Category Archives: los angeles

Video Preview Clips Redone

It took me long enough but I finally re-edited the free preview video clips over on the site. The old ones definitely needed a workover. These little clips really take a long time to put together, the toughest part being just finding the right moments in the various videos that work well for a one- or two-second shot. It’s nice to finally have these updated and looking better. Really hoping to get another one done before the end of the year…

Hogtied and Posture Collared!

While updating my new computer and switching over to Windows 10 I found another video from 2015 that I had completely forgotten about! The still pictures from this scene are on the site and now the video is too. Delilah Knotty tied the hell out of me on this one, which is what she does! It was totally inescapable, especially once that hogtie was all cinched down…Sexy and intense!

“Remember These Pics?”

I recently had to upgrade to a new computer and I’ve learned that Windows 10 has this odd habit of sending you occasional notifications about old files and folders on your computer. I got one the other day asking about some old pictures from around 2014. The second one I’d completely forgotten about, shot by my friend GW with some nice moody lighting. And the first one was just a casual pic that I shot while feeling sexy in my latex skirt and tight sweater. This was after a photoshoot earlier that day, and I recently posted more of these over on the site. So, yes, thanks, Windows 10! Now I DO remember these pics!

Digital Manipulations from LordIce

Recently I got these clever digital manipulations from LordIce, who contacted me over on Yahoo. I really love both of these, and that humiliating “slut-shaming” scenario from the local news made me laugh, which Delilah just dismissed as #fakenews over on Twitter ;-) In any case, LordIce is working on some more. I’ll look forward to seeing what he comes up with next!

My Photobooks on the Kindle – Free Giveaway!

I just posted my two photobooks over on Amazon for the Kindle reader and I’m doing a five-day free giveaway – free to download and keep, all yours. I’m hoping to get a few reviews over on Amazon and in turn get a little more publicity for Trannies In Trouble. If you don’t have a Kindle you can still look at them with the Kindle App on Amazon, for viewing on your computer…Here’s a link to my Amazon page, big-deal author that I am ;-) Thanks! ~Sandra

Cover designs by Treiops Treyfid

Fifteen Years of Trannies In Trouble!

I’ve been looking forward to the fifteen-year anniversary of the website for some time now. I’m kind of blown away that I’ve been doing this for so long and at the same time it seems sort of inevitable that it’s still going. Like what else would I do? Of course if it didn’t pay for itself and pay the bills, I’d probably have to go back to my former career as a much-sought-after office temp, or maybe end up working as a very twisted home health care aide. But for now, crossdressing bondage is a better choice.

Last year I also started making some animated gifs to post over on Twitter to help promote the videos on the site. These are a lot of fun and here’s a little selection below. It’s amazing how sexy these little snippets can be.

Every year when we hit this new anniversary I always wonder if the site will still be here next year at this time. I figure it probably will be but I never take it for granted. As I’ve mentioned before, the website business just isn’t what it used to be, as there’s just an endless stream of free stuff out there. I’m still hanging in there and plan to keep going for as long as I can. But it is a fairly insane way to make a living. As always, though, I want to thank everyone who supports the site now or has supported it in the past. I would never be able to do this without the paying subscribers, even those who have been on the site for only a month or two. So thank you all! I mean it. And if you’ve ever wanted to check out the site in more detail, the sign-up link is over here. It’s easy to cancel at anytime, and I answer emails directly if there are any technical or billing concerns that ever come up.

