Poor Ol’ MySpace

It must really suck to work at MySpace, what with the amazing success and dominance of Facebook, which I’ll admit I don’t even like that much, but it’s just become so ever-present (well, if you let it be – and I suppose I do). I recently got several new friend requests on MySpace, though, so I logged on and found a message from someone who’d written, uh, seven months ago! Oops, my bad! (as the young people used to say). I probably should just cancel my account there but can’t seem to commit and pull the trigger. So it’ll probably be another seven months or so and I’ll be answering another email there. I just hope they don’t think I’m a total jerk for my silence. Like I’ve said many times here, with all the email that comes in from the site, it’s so easy for me to overlook messages and then if a few days go by and more emails have come in, the old ones just drop to the bottom and sometimes I never get to them. I wish I had two extra days a week just to write people, because I actually enjoy email (when it’s manageable) but I can’t possibly stay on top of it.

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