Back from Atlanta

I got back from Atlanta a couple days ago after visiting my parents there. There’s always that moment of mild shock when I first see them after several months (“Yep, they’ve decayed a little more.”), but all in all it was good.

So it’s just been back to work. I got a few comments on the gag challenge video about how tough it is to stay calm and relaxed and keep from choking with one’s mouth so fully packed. It is tough indeed, and I would say that my gag reflex is really only average. So much of it is the mental thing. I’ll find sometimes that if I get a worried thought in my head (“Uh oh, am I going to choke?”) that it will just start to escalate and my mind will get carried away with the worry. So staying calm and not getting that initial panicked thought makes a huge difference – not always easy to do. I would like to try more extreme gagging scenes like that, though, as they’re incredibly hot ;-)

And again, I always stress that extreme gagging is NOT something to do with solo self-bondage. It’s way too risky if you don’t have a friend there with you and could easily turn deadly. I remember seeing a site a couple years ago where someone had a link to a picture of a crossdresser who had died in self-bondage. They even had a warning that said don’t click on this link if you’re easily disturbed. Like an idiot I of course clicked on it and immediately wished I hadn’t. This poor person was discovered a couple days after dying in self-bondage and it was one of the grossest things I’d ever seen, with just the beginning stages of decay setting in. I hate to be a downer, but none of us should end up like that.

Well, not to end on a totally depressing note, I’m also off to do a little shopping later today – probably swing by Ross – and see if I can get another outfit or two for some shoots I have coming up. And there’s a party this Friday that I’ll be going out to. So another quiet and yet busy week.

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