The Heaven Quiz

So I was on MySpace earlier and someone posted a link to this quiz asking, Will you make it to heaven? It actually blows my mind that so many people still believe in a vengeful god who will consign us to heaven or hell, but that’s for another blog post. “What the hell,” (pun intended), I said, and I took the quiz. Amazingly, at the very end in order to get the results, I had to agree to receive spam from one of several mortgage processors. I couldn’t believe it! We’re talking about my eternal soul here, and this thing is sponsored by a loan officer? I guess the verdict is still out…

3 thoughts on “The Heaven Quiz”

  1. Depending on the size of the loan, I would gather a guess that your body and soul would belong to them anyways. Does that mean if I pay off my loan on time I don’t have to go to confession? The loop holes this might bring up are staggering.

  2. Hmmm, “Heaven.” Let’s see if I’ve got this right: you get to dress up however you like, whenever you like, as much as you like; you get to tie up and/or be tied up pretty much as often as you like; you don’t work (in the “traditional,” 9-to-5 sense) – yeah, I’d say you’re a helluva lot closer to heaven than I’ll ever get right now.

  3. Hmm, now that you put it that way, I guess things are pretty heavenly here. It’s kind of absurd that I can still make myself plenty unhappy without even trying though. Ah, the human condition ;-)

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