. On the milder side I also just like to see pics of nicely dressed cute crossdressers and of well-dressed genetic females, but that’s all part of the dressing. But I’m certainly not the kind of person who has a list of two hundred kinks that they’re equally into. I’m pretty focused too.

My favorite phone calls on Niteflirt are actually the ignore and humiliation calls – one of my lines is a self-bondage ignore line, though if someone is doing a good job at tying themselves up, I’ll certainly be paying careful attention. Plus, safety is always my top concern, so I don’t want someone getting so turned on and carried away that they really get themselves stuck for good! I’ve also had a couple nice calls about dressing and bondage and just life in general. And my rates are pretty reasonable so it’s not going to break the bank. I’m not really doing it for the money anyway though I’m happy to take whatever I get. I’m doing it more for fun and for insight into what makes people click – plus I’ve been an occasional customer myself for years and it’s intriguing to see things from the other side. But again, since Trannies In Trouble takes up so much of my time, my phone lines aren’t on that often, though I have done lots and LOTS of texting this summer. If someone does want to talk on the phone, the best way to set it up is when the caller texts me first and tells me what they’re into. It saves a lot of time.

If you’re already a member of NiteFlirt feel free to send me a text or an email just to say hi. I’ll be honest though – Niteflirt can be very addictive, so if you’re not a member already proceed with caution before signing up. Of course, if you can’t resist, then yes, by all means go for it! And do say hi. Happy texting!

Project 2025 Isn’t Kidding Around

(Update August 3rd, 2024 – A lot has happened in the news in the last four weeks since I posted this. At the end of this blog post I added a little update here.)

I’m always reluctant to discuss politics or religion on this blog. It’s usually a no-win situation discussing such things, and the likelihood of being misunderstood or of offending some readers is almost inevitable. My own politic beliefs don’t really matter to the discussion here, so I won’t get into them much, but one thing that I’ve been following lately is news on the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, especially its views regarding pornography and LGBTQ people.

If you’re not familiar with Project 2025, it’s basically a plan of action to remake the United States in an uber-conservative Christian nationalist mold. It includes a 900+ page policy proposal titled: Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise. I have an old friend who describes himself as conservative, but the proposals outlined here take that word to a whole new level. Let me be clear that I have nothing against religion. I was baptized Catholic as a kid, though it didn’t really stick. But I still often went to Christmas Eve services, and I still sometimes miss those times. The rise of Christian nationalism, though, is something entirely different from being your average churchgoer, and it’s quite worrisome.

The following quote from Mandate for Leadership has been widely commented on elsewhere. It’s a doozy and appears on page five of the Forward (emphasis added by me):

ā€œPornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.ā€

What’s so telling in the paragraph above is that they’re saying that any material that refers to LGBTQ people, even benign material, is by its very nature pornographic – thus the line about librarians and educators “purveying” porn. From this extreme perspective, even mentioning in a book the fact that gay and trans people exist would be considered pornographic. This is chilling, and if put in place would force the removal of all kinds of books that no one would ever mistake for pornography.

I’ve been aware for years that running a fetish porn website could conceivably cause legal problems for me someday if the political climate were to change dramatically. But I’ll admit this is the first time that I actually feel some sense of concern. I’m certainly not panicking and I have no plans to move to Canada or Mexico, but I do have a feeling that things could become riskier in the coming years being in the porn website business. The idea of ending up arrested for running Trannies In Trouble would be like something out of Terry Gilliam’s “Brazil” (hopefully with the leather bondage sacks that appear in that classic film!). But if these policies were put in place – and yes, that is a big if but not inconceivable – then porn producers could actually end up being arrested, not for obscenity but for allegedly being a menace to public health.

I also wonder about the logistical questions that come to mind. Are the authors of Project 2025 talking about only arresting the owners and producers of the bigger porn companies or are they looking to also go after small website producers like me? What about OnlyFans producers or people on Fetlife who just like to take naughty pictures? How about technical people and camera operators and editors? Are we talking just a few hundred arrests or tens of thousands? Or is it maybe hundreds of thousands or millions of people put in prison with all the new prisons and camps that would have to be built to house them? Then there are the economic questions. Do you really want all the commerce and tax dollars generated by porn to just go away in a matter of months? There are so many logistical questions that I really want to know!

And as an aside, this does raise the question: why are we Americans so quick to lock up our fellow citizens? What is it about the American psyche that drives us to have such high rates of incarceration? The proposals discussed above would only drive that rate up even higher.

As I’ve mentioned before, if the government wanted to wipe out the porn business it would be easier to do it through legislation rather than arrests, although arrests would have the added benefit of creating fear. I’ve already written about the case of Insex, where Homeland Security got their billing company to drop them under a pretext. Homeland Security could just as easily tell the major billing companies that due to security or public health concerns they should no longer process credit cards for porn sites. Just for good measure, they could always remind the billing companies what a hassle it would be if they were to get audited.

Another good way to shut down porn sites would be to simply pass more legislation making it more and more of a pain to stay in business. A national age verification law that has all kinds of onerous provisions could easily cause many producers to simply call it quits, as Pornhub has already done in the states with current age verification requirements. Currently California has a possible age verification law, AB 3080, working its way through the legislature in Sacramento, though it hasn’t yet passed. As I’ve said before, I would be totally fine with a workable age verification system that doesn’t drive customers away. But no one wants to have to upload a copy of their driver’s license to visit a porn site or have a government agency keep track of their porn habits. I’d hate to imagine Trannies in Trouble finally shutting down because of the legal climate but I do have to face the reality that it’s not inconceivable. I don’t want to sound like I’m crying wolf but there’s certainly a nationwide push moving against online porn.