It’s been quite a ride and I hope to make it to year sixteen and then (who knows?) on to year twenty – that would really blow my mind! We’ll see you along the way…Keep it tight! Hugs, Sandra

Ashley A. Gets a Surprise Visitor

Ashley A. was just back in town and I had a great time shooting with her again. We shot this week’s upcoming scene in a small place in Venice, CA. It was one of those photoshoots where everything just came together, and the update coincides nicely with the upcoming fifteen-year anniversary of Ts in Trouble. Ashley was looking sexy as ever in her cool leggings, short shorts, and lace-up booties, and she handled the bondage like a pro, being tightly tied up with her hands taped up, panties filling her mouth and layers of clear tape sealing up her lips. This gurl was seriously tied up!! The video turned out great, if I can say so myself, and has a bit of an edge to it, with Ashley waiting on a girlfriend who never shows up, instead being surprised by some junkie looking to nab some cash, played by a very creepy Otto Devoid. Looks like Ashley was in the wrong place at the wrong time! I’m really excited about this set of pics, coming up in just a few days!

Chinese New Year Gone Bad…with Kaitlynn

Just a couple of weeks ago Kaitlynn Nguyen and I shot a fun Chinese New Year-themed set of pictures, where she wears her classy cheongsam-style dress for a party but instead ends up tied up overnight in a back-closet and then gets stuffed in a car trunk to be transported for shipping overseas.

Kate and I actually had access to a garage where we could discreetly tie her up, and then once the sun went down we really did drive around with her locked in the trunk. Of course, this is a high-risk stunt, so I was very careful about how she was tied and gagged and I was extremely careful on the road and only stayed on quiet streets near our location. It’s not like I was going to go screaming down an L.A. freeway, though that would be a pretty hot fantasy.

This set of pics should go up on the site probably in a couple weeks, and we’re already thinking about how we could do it again with maybe a battery powered light in the trunk and a small video camera to record some of the ride. We’ll see if we can pull it off on a future update. In any case if you ever decide to do something like this, just be careful about it. It is rather crazy and all kinds of things could go wrong and even lead to police involvement, which none of us wants. It was one of the most exciting rides I’ve ever taken, I’ll admit. I suspect Kate would agree ;-)

More Vivian Chen in the New Year!

I had a real fun time last weekend shooting some new pics and videos with Vivian Chen. She was looking amazing as always in these cute new dresses (and pretty sassy with that red hair in the first one!) We did something a little different with Vivian getting to practice as an escape artist (not getting too far) and then interviewing for a position as a hypnotist’s assistant. I just posted a gallery with Vivian so it’ll be a while till these go up on the site but I’m looking forward to them. She really got into it and as always made a great damsel.

Getting Started with Dressing (and What I Wish I’d Done)

One of the common mistakes about crossdressing that I made when I was young was thinking that I had to find someone to help me buy clothes and do my makeup. It is indeed easier if you know someone, but there’s still a lot you can do on your own when you’re just starting out. I definitely waited longer than I should have, but frankly I was just scared and lacked confidence in pretty much everything. At the same time, though, growing up in the 70s it really was a different world before the internet came along. I never even knowingly met another CD until well into my thirties! Now there are so many opportunities to talk to people online, and maybe even meet some of them. And there are tons of free makeup videos on YouTube. One of my regrets is that I never dressed seriously in my twenties. OMG, I would kill to have been taking pictures at that age! But it just wasn’t in the cards. I was so confused and moody when I was young, just kind of drifting through life. Looking back I wasted a lot of time and missed a lot of opportunities. So in a way this blog post is written to that confused kid all those years ago and what I wish I’d done back when I was getting out of high school.

Of course I don’t want to come off like the old fart dispensing wisdom, BUT if I were to give any advice to those starting out it would be not to wait, but to start playing around with makeup and getting some outfits together even if you have to do it on your own. It doesn’t have to be fancy. In fact simple is better when you’re just starting out. I wrote a little thing on dressing tips several years ago here (which probably needs to be updated), but knowing what I know now here’s the simplified version of what I’d do:

To start out I’d shave my legs and my whole body, or as much as I could get away with. Of course I didn’t have much body hair back then so it wouldn’t be a big deal. Then I’d get some inexpensive makeup from Target or the dollar store to practice with while watching YouTube videos. Then I’d slowly acquire some simple outfits, starting out with tight-fitting shapewear and pantyhose – Legg’s pantyhose has a nice sheen and are pretty inexpensive. For a bra I’d probably just stuff it with panties or birdseed in used pantyhose legs till I had the money for breast forms (I was broke back then). And finally I’d look for some cute outfits again at Target or the thrift store or on Ebay, maybe even something like leggings with a houndstooth pattern, for example, or tight skinny jeans, which can be a sexy casual look if you can pull it off. And of course I’d also get a wig or two on Ebay, definitely with bangs, or from discount wig stores online.

