I had a great time last year shooting with the lovely and very strict Ms. Jewell Marceau. Jewell’s a very busy lady so it was a real treat when she had the time to do it again last weekend; I definitely didn’t want to miss the chance! We shot a couple scenes, the first with me as her sissy maid and the second as a foolish crossdressing husband whose wife hires a cruel pro domme to punish me for my secret life. We shot with the super-talented Ninja Jon and Jewell put me through the ringer, but it was a blast, with a super-tight chair tie on the second set and leading up to some serious hooding on both of them. Also on Twitter she gave me one of the nicest compliment I’ve ever received. Although I don’t really enjoy pain like a full-blown masochist would, I can take quite a bit and I do really like the challenge and headspace of endurance ;-)

So here’s a small sample of last Saturday’s fun, with the full galleries coming up in the months ahead. I’m hoping we’ll be able to do it again…Enjoy!

I had a blast at Donna Patricia Richardson’s CD Bondage Party. I’ve known Donna online for years and we occasionally would exchange emails but I’m really glad I finally made it to one of her parties to meet her in real life. There were about 10 to 12 gurls out in a secluded cabin in the country and it was a wild time with LOTS of bondage going late into the night. If you’re into crossdressing and bondage Donna’s parties are definitely worth making the effort to attend. Everyone who wants to get tied up gets tied up (usually many times) and everyone was so nice and easy to get along with. Donna herself is like a bondage machine and just keeps tying hour after hour – heck, I couldn’t keep up! I did get to experience one of her trademark chairties with lots-of-rope and it was amazing, leaving me able only to wiggle around a tiny bit from side to side and not going anywhere. I also did a lot of tying of other gurls and made some nice new friends; it was a great experience and I’m so glad I went!
So here are a few pictures from the week. First off is a group pic the night before at Talbott St. in Indy, with Donna, Dana, Brenda and me getting drunk, then a seven-gurl group pic that Donna took late one night, then the chairtie that Donna put me in, followed by a strict hogtie with Joy Turner, then Julie trying out the gasmask for the first time. After Julie is Dana, whom I wrapped up in plastic and black electrical tape. She zoned out quite nicely! Then there’s Torrie tied and molested a little by me, followed by Dana preparing me for my pre-birthday spankings (which were wicked and left me nicely bruised!) and finally Tina getting some payback, tied up on the floor and teased with the Hitachi. Enjoy!

Sandra Gibbons talks about what's happening in her world, both bondage related and not