I used to back up all my old pictures on numerous CDs and DVD disks for many years, until switching to external hard drives a few years ago. I was organizing all the old disks over the weekend (been at home a lot getting over a cold) and found about 100 or so full-size versions of the old Ringgag pictures; he shot these on our very first meeting almost ten years ago!
I had always been disappointed that I only had small web-sized images from that intense weekend so it was a pleasant surprise to find some (but not all) of the full-sized out-of-the-camera files. Unfortunately many of my favorites were not included and there were lots of mediocre non-bondage shots but there are a few keepers. Ringgag was using a Sony CD Mavica camera back then, which was only 3 Megapixels, but that’s better than what I currently have for most of the shots. I still kick myself that I didn’t make more of an effort to get the original camera files from him, as they’re all long gone by now.
Anyway, with it being almost ten years ago that I last saw him, I was feeling a little nostalgic when I found these and thought I’d post a few of them. I do tend to revisit these pictures a couple times a year since like I’ve mentioned many times before, playing with Ringgag was always very intense and had that perfect edge of risk and excitement that’s so hard to find…