A while back I posted some pictures from a French CD who had made some really terrific damsel in distress drawings. A few weeks later I heard from Gwen in Corsica who’s friends with the girl who drew the pictures (I should have thought of asking Gwen years ago, as she seems to know everyone in Europe!) Gwen very kindly put me in touch with the mysterious artist, who left a nice blog comment. It was a real thrill to be chatting with Catherine Nylon, who indeed made the drawings in question (though she insists that she’s no artist – just someone who likes to draw her fantasies). I’ve wondered for over ten years who produced them, so it really did feel like a mystery finally being solved. We’ve been exchanging some emails and Catherine very generously agreed to let me post some more of her drawings here and a few of her self-bondage photos, which are also very nicely done and reflect her same interests that we see in her drawings.
My old high school French is really bad but I’ve been able to get the gist (sort of) of some of the captions on the drawings, which I’ll post below, referring to them with numbers from left to right, top to bottom. The numerous mistakes are of course my own.

1. Isabelle is the young servant of Myriam, who enjoys tormenting the young girl according to her whim. Having done a bad job at housekeeping, she’s bound and gagged the young girl to a post in the basement. “There you are Isabelle dear, tightly bound and gagged. I’m going to leave you here all day; that will teach you to do the housework!”
2. (This one is tough!) “There, my little pretty one. You’d better be smart or I’ll do something nasty to your pretty face!” Now at the hands of a dangerous psychopath…(the rest of it eludes me, something about poor Gwendoline).
3. NA
4. “It’s going to be hard to keep my hands off you, my pretty one, but now that I have you, I’m sure your father will pay me a nice ransom if he ever wants to see his little dear again safe and sound.”
5. In the den, Isabelle the young house servant was grabbed and made helpless by the female thief. To keep her quiet during the robbery, the woman tied Isabelle up like a sausage in her long nylon servant’s uniform and then tightly gagged her.
6. Caroline Garnier, the beautiful eighteen-year-old shopgirl at the bakery has been kidnapped by a thirty-year-old woman during the course of her work. The woman was so much stronger than Caroline and had no problem making her helpless and taking the young girl, who now ten hours later has been tightly trussed up like a sausage and thoroughly gagged. “Have some patience, my dear, I’m not going to untie you yet; I like you too much like that, tightly bound and gagged.”
7. Returning home, Yves Garnier had a terrible surprise finding his young and pretty wife Martine tightly tied from head to toe to a post in the living room and thoroughly gagged. It was earlier that the young woman, in her long nylon dress, as she was preparing to leave for work, was approached by a thirty-something woman who came to the front door. Once inside, being so much stronger than the young wife, she had no problem overpowering and silencing her young victim.
Catherine has also taken some terrific self-bondage pictures which show her love of “nylon blouses” and tight ropes and that look of distress. She’s also made some cute images on the Atari that have much the same style as her drawings. One interesting thing that she’s told me about is the style of garment in France called a “blouse,” which is different from what we would call a blouse here in the States. Apparently in France it’s more like a housecoat or over-garment that a housewife might wear to protect her dress. And although this kind of garment apparently is no longer in style, it’s still available and worn by some, mostly more mature, women at home. Catherine’s favorites are blouses in nylon, which almost always appear in her drawings. It’s always fascinating to see someone who has such a unique style to her approach to bondage and to making picture, and I really hope we’ll be seeing more from Catherine in the future.