None of this has to be very expensive. The main thing that’s required is to just sit down and practice with the makeup and the clothes until you start to put together a “look” for yourself. And then the next step is to eventually work up the courage to go out dressed, maybe to a munch if you’re in a decent-sized city, or going to clubs with friends, or just going out alone if you have to (and trying to be safe). If I’d had the sense to do all this when I was young I would have been on top of the world and not even known it. But like I say, I didn’t have a clue back then and didn’t know where to start. In any case, that’s my take on what I should have done all those years ago – it seems really obvious to me now! If you’re closer to my age and grew up before the internet, let me know what your experiences were like starting out and at what age you became more active with dressing. I hope this maybe helps someone out there a little bit…Hugs, Sandra

photos by Delilah Knotty

2017 Slowly Winds Down…

I can’t believe the year is almost over! It’s been an interesting one, to state the obvious, and for me it’s ending on a pretty good note. I’ll admit I did get into a bad place emotionally at the end of the summer, feeling down and anxious about the future. I wasn’t doing very well but I got over it. I’m much better now, and the holiday season has always been my favorite time of year. As I’ve mentioned before, rumination and worry are one of my main bad habits, and they can really bring me down. So lately I haven’t been thinking as much and it’s been really helping! And I’m only half joking. I’ve been reading some things about worry, rumination and mental health, and something just clicked for me. So I’ve been doing less brooding and less negative self-reflection, which I hope to keep up into the new year. Eeyore has always been my spirit animal but his more carefree friends have always seemed much happier.

On a much sadder note, one of the more shocking things this year was the death of Nicci Tristan last summer. As I mentioned earlier, I didn’t know Nicci that well but obviously she was amazingly talented and almost everyone in the CD and fetish scenes knew of her. One odd thing for me is that there were never any details released as to how she died, at least as far as I know. I hope I don’t sound morbid wondering what happened to her and it’s really none of my business. But for me her passing just hit close to home, and in a way I find it hard to wrap my head around it when the circumstances seem mysterious. There has been some talk and speculation that I’ve heard online, but it’s all hearsay. I don’t like to use the word “closure,” as I think it gets used way too often, but I do hope that eventually we may know more, just to be able to put her death in more perspective.

On a lighter note, as for Trannies In Trouble I’m thrilled that the site is still humming along. At the same time I can’t deny that the tube sites such as Pornhub, and the vast amount of free pics and videos out there have had an impact on the naughty website business. I get by but there are days when I wonder if running a paysite is really a smart thing to do as a business nowadays. But hey, I’m still making new pics and videos and have had some really fun shoots this fall, including the recent pics with the hood and bow neck blouse shot by Michael Keye, whom it was great to see again. Besides, I’m a stubborn sort so I intend to keep doing the site as long as I can. As I say every year, thanks so much to everyone who’s a member and supports the site, or has supported it in the past, even if you’ve just joined for a month or two. You’re the ones who make it happen. And if you’ve ever wanted to join and check it out in more detail there’s a join link on the What’s New? page where I post the weekly updates.

One thing that blows me away is that Trannies In Trouble is closing in on its fifteen year anniversary early next year. I’m hoping I can make it to twenty years and beyond. But along with all the new photo shoots this year I do have to admit there are things I didn’t make much progress on. I still would love to put together a special CD / trans bondage magazine, like the one that XDresser Magazine just put out in the UK, where I was honored to be featured, along with Nina Jay and Jessica Dee. And as for those explicit galleries that I talked about shooting earlier, well, again, not much progress at this point. There are some explicit pics that I have in the vault, so to speak, private things I’ve shot but nothing for online publishing. So that’s just where I’m at.