Returning to Project 2025, I know some people will probably say, “Oh, that could never happen here,” and dismiss it as an overly dramatic political wish list from some think tank (a very powerful and influential think tank, by the way). But I’m not so sure. I think it actually could happen, and maybe wouldn’t even be that difficult to put in place if things lined up in its favor with a few more sweeping court decisions after the next election. We have this idea that our system of checks and balances will always be there. Again, I’m not so sure.

I have no idea where this kind of extreme thinking is heading but it is yet another thing that I try to follow. The idea of going to prison after twenty-some years of Trannies in Trouble would be almost comical if it wasn’t so frightening. I grudgingly admit there would be a certain poetic logic if I were to end my days incarcerated. It would be like, “Well, she was always into bondage and captivity, serves her right!”

In the meantime, I find myself reading way more about Project 2025 than I’d like. And I follow the email updates from The Free Speech Coalition (of which I’m a paying member), and who probably have a better pulse on what’s happening in the porn business than just about anyone. Only time will tell how paranoid or clear eyed I’m being here. Thanks for indulging me if you’ve gotten this far. Again, I’d much rather be writing about something sexy instead of all this. But I expect there will be more to report.

Update August 3rd, 2024 – As mentioned at the start of this post, the news has moved pretty quickly, with a significant backlash to Project 2025’s extreme positions. News stories are so often written to be entertaining and to maximize drama, so it’s hard to say how accurate all the reporting is, but Politico recently had an interesting article about a journalist’s underwhelming visit to Project 2025’s headquarters. I’m not sure I know anyone who’s pro-Project 2025, especially when it comes to banning porn, but regardless of your politics it’s an interesting read.

They’re Comin’ for Your Porn!

Well, this post isn’t particularly sexy or fun, but I try to follow some of the news around proposed age-verification laws that are being introduced in state legislatures around the US. So far nine states (Arkansas, Indiana, Mississippi, Louisiana, Montana, North Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Virginia) have laws requiring age-verification for adult websites. It’s actually pretty hard to keep up with the flood of new legislation and the status of all the newly proposed laws. There’s even an age verification bill in the works in California. Of course, the title of this post is maybe a bit misleading! I had to come up with something a little catchier than “The Realities and Possible Outcomes of Proposed Age-Verification Legislation in the US.” But there has been a big push to pass these kinds of laws in the last few years.

Of course, I would love to have a really workable and foolproof way to keep minors away from my website. But the problem with the age-verification legislation, which claims to try to solve this problem, is that it would require you to upload a scan of your driver’s license or passport even to view the free pages on Trannies In Trouble. Obviously, no one is going to want to do that, and rightly so. Having the government or some private company keep lists of people’s personal information cross-referenced with all the adult websites they visit is obviously not a good idea. The risks of hacking and blackmail and just plain embarrassment are obvious. And no one should have to disclose that information anyway. My understanding is that Pornhub has actually blocked themselves from being seen in the above states where these laws are in place to avoid dealing with the hassles of complying. There’s a good chance that these laws will eventually be struck down as unconstitutional anyway, but who can say for sure? If they were to pass an age-verification requirement in California (highly unlikely), and if it were actually enforced, I’d probably be out of business and commuting to that hypothetical office job in Pomona that I always talk about.

The intent behind these proposed laws of course appears perfectly valid: the desire to keep children away from porn. Again, I’m totally in favor of that. But of course, another secondary purpose of these laws is to simply make it harder to run a porn website. Certainly, the requirements of these laws, if put in place, would be onerous for people like me. The Free Speech Coalition (of which I’m a dues-paying member) has a nice article on the privacy issues and risks of fraud that these proposed laws would bring. If you’re not completely bored out of your mind with the subject, it is a very good analysis.

Insex – If the government really wanted to get rid of porn websites one of the easiest ways to do it would be to put pressure on the credit card companies, telling them to no longer process credit cards for porn sites. As I’ve mentioned before, that’s exactly what happened to the notorious (and very hot) website, Insex. PD, the founder of the site, explains in a very-good documentary (Graphic Sexual Horror) how Homeland Security contacted the billing company he was using and told them they believed that Insex was a front for money laundering for terrorists, a total bullshit story but enough to shut down the site. Something far less dramatic than that could also shut down numerous adult websites like mine who are trying to follow the rules.

In any case I wrote this post to just mention something that may – or may never – have an impact on Trannies In Trouble. Who knows where all the current legislation will lead – and again all this legislation may eventually be struck down – but for me at least, it’s worth trying to keep an eye on the developments. In any case, sorry if this post was dry as dust. I wish it wasn’t a subject that I even had to follow. Thanks for reading; hopefully the next post will be a little more sexy!

The Wank Bank

I was talking to my friend Count Boogie from “Perverted Podcast” (not on the show itself, though I have been a guest a couple time). We were talking about masturbation as a way to avoid future sexual temptation. I’ve certainly done it a few times, usually in the morning when I’ve wanted to stay off the phone sex line that I talk about in the last blog post. If you pre-emptively rub one out it does remove the temptation for a while. Boogie made the comment that I must look at really dirty nasty stuff to get off, but the truth is that what I look at tends to be pretty tame.

We all have our own private wank folder on our computers, all those old favorite pics that work every time, and I’m no different. For myself, I prefer looking at pictures rather than videos, although I have bookmarked some short ten-second videos on Twitter, basically just short loops that really turn my crank. I do enjoy the challenge of shooting videos for Trannies in Trouble, but I usually don’t look at full-length videos myself. I remember the days long ago back in my twenties when I’d rent mainstream movies to look for bondage scenes and what an exercise in frustration it was to try to find something good. One of the problems of looking at videos is that there’s usually only a short section that really turns me on and I can’t time myself to just that little section. I find still pics are typically much more satisfying, or just closing my eyes and fantasizing.

