L.A. Citybeat had a great cover on today’s Fourth of July issue. I love dark sarcastic stuff like this. I actually do enjoy the Fourth quite a bit and am a real sucker for the marching bands and fireworks. I haven’t found much of that in L.A., unfortunately, but when I’m back in my hometown in Colorado I love that stuff.
This weekend, though, I’ll be in Vegas, seeing my best friend K. Unfortunately I’ll be one day late for the holiday hoopla, but it should still be fun. I’ve been to Vegas many times, but find it’s best in small doses. Then next weekend I’m seeing the folks in Atlanta. Busy summer travel.
Oh, and I apologize to everyone whom I owe an email to. I’ve got dozens of emails to reply to and have had so much going on I just haven’t been able to get to them. And, well, now I’m going to be out of town, so it’s not looking good…