So it’s been a mixed year for me, but like I say it’s ending on a high note. The TEASE Parties are always fun, four times a year, and we just had a really fun one a couple days after Thanksgiving. If you’re in the L.A. area be sure to check the site and see if one’s going on. In the meantime, I hope everyone has a nice time over the holidays. I’ll be spending a few days in Denver with my family over New Year’s Eve. All the best to everyone in 2018, and I hope everyone has more of the good variety of trouble in the year ahead! Hugs, Sandra

photos by Delilah Knotty

Caught by My Nemesis, Front Page Text by Seiler

A bondage fan named Seiler recently wrote me with some cute text to go with the front page on T’s in Trouble, giving the back story leading up to my predicament. I thought it was pretty clever…

“Forget something, Ms. Gibbons?”
You spin around, heart pounding. “Vicki!”
“Just thought I’d check up on you, sweetie. Working after hours? You’re quite the busy bee!”
“I… I just had to finish one last thing… add a file here and—”
“Add a file? Or subtract one?” She flicks the light on. You squint in the sudden glare.
“I… I was just leaving,” you stammer, wet under the armpits. “Wha… what’s with the tape?”
She chuckles cryptically. “I think it’s time to put you out of operation for a while.”
“Out of operation?”
She steps toward you. “I’ll make a deal with you, sweetheart. Cooperate and I won’t go to Mullins.”
Mullins! You shudder. He’d not only kill you: He’d torture you before he did it—and then he’d slaughter your entire family.
“Okay, okay,” you say. “I’ll cooperate.”
She knew what you’d been up to. She knew that you knew. You understood each other perfectly.
“Turn around,” she says. “Hands behind your back.” She tapes them together, crosswise, deftly, firmly, with the alacrity of a pro, then throws a jacket over your shoulders and spins you around.
“Where are we going?” you ask.
“Your place.”
“My place? What for?”
“Ever missed a day of work, Ms. Gibbons?” She steers you into the hall.
“No,” you murmur, puzzled.
“There’s a first time for everything,” she chuckles. “We’ll make this look like a robbery, okay?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Why, don’t you see, Sandra? I’m doing you a favor. A quid for a quo. You just stay quiet and nobody’ll ever know a thing—no file, no data, no snooping. You’ll keep your job. Income. House. Watch your kids graduate. It’ll be just a robbery, that’s all. An ordinary break-in. A confrontation with some low-brow crook. In a month, you’ll be just one more statistic in a dreary list of statistics. That’s fine with you, isn’t it?”
Now you get it. By faking a robbery, you’ll have an alibi when the crap hit the fan—when Mullins found out about that missing file.
“You’ll cooperate then?”
“Of course,” you reply.
“Well!” she exclaims in mock admiration. “Not only industrious but smart too!”
There were worse things than being tied up, or than spending the rest of the night—and probably much of the next morning—bound and gagged.

Yahoo Groups Was a Little Sketchy This Week

I had a slight moment of shock a couple days ago when I logged onto the Trannies In Trouble Yahoo Group and nothing came up, just some generic Yahoo graphics. I thought, “Hmm, that’s strange,” rebooted my computer, tried a different browser, but I just couldn’t bring up the Group. At first I was thinking that maybe it got deleted by Yahoo, something I’ve always been prepared for in the back of my mind, since, well, it is an adult group and adult content often gets axed. But then I saw a bunch of comments on Twitter about Yahoo Groups being offline. So it was down for about two days and then finally came back yesterday.

Yahoo has certainly seen better times, but I remember the early days when it was one of the main places to see CD Bondage pics and talk to other people who were into them. I started the Group back in 2003, and well, I’m a stubborn sort and a bit sentimental so I plan to keep the Group going for as long as Yahoo is online and doesn’t delete us. If it ever did get deleted, I’d post something on my website and over in the Fetlife Group and on Twitter. In the meantime it was kind of a nice lesson for me not to take it for granted. See ya over there!