So nowadays my wank folder just contains pictures. Probably half of them are bondage pics. And the other half are pretty tame. I have lots of pics of genetic females modeling outfits – including lots of pics off the Shein and Bebe websites. And I also have many pics of cute crossdressers and trans girls. About the dirtiest they get is one favorite pic of two cute twenty-something trans girls kissing. I do have quite a few pics of CDs with erect dicks but a lot of the pics aren’t racy at all. Sometimes I’ll just like someone’s smile or their general cuteness. I don’t think I’ve ever saved a single image of humping or of butt sex or anything that you would call hardcore, although I have bookmarked two short twitter videos of genetic women giving blowjobs – just two! In one of them the woman is wearing a spectacular purple blouse that just does it for me! But that’s typically about as dirty as I get.

The other kind of pic that I often save are ones where a woman, or occasionally a CD, has a dismissive or haughty look on their face, which of course plays into my love of humiliation. (The mean CD from the last blog post had a few pics that I saved but it was more her voice and her vicious text messages that really got to me.) Back in the 2010s I came across a site called Humiliatrix, which I really enjoyed, though again in a love / hate kind of way. Mysteriously, one day in 2019 the site just stopped updating new material, although it is still online. The site has no bondage, just videos of sexy women talking to the camera and telling the viewer what a loser they are. I remember when I first stumbled across the site the mixed feelings that I had. I didn’t want to get turned on by it, but I couldn’t deny that it was working. One of the best models on the site is Becky LeSabre, who’s incredibly good at doing verbal humiliation. Some of the other models always seemed to be reading from a script and weren’t that convincing. But Becky, at least on that site, always seemed to have a true note of disdain in her mocking manner, which only added to her appeal. Of course, she was also very young and incredibly cute at the height of that website.

Obviously, what turns someone on is so personal. If you’re not into verbal humiliation then a site like Humiliatrix would seem ridiculous, which it sort of is. I mean, why would these women be so disdainful? Of course, if you’re not into CD and trans bondage then Trannies In Trouble would probably also seem equally ridiculous. I remember a guy once wrote me and said that his girlfriend found my site “creepy,” which really surprised me and actually kind of stung. I would say that the words odd or puzzling would be more accurate for someone who’s just not into what I do. But then I also wonder if that guy is still with his girlfriend! Probably not, I would guess.

I know a lot of people probably think that I have a big backlog of people to tie me up and have sex with, but that’s really not the case. I have a couple friends whom I get together with and play with – with one close friend in particular whom I see about once a month. Another close friend whom I used to do bondage play with has gotten too old to do it anymore. But my life isn’t nearly the big bondage or sex orgy that it may appear to be. I’d certainly be open to doing more but with running my site I just have so little free time. And I really am a mild germ phobe, so I’m very cautious about who I’ll meet up with. I’m the kind of no-fun person who would show up at an orgy with condoms and hand sanitizer. And on days when I do take the day off, I often find I just want to lounge around and read the morning away or watch a couple obscure movies.

The thing about life is that for most of us it’s routine and repetitive. Most weeks look similar to the week before. We see the same people and go to the same places and do the same things. Mine is the same though in my case bondage photoshoots are the one thing that usually shows up week after week. Over the years I’ve easily shot well over a thousand bondage scenes, some quite good, some less so. But it’s been consistent. Still, like most people, there’s a routine even to that.

I have found, though, that the best online sexual turn-ons are the ones that just happen spontaneously. I’ll see something on Twitter, for example, and I’m suddenly massively turned on without expecting it. Those are the best! When I’m REALLY turned on, I’ll actually get a metallic taste in my mouth. Sadly, the last time I remember that really happening was about fifteen years ago during a solitary session in the little bungalow I used to live in in Hollywood. I expect now that with age it may not happen like that ever again, but one can hope – something to aspire to!

Of course, my habits of looking at stuff online have probably warped my sexuality, but considering what I do for a living what would you expect? I’ve certainly become much more gay – or that is, more cock focused. I’m not “typically” gay in terms of being attracted to men, but when I’m fooling around with someone (usually a CD) I definitely prefer that cock be involved. Occasionally though I’ll see a guy – like a twenty-year-old twink who would make a nice girl – and I’ll think that if he were into older crossdressers, I would certainly do him, whatever that would entail. But as I’ve said before, at this point there’s no way I could date a genetic woman. It would be so unfair and just an exercise in disappointment for her. The last woman I dated, back in 2013, basically said as much, though thankfully we were able to part on friendly terms and occasionally we still even talk on the phone. But with where I’m at in my life now, my days of dating women are long over.

Well, this is a fairly rambling post. I do always go back and try to edit these posts several times to try to make sure they’re mostly coherent and readable. This one definitely has me wondering again, “Am I sharing too much here?” I hope at least some of you can relate to some of it. Of course, if you’re a regular visitor to Trannies in Trouble then you almost certainly have your own online habits and your own wank bank. We all do, so enjoy!

Hey, Loser!

I haven’t talked about this subject much on this blog, but verbal humiliation turns me on, especially being on the receiving end. There’s a phone sex line that I occasionally call, though thankfully I’ve never spent a lot of money there. But last fall I got a little addicted to a crossdresser who specializes in putting people down on the phone or via text message (I’ve been contacting her off and on for about three years but last fall my exchanges with her got a lot more intense). I never told her about Trannies in Trouble or about what I do. We did talk about bondage some, among other things, but I didn’t want her to know too much and potentially have leverage over me. She didn’t even know my last name.

