Club Fantasy

I went out to Club Fantasy tonight and wore my green top since it was St. Patrick’s Day. The turnout was unfortunately pretty low. I played a little with my friend Ms. D., who’s a total sweetheart (though she doesn’t want word to get out).

I was also talking to Tim, the coordinator at Threshold and he wore me down and finally talked me into teaching a monthly rope bondage class, starting in May (He can be very persuasive and is a real asset to the organization.) But Yikes! I do know a lot of the basics of tying people up but have never considered myself an expert by any means. I have been hoping, however, that they would start such a class, and since they needed someone to get it started, I guess it’s me. Plus, it’ll help push me out of my comfort zone, as speaking in front of people is about as much fun as dental work. I guess I really have got to get my stuff together and study up. I can deal with looking like a fool, I’d just prefer to not come across as a bumbling fool.

4 thoughts on “Club Fantasy”

  1. Sandra:
    I think you will surprise yourself on just how expert you are. When people don’t know anything about subjects they really appreciate someone getting them started. Wish i was on the west coast and could attend your class. I will look forward to hearing aout how it goes. In the meantime you could post your class notes (video?) and maybe get some feedback and teach us tieing beginners how to get started.

  2. Sandra
    I wouldn’t worry too much about it, You’ll do great just think about everybody being nude and then smile and talk the night away.Wish there was a place near me that was into the scene but I live in backwards BC most here would freak at the possability of doing such a thing in public

  3. I really wish I could make it to Club Fantasy, but on a Friday night there’s just not enough time to get ready after work. You’ll do fine on the rope bondage class. I was really impressed when you tied me up. Hope to see you again soon.


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