Post-Thanksgiving TEASE Party!

My friend Jessica made up some cute artwork for the next TEASE Party, coming up in a few weeks on the Saturday after Thanksgiving here in North Hollywood, California. After all that turkey and gravy it’ll be a nice change to dress up and break out the ropes. The turnout for the last couple years has actually been great for these post-holiday parties. If you’re in the L.A. area I hope we’ll see you there!

Shooting Pics with Delilah

As I mentioned before, my good friend Delilah Knotty took a step back from modeling for a few years but we still shot a lot of pictures of her during that time. She’s at a place where now it’s good for her to be out front again, and it’s great to get to post some of these photos that I’ve had backed up for a few years now. This recent set we shot a few years ago, and Delilah looked amazing. It was a fun shoot and I’m really glad to have these up on the site, along with a sexy video where she grinds against the floor in frustration, frogtied, panel gagged, blindfolded, and drifting off into her own special place…

Kera Valentina in the Wrong (or Right) Cheap Motel

Kera and I shot these pictures a few weeks ago and they’ve been a big hit over on the site. That fantasy of getting into trouble in a cheap motel never gets old and Kera played it like a pro. Her reaction to the Hitachi in the accompanying video was especially hot, where she was barely able to control herself and there was no acting involved. It was a fun and sexy evening and I hope we’ll be able to do it again!

Your Best Scene / Worst Scene

(I started this discussion over on the T’s in Trouble Fetlife Group. Check it out if you’d like to add your own experiences or comments, or add them here…Thanks!)

Hi Everyone…I know we’ve all had our best and worst bondage scenes that we’ve both enjoyed and endured. What are yours? Mine are a bit long but I’ll go first…

My best one, or one of the best, was the sofa sleeper bondage scene that I did with “Ringgag” a long time ago. I’ve written about this one many times before and there are some pics at the link below, but basically I was tied up, ballgagged, blindfolded and then folded up inside a sofa sleeper with the mattress removed. This scene blew my mind and I was actually shivering from the anticipation when Ringgag lifted up the sofa bed and began to fold me up inside it. Then he replaced the cushions and sat down on top of me and watched TV for a while. It was obviously very tight and there was no escape. The thing is, though, I didn’t have a lot of experience so what really did a “mindfuck” on me was that once I was inside I realized we hadn’t really talked about safety signals and hadn’t discussed how long I’d be inside the sofa! So there I was…stuck! I didn’t panic but the questions kept running through my mind and I was on this edge of not-knowing what I’d gotten into. After two hours I was really uncomfortable and started to make some noise and Ringgag let me out. Looking back I wish I’d lasted all night. But in retrospect it was one of the hottest bondage scenes I’ve ever done.

Sofa Sleeper pics over on my Tumblr blog

The worst scene happened several years ago when I was out of town in another city. I found the scene so embarrassing that I haven’t written about it till now. I had had a photoshoot that was cancelled that day so I had the evening free. I’ve always been kind of turned on by the idea of paying money to see a pro domme and getting tied up and teased a little. So I found a pro domme house that was well reviewed and I decided to try it out. Boy was that a bad idea! The domme was a very attractive young lady but we had no chemistry at all. Her bondage skills were only fair and what I had hoped would be some playful teasing turned into this heavy verbal humiliation, basically tearing me down and degrading me. It wasn’t much fun at all and after a while I finally just used my safeword and said, “I need to stop.” To her credit she immediately backed off and made sure I was okay. But I left feeling really stupid and regretting the decent amount of money I’d just spent for a really unsatisfying scene. Oh well, I got to try out my fantasy and it was a dud. It just goes to show that meeting a pro domme can be a really mixed affair unless you really click with the person you’re seeing and very carefully communicate just what you’re looking for. I haven’t tried anything like that since.

Okay, those are mine. Let us know your best and worst…