The thing is the phone sex line would sometimes leave me feeling bad afterwards, so I would try to stay away from it for as long as I could. It all felt pretty self-indulgent and not too healthy to be spending time and money on texting or on the occasional phone call. If I got tipsy and horny, though, it was tempting to text her or log on and see if she was online. Texting was really the thing that I indulged in the most, though ironically I typically don’t like to text much in day-to-day life. The phone sex site though uses this unique “bloop” sound for their text messages, like a drop of water, and I quickly became like one of Pavlov’s dogs when I’d hear that sound – I would actually feel a little thrill of excitement in my stomach knowing that the vicious CD had replied to me.

In any case, this CD was really good at being mean, and she scratched an itch. (I’m not going to leave a link to her profile or say who it is – that would be just too embarrassing!) The thing about her, and what really gave her a charge, is that she seemed to really mean it and not be role-playing. I distinctly got the feeling that she probably isn’t a very nice person in real life – I’ll bet she’d make a great CEO! After one especially degrading session last month I thought, “Do I really need to keep doing this?” Of course, a couple days would pass, and again I’d start to get horny and feel the itch. Considering my history growing up and being bullied some, and some of my emotional challenges with bouts of low self-esteem, it’s not surprising that I’d be into humiliation. Of course, bondage can be equally humiliating – at least when it’s done right! (to paraphrase Woody Allen).

Among CDs, verbal humiliation is of course a very common sexual kink. But it can cut both ways – it can be hot and sexy but then afterwards there’s the risk of feeling genuinely bad and emotionally abused, which is part of the thrill – that feeling that you’re being screwed over and taken advantage of, which weirdly can become sexualized. It’s certainly one of the riskier kinks because of the potential for doing real emotional damage to someone. I’ve done some humiliating scenarios on T’s in Trouble, of course, such as the scene with Ruby Bunny having naughty words written on her body. And of course, Star Nine is so incredibly skilled at being degrading and verbally humiliating that I never learn my lesson with her and just keep going back for more! It would be hot though to shoot a really rough verbal humiliation scene if I had the right scenario and a model who was up for it – a scene where it feels like we almost go too far could be very exciting!

Most of the time in real life though I’m probably much too nice to be really verbally humiliating to someone. But I do understand the appeal. There’s a CD on Twitter who’s a major attention whore and we sometimes exchange DMs and have even done a private online session. The fact that she so craves the attention and is also SO deeply closeted makes me want to push her face into a mattress, or into the toilet! So with her I can easily tap into the excitement of verbally mistreating her. I’m still not nearly as nasty as the online CD whom I got addicted to, but it’s a similar dynamic. Of course, the desire to dominate and humiliate others whom you view as beneath yourself is simply hard-wired into the human creature – it’s not a pretty side but it is a part of who we are as a species.

Addictive? – In a similar vein, I’ve sometimes wondered if anyone has ever found Trannies in Trouble to be addictive in a way that made them question the amount of time or money they were spending visiting the site. I expect over the years there probably have been a few members who’ve felt compulsive about the site, or who have maybe felt guilty or had mixed feelings about viewing it – I’ve certainly heard from people who felt conflicted about it, including one poor guy who struggled with deep religious guilt.

And I’ve had more guys than I can remember write me and say, “I’m completely straight but I find your site a turn on. Is that normal?” I can understand the doubt, especially if seeing a CD’s exposed cock is a big turn on. I mean, yeah, it is kinda gay, isn’t it? (I always think to myself, “Well, you know, you may not be completely straight!”) As for the question of whether it’s normal, well, if we’re just considering statistically what the average person is into, then, no, it certainly is not the norm. But I also think it’s not that big a deal. If you’re into dressing and getting tied up, or just like viewing others who do it, I’d say it’s best to just chill and enjoy it. When I was a teenager, I was extremely guilt ridden about being a crossdresser who likes bondage. But later in my twenties I consciously decided to set aside my guilt and try to leave it behind. I’ve been mostly successful, though occasionally mild moments of doubt will still arise, though it’s been a long time since I really felt bad about it. I feel far more embarrassment and regret from texting the vicious CD on the phone sex line, although for all of January I’ve stayed off the site completely. I don’t know if I’ll revisit it, but I won’t be surprised if eventually I do. On days when I’m particularly horny it almost seems inevitable. Of course, if I found someone to replace her it would make it a lot easier to leave and scratch that itch elsewhere.

Writing all this, part of me thinks, “Did I just share too much?” I’ve found though that the more we reveal our secrets the less hold they have over us. And usually when I share something really personal, at least one person will write me and say they can relate. That’s also part of the reason why I always recommend being out of the closet as much as you can – it makes life so much easier. If you’re completely out there’s zero risk of being blackmailed if you happen to work for the CIA or as a clerk for a Supreme Court Justice!

So that’s my little sermon and a little more insight into what turns my crank. Let me know if you’ve ever frequented any phone sex / texting lines or if you too like to be verbally humiliated. I am genuinely curious and would love to hear about others’ experiences. And if you don’t want to leave a comment at the link above (this blog gets so few comments anyway), feel free to email me. Your secret is safe with me! (Hey, haven’t I used that line before in a few of my videos?) But seriously, if you can relate to any of this or have your own sexual habits that sometimes give you doubt or second thoughts (or maybe on the other hand you’ve fully embraced them), feel free to write. I really would be interested to hear more.

Another Year That Felt Like Nine Months

Overall, 2023 has been a pretty good year for me, and I hope it’s been mostly good for everyone reading this. There were the inevitable ups and downs, and it really did fly by! In no time at all it’ll be January 1st – hopefully I won’t be lying in bed that morning with too bad of a hangover!

