99 Years Old

You know how on some of those sites like MySpace, where it asks for your age people will sometimes put down “99 years old” just to fill up the space? I understand the impulse to do that, but I always think that if you just tell the truth it can’t bite you in the ass later. Not that I always follow my own advice. Hell, I lie and shade the truth as much as anyone. But age is one thing that I can deal with. I’m 44. Yeah, I’m getting older and the body inevitably fades, but that’s just how it is. Avoiding stating the truth isn’t going to change anything.

In the scheme of things, my life is actually pretty good and even fairly easy compared to the lot of so many people in this insane world, where just basic nourishment and shelter are ongoing struggles. Just knowing that things could be so much worse plays into my desire to try to be more honest about who I am, including my age. I could say that I’m 37 but the gods would know otherwise.

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