There were some memorable photoshoots this year, too many to list them all, but here are some highlights: The recent Velma shoot with Jessica Kat was just a lot of fun and it’s definitely going to be one of my all-time favorites. I really put Jessica through the wringer, and she handled it like a pro. Also, the recent spreadeagle scene with Milf Jeanne was also a lot of fun. We stayed in a funky little motel on the coast, the kind of place I normally would never check into, but the room turned out to have a bed with a massive frame to lash someone off to – it was perfect for a spreadeagle. And Jeanne looked sexy and helpless all stretched out!

It was also great to finally meet up with Chrissina Lovegag, who came all the way from Germany for a vacation in L.A. We had a lot of fun and of course she’s totally into it!

There were also several new models this year, including TS Natalie Carnot, who’s talented and enthusiastic, and of course amazing looking. And there were lots of other fun and hot scenes, especially with Ruby Bunny and Klintelle Moore, plus several other new models this year including Marissa Nicole, Mink Deville, and TS Ana, all of whom appeared in some nice scenes.

As always, I’m extremely grateful for all the loyal visitors to the site who’ve joined and become paying members and supporters of the site. And to the long-term members – you know who you are – thank you all so much! I plan to keep the site going for as long as I can, and I really could not do it without all of you! (Continued below):

My So-Called Life – In some ways I’m married to Trannies in Trouble. The site really does run my life and I’m usually doing something to manage the site every day. I try to take some days off, but I know I don’t take as many as I should. I’ve gotten many positive emails over the year, though, including from people who have written to say the site has helped them accept themselves and accept their kinks or their dressing or their gender identity in a significant way. Most of the time I do think that Trannies in Trouble is the best thing I’ve ever done with my life. But I’ll admit, on some days when I’m feeling tired and worn out, I sometimes wonder if it was the wisest career path to take. There’s certainly no pension for folks running tranny bondage websites, and it is work that’s far out of the norm in this sex-negative society that we live in – that reality can come with some stress. Some of those emails, though, that I’ve received over the years really do make it worthwhile. I know the site has meant a lot to many people over the years – and that’s very satisfying.

I started Trannies in Trouble because, first, I wanted to see a website that featured the kind of bondage you’d see in the Harmony Concepts magazines from the ’80s and ’90s but featuring crossdressers. Another big reason for starting the site, though, is that I really didn’t know in my late thirties what kind of work to pursue. I’d already done several jobs, some of them quite odd, like the adult bookstore clerk gig, but nothing seemed to really fit, and I’ve always been a bit of a loner and an odd duck. So I had this crazy dream that maybe I could make a living with a tranny bondage website. It’s pretty much worked out that way, though if I’d known then what I know now I honestly don’t know if I would have done things the same.

Of course, I’m not saying all of this to get any sympathy from anyone. We all have days when we question the significance of what we’re doing in life, and I’m certainly no different in that regard. The fact that I’m doing something out of the mainstream probably only leads me to question things even more, especially as I get older and more reflective. But don’t get me wrong. I’m very pleased that the website is closing in on twenty-one years online. And I want to keep it going for as long as I can since there are so few sites out there that feature CDs and trans girls in bondage. It really surprises me that there aren’t more sites like T’s in Trouble. When it comes to genetic females, of course, there are loads of them.

By the way, on social media I almost always refer to Trannies in Trouble as T’s in Trouble due to the controversy over the T-word. I wouldn’t be surprised if eventually my Twitter account were to get deleted since both Twitter and Facebook consider the word tranny to be hate speech. (More here if you haven’t already read my recent post on the subject.)

The Tubes – There are of course inevitable challenges in running a paysite, especially in the age of Pornhub. I generally try to avoid lecturing people who watch videos on Boundhub and other rip-off sites like xHamster, since most people aren’t even aware of how those sites work. Many even think that I have something to do with my videos being posted on the tube sites – Believe me, I don’t.

The tube sites basically provide a platform to repost producers’ videos without their permission, and the tube site itself is the one that earns money off this stolen material through advertising and sometimes their own paid memberships. Pornhub has actually cleaned up its act quite a bit after being busted by the NY Times, but most of the tube sites are full of stolen videos reposted without permission. I always say that if Steve Villa and Jim Hunter (and all the other producers out there) got a dime for every viewing on those sites, they (and I) would all be rich many times over.

But the tube sites aren’t going away. Most of them are hosted in foreign countries and even if they were in the States, they’re actually protected by the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) against liability for what their users upload. In a way their business model is brilliant. It’s morally dubious but appears completely legit, offering the user the digital equivalent of shoplifting but without any sense of wrongdoing attached. But Pornhub is really the one that initially changed the landscape of online fetish material and how people view it nowadays. If I’d known this was coming twenty years ago, I don’t know but I might have done things differently.

What Do All These Buttons Do? – Though some are of course better than others, the videos I’m shooting now are probably some of the best I’ve ever done. But I admit there may be a rawness to the early videos from the 2000s that I just can’t capture anymore. I really didn’t know what I was doing with the camera back then, and I know some viewers actually prefer that less polished, “amateur” look. There was one loyal member (who’s since died, I’m pretty sure) who absolutely loved my site but when he wrote he would always refer to things that I shot in like 2009! The really early stuff, though, just makes me wince. Even with the rawness factor taken into consideration, from a technical standpoint some of it was just terrible. Even today I keep trying to get better. The sad thing is that now when I watch bondage videos so much of what I see are the mistakes and errors.

In any case I hope this blog post isn’t kind of a bummer or give the false impression that I think running my website for over twenty years was all a huge mistake. It’s certainly not. But the reality of running a website today versus the daydreams I had back in the day are very different. Still, even with the challenges, it’s been satisfying and rewarding.

On that note, let me just say thank you again to all the loyal followers and members and supporters of the site! I hope everyone has a nice time over the holidays and a fun and safe New Year’s Eve. Take care of yourself, and we’ll see you in 2024! Hugs, Sandra

Staying with Tranny (For Now)

As I wrote earlier this year, I’ve been considering for a while whether to change the name of my website due to the controversy over the word tranny. This blog post is probably anticlimactic, but at this point I’ve decided to put the decision on hold and just stick with Trannies In Trouble. It’s a good name and I’ve gotten a lot of feedback. I’m still leaving open the option to change it at a later date if, for example, some major controversy over the word were to arise, or if I started getting lots of email from people saying, “Sandra, c’mon, you gotta change that name!” But neither of those things are happening.

As an aside, I have to acknowledge that this whole question of whether to change the name or not is something that obviously worries me more than it does anyone else, as I’m the one who would have to make it happen. I can imagine someone reading this and thinking, “Sandra, give it a rest, none of us who like your site give a hoot about the controversy and we all like the name, or at least are neutral about it. Stop worrying!” I’ll admit, it is a little crazy-making the amount of mental energy I’ve expended considering the whole question. But if I’d known twenty years ago just how controversial the T-word would become I probably would have chosen a different name.

Two opinions though that I especially valued came from two younger trans models whom I’ve worked with. Both of them said they like the word tranny and have no problem with it or with the name of my website. They’re at least thirty years younger than me and have transitioned and are taking hormones – they’re exactly the kind of younger trans women whom I worry may be offended by the name. One of them also said (and I’m paraphrasing), that she doesn’t like the gatekeeping and policing of language and behavior that one often finds in the trans community. For me, one hypothetical question I often ask is, if someone wasn’t telling you that the word tranny was objectionable, would you find it offensive on your own? A number of people have in fact written me saying, “I didn’t even realize that there was any controversy over the word!”

Another thing that also influenced me but in a backhanded way is the fact that the word tranny is considered hate speech on Facebook. It’s one thing not to like the word, or to judge it as problematic, but labelling it as hate speech just seems like the kind of all or nothing thinking that doesn’t allow any consideration of context or of intent. According to Facebook, I guess the word is just bad – bad in all cases – a position that lacks subtlety or nuance. There’s no acknowledgement that some of us identify with this same apparently taboo word. Anyone who visits my website can easily see that I’m using the word in a humorous and tongue-in-cheek manner. Facebook’s inflexible stance I actually find counterproductive. It just makes me say, “Now, wait a minute.” I’m just not so easily convinced.

My sense is that attitudes against the T-word may actually be starting to shift, as I’ve heard from quite a few people who also object to the policing and “gatekeeping” of the word. But then, this may just be wishful thinking on my part. Maybe.

Many other people also wrote me saying that they’ve been following my site for years and many said they like the word or just don’t think it’s that big a deal. And several pointed out that the name of my site is a brand that’s been around for years and that there’s really no pressing need to change it.

I do own a few good back-up dot com domains that I could use, (TGirl Trouble, TGirls In Trouble, Binding Transactions) but again, with the feedback I’ve received, I think I’m just going to put the issue on hold again (believe me, I’ve been thinking about this question for years now!) Besides, while the back-up names are pretty good, Trannies In Trouble is probably the best name I could ever possibly dream up. Plus, the technical issues involved in rebranding and changing the site would be significant. Maybe next year I’ll feel differently, maybe not. In the meantime, barring any unforeseens, the site will be continuing on as it has for twenty years now. So that’s where I’m at at this moment. Maybe things will change, but in the meantime this tranny owes a big thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts and feedback!

Possible Changes at Trannies In Trouble After Twenty Years

I just posted a little update in the Members Section of the site sharing some thoughts on changes that could possibly happen at Trannies In Trouble this summer or later this year and to get some feedback:

The short version: First, like all of us I’m getting older and the site’s been online for twenty years. I may be taking some classes this year to add to my resume, so I’ve been considering maybe slowing down the update schedule and posting updates every two weeks instead of every week. I haven’t made a final decision, and I am reluctant to make such a big change, but it may eventually become inevitable. It could happen as soon as May or it could be later.

Second, with the continued controversy over the word Tranny and other feedback I’ve received, I am considering maybe changing the name of the website. Again, I haven’t made a final decision, but it’s been on my mind for a long time. I already own some back-up domains using the word TGirl, but if someone were to send me an idea for a new name that was so brilliant that I couldn’t say no to it I would gladly give that person a lifetime membership to the site. So if you have any great ideas for new names let me know!

Further details: Again, just to clarify, these are things that I’m just considering and I haven’t made a final decision. I have a big birthday coming up and eventually I’ll probably have to pursue other work besides running the website. The site’s twenty-year anniversary amazed me, but I know it can’t last forever, though I’d like to keep the site going a few more years at least.

As for the possible name change, I do love the name Trannies In Trouble – it’s funny and tongue in cheek and one of the more clever things I’ve ever come up with. At the same time the controversy over the word Tranny frankly is a pain in the ass to deal with. If I do change the name, it would be more a business decision rather than a capitulation to the PC police.

I do sometimes wonder though if the name brands me as old and out of touch (whether that’s a fair judgment or not, and I don’t think it is). But I also wonder if after twenty years it may be time for a rebranding anyway. If I do change the name, the original Trannies In Trouble site would also still be online and continue to be updated. But the newer pics and videos would have the new name attached.

Again, all of these are just things I’ve been thinking about and I very much welcome any feedback. As I mention in the Members Area, I’ll definitely let everyone know if I do make any big changes. And as always, thanks so much to the paying members who keep the site going – it wouldn’t happen without you. Please do write me at: and share your thoughts, positive or negative, and do share any possible new names for the site if you have any good ones in mind. I’m always very interested to hear what people think. Thanks for your support and understanding, Sandra

Eleven Years of Trannies In Trouble

Well, here it is late March and once again it’s the anniversary of Trannies In Trouble, which first went online around this time in 2003. It always seems like it’ll take forever to reach the next one but then it flies by and here we are again. I’ve been shooting with a lot of new gurls lately and have been having some fun and interesting times. At the same time, I feel like I’m in a bit of a transition period right now as the years continue to pass. I’m still modeling, and I’ll still be appearing as Sandra the bondagette for a few more years, I’m sure, though perhaps not as often as I used to. Lately I’ve just been finding myself more and more in the Mrs. Gibbons / Aunt Sandra role, tying up all those wayward younger crossdressers and trans gurls (both of whom are delightful to subdue and torment) and I suspect I’ll continue in more of a dominant role like that for some time – but not completely, as this week’s update shows! ;-) In any case, I’m grateful for all the support and the many loyal subscribers and visitors here at the website; you make it all possible. Here’s to the next year – I’m planning on many more to come!

Introducing Diane Hitachi’ed by her Aunt Sandra

Diane and I emailed a while back and had the chance to shoot a fun and sexy scene last weekend. She looked fabulous in this leather outfit of hers and we shot a scene where she’s my niece being corrected for her wild ways. Here are a few framegrabs from the video; the whole thing turned out to be over fifteen minutes long with some intense Hitachi action at the end. I’ll post the video early next week and hope that Diane will be back for more stern but loving correction from her slightly demented aunt. There are a couple still shots also on the preview page at T’s in Trouble. Enjoy!

Guest Blog from Sybil Minnelli! — Snowbound in Minnesota

(The other day my friend Sybil and I were emailing and she very graciously agreed to write up a blog post about her life in Minneapolis where that girl gets up so many adventures with her friend the lovely Jean Bardot. Sybil’s always great fun to shoot with and hang out with and I always look forward to seeing her when our paths cross, which usually happens at least once a year, it seems. Thanks so much, Sybil, for sharing and hope we’ll see that video you mentioned one of these days, ha ha! *Hugs*)

Hello everybody, Iā€™m honored to do this guest blog for Sandraā€™s website! I am amazingly lucky to call Sandra my friend. Being a lover of crossdressing and bondage, I contacted her out of the blue a few years ago and asked if she would consider me for a shoot with TranniesinTrouble and we made arrangements to meet in Hollywood at the Renaissance Hotel (now the Loews, I think?). I had never really done a photo shoot before, so I was super nervous! (I had shot with Jean Bardot before, but it was really informal as we have been friends a long time.) Anyway, I felt at ease with Sandra right away and I really enjoyed the experience. Sandra made me look really, really good, like way better than I thought I could! She understands as well as anybody how to catch her subjectā€™s best angles. Since then I have tried to shoot with Sandra on every trip I make to the L.A. area, and it has mostly worked out for us. (With all the snow weā€™ve had lately in Minnesota, I need to get to L.A. soon!) Sandra and I have also hung out at Fetish Con in Tampa; the more time I spend with Sandra, the more I like her :-)ļŠ

Here in Minneapolis, Iā€™m just as lucky to call Jean Bardot my friend. I got to know her when I was a stage manager for a burlesque show ā€“ she was one of the performers I managed! As Jean and I got to know each other better, we became friendly and I started helping her with her business in a number of ways. I help her with managing her schedule, booking gigs, negotiating deals, and if she needs somebody to tie up on camera, well hey, I can help with that too ;-)

Jean has introduced me to fun and kinky people all over the world and I cherish some of the relationships I have made because of her. This past weekend, one of our dear friends had a milestone birthday with a party in the L.A. area. Unfortunately, schedule demands were such that we couldnā€™t make it out there for the partyā€¦ We thought about sending flowers, a gift or something along those lines, but it just didnā€™t seem right. And then it came to us ā€“ we needed to make a happy birthday video clip, duh!! So I wrote up a quick script, ran it by Jean, and to nobodyā€™s surprise, it would start with Jean saying Happy Birthday with a tied and gagged tranny gurl by her side. She would remove the gag long enough for me to say happy bday and then put it back in so I could take a spanking on behalf of the birthday girl. Before starting the video, Jean used leather suspension cuffs on my wrists to pull my hands above my head, and while she was doing that, I was saying, ā€œOkay, donā€™t forget to *do this* and *say that*ā€¦ā€ but as soon as she cranked my hands up with the winch, making me helpless, she grabbed the ball gag and said, ā€œI donā€™t think I need any more help with this!ā€ And she strapped the gag in really tight, so I just sat there waiting for her to do whatever she wanted after that. Then she cuffed my feet together and started the video rolling. I have included a few screen captures from the video to illustrate! Once the video was complete, Jean gagged me again and treated me to a little scene before she let me go and got that on video tooā€¦ Iā€™m not sure Iā€™m ready to share that just yet, though!

Well if youā€™re still reading at this point, thanks very much for listening and I hope you have enjoyed it! I need to stop now before this gets completely out of control, but if you want to hear any more stories, thoughts, scene reports from Minneapolis, (or whatever!) please leave a comment or mention something to Sandra and Iā€™ll happily write up another entry! Until next timeā€¦Happy tranny trails!

Xoxo, Sybil

The Disappearing Trannies

The last few months I’ve noticed a strange thing on Fetlife. I’ve heard from maybe five or six CDs who write to say hi. We might email back and forth casually a few times and then – Poof! – their profile is gone. Maybe they’ve blocked me, though I tend to doubt that. More likely I would guess they’ve maybe had second thoughts about being visible online and have simply disabled their own profile. Of course in either case they’re basically gone and it’s impossible to send them a follow-up email. It’s happened so many times in the last few months that it’s become a recognizable pattern. I don’t take it personally, as I really don’t think it’s about me at all. The way I read it, it’s just that there are so many closeted CDs out there with such mixed feelings about who they are and what we do. It’s similar in that regard to purging. Someone can come online for a while and talk about dressing and really admit to what they like, and then I’m guessing the fear and doubt set in and they pull away. I do get it and I understand the impulse but it is rather depressing to see this happen so often (along with all those faceless chopped-off-head crossdressing pictures). Obviously so many CDs are just so terribly conflicted. Or hey, maybe it’s something altogether different: I don’t know, maybe that Eastern European tranny-kidnapping ring really is preying on Fetlife CDs!

If I were going to give some advice it would be that it doesn’t have to be so hard. But at the same time I remember when I was younger I was probably just as scared and conflicted so I really do understand and sympathize. But after so many years of being out and visible it’s all become, not routine, but just not that big a deal. Yes, I still have my own moments of doubt from time to time, especially when checking into hotels dressed, but nowhere near what they used to be. I wish I could convince other gurls who are just starting out that if you take it easy and take some basic safety precautions when going out and meeting people, you’ll probably be fine. There is always risk in being more visible, sometimes big risk depending on the situation (meeting strangers from Craigslist for hookups, for example), but our own fears hold us back more than anything.

At the same time, like I said in an earlier post about coming out, I know it’s not easy and that everyone has to find find their own comfort level. I just wish these gurls could relax more, as it’s really just the disappearing without a word that’s so baffling. I don’t mean to sound scolding, as that’s not my intent at all, but I do know in the CD and trans community that this is very common behavior, almost a rule. Anyway, I’m not going anywhere so if anyone needs to reach me you know where I’m at (though the email piles up and may take a while!) But hey, if you’re cute and submissive and into being tied up and need to be comforted in your internal conflicts with some tight bondage – sorry, dear, but yes, your Aunt Sandra has to make it tight – well then, you’ll have a very good chance of hearing back from me…

Panel Gags

I’m always looking for new and interesting gags to purchase, especially panel gags which are a favorite. I recently wrote to JB Roper to see where he got this terrific gag in the picture below with Summer Peters but unfortunately it came from Autumn’s Sub Shop which is out of business. If anyone has any leads on other good panel gags or head harness gags to purchase online, feel free to post a link here in the comments below or email me directly. I recently bought a few on Ebay but they were mostly cheap junk, only one was worth it but I’m always looking for good new stuff, so do let me know!

Finally Met that Crazy Babette

A couple weeks ago my archrival and new friend Babette Jones from Bound to Tease was down here in Southern California and we finally had a chance to meet after emailing occasionally over the last eight or so years. She was a lot of fun, with a great sense of humor. After meeting at the TEASE party first (very fitting), later I was able to visitor her here in the Valley and hang out for a long afternoon. It was kind of a power struggle as we’re both controlling bitches but Babette was no match. Even though I was tied up briefly at one point, it didn’t last for long and eventually our roles were reversed, as of course they would be. As I’ve gotten a little older I rarely find anyone who’s a match for dominating me and this was no different from most encounters. If you’re with Sandra (from now on I refer to myself in the third person) you’re probably going to end up in bondage and also heavily gagged, while I smirk and laugh; that’s just how it goes these days. In any case here are some candid shots that Babette sent me taken from the video camera. (I know they’re mostly me but that’s what she sent me, really. And hey, how come there were none of her tied up?!) It was a really fun party the night before and a fun day hanging out, and Babette was such a smartass that I’m actually smiling and laughing in most of these!

What is it About Facebook?

There are some friends and nice people whom I occasionally hear from on Facebook but I also get so many weird emails, to the point that I sometimes wonder if I should just cancel my profile. I’d say it’s certainly one of the sketchier social networking sites out there despite its mainstream popularity. And I don’t log on too often because of that and finally turned off the option for anyone to post anything on my “wall,” because it was just too much work to clean up. I’ve probably gotten more marriage proposals on there and emails with long passages of purple prose talking about love and searching for one’s soulmate, all from perfect strangers whom I’ve never talked with before. It’s always a little disconcerting to get those, especially when there’s no mention of crossdressing or bondage or any reference to any common interests. I’m always thinking, “This person certainly knows I’m a CD, right?” I assume they do and maybe they consider it bad manners to address it directly, but hey, no, actually if someone writes and says, “I love crossdressers and bondage” that’s great (well, hopefully they’ll write a little more than just that.) But even then we might actually have a conversation.

Just this evening I also got a request for money from someone who’s going through a tough patch. I’m sorry to hear about that but there are probably other sources of support than a strange tranny with some sissy maid pictures, but I’m just guessing here. Anyway, I’m not really upset or anything, just a little baffled at the level of bizarre. Of course, I’m not going to cancel my account, as it’s great free publicity for sending people over to my own much smaller website. Finally though, if you and I have ever exchanged emails on Facebook, believe me, I like you very much and don’t think you’re strange at all. No, of course not…unless you’re asking for my Paypal account or calling me a sweet flower of the morning who will bring you the joy and love you fervently seeketh in life (but not spelled that well). Good luck!