Diva Las Vegas, Baby!

I had a fun and somewhat reflective time at Diva Las Vegas. Sin City was having an early heat wave with temperatures in the high 90s, but the only real unpleasantness was waiting for the valet guy to get my car and trying not to sweat through my panties. It’s a good event geared towards crossdressers who want to spend time dressed out and about – restaurants, bars, shopping, even a morning golfing and hiking excursion (yeah, I passed on those two!)

I stayed at the Imperial Palace, after first driving out from L.A. while dressed. There was a huge line to check into the hotel so I had the pleasure of standing for 45 minutes in my heels while we slowly moved forward. I got some looks but everything went fine. Finally I got my key and headed off on the long walk to the elevators. Foolishly I didn’t even notice I was being followed till I was on my floor and realized, hey, this young dude with his iPhone was still with me. I hurried along and gave him the slip for a moment but sure enough, after getting in my door and looking out the peephole, there he was looking around and trying to figure out which door I’d gone in. I didn’t feel in any real danger; he was just a young horny guy following a tranny. But like an idiot I actually answered when he called out and asked, “Uh, do you wanna chill?” I said, “No, thanks,” through the still-closed door and immediately grimaced, realizing: Wow, now I just told him which room I’m in! He wandered off but it made for a nerve-wracking moment and will definitely inspire a future story on the site. Hey, if he’d been into bondage and I’d somehow known maybe I would have invited him in after all…

Later at the actual event, I didn’t know many people but I didn’t want it to be a bummer, so I made the effort to just go up and talk to a bunch of people, and I met some really nice girls. One of the highlights was going to Drink and Drag, a gay bar that has drag queens, a dance floor, pool tables, and…wait for it…bowling alleys with disco lights! It’s a really cool place, on Fremont Street, and apparently just opened days ago. I hope it’ll last as it’s very odd indeed and has some stunning drag queens.

There were a lot of other activities and some, well, excruciatingly long dinners with slow service, but all in all it was a fun time and worth a visit if you like to go out dressed in public. The one realization I had, though, is that I much prefer going to “alternative” places rather than mainstream outings. Drink and Drag was great, but some of the restaurants and other venues, and walking through the casinos, with lots of “regular” people and even some families (and that Midwestern feel that you get in Vegas) – well, a lot of it felt kind of weird and a little uncomfortable, to be honest.

I have friends who absolutely love to dress and just go out anywhere, and I kind of envy them for finding it so easy to do so. But I really don’t think that’s me. I can do it, but I much prefer going to gay bars, BDSM clubs and kink events and that’s about it. It just really hit me that this mainstream stuff just ain’t that much fun. Of course it’s my hang up, and if I kept going out again and again it would get more comfortable, but as my friend Kim says, “why push the river?” On the other hand I do think it’s great for people in the gender community to go out and be seen, but I may not be the one to carry the banner. Of course if I had a strong transsexual dynamic, where I really felt like a woman inside, it would probably feel a lot more natural and fitting to just go out anywhere and be myself. But I’m basically a crossdresser who has some persistent transgender feelings but is still a guy inside. It was interesting to have this insight and also a little discouraging but there you go.

I was originally planning to stay a little longer but had to get back; I did get a good taste of the event over two days, though, and it’s still going on through this Friday. I’ll miss the big limo tour, which many were raving about and looking forward to, but to be honest being trapped in a limo with lots of booze and loud partying going on is really my idea of hell ;-)

Heading back, I always love the L.A. to Vegas drive through the Mojave desert, as it gives one plenty of time to think. I am really glad I finally made it to DLV, and I don’t want to sound like I didn’t enjoy it; it was just kind of mixed, some fun times and some less so. It is a good event, though, with nice people and I’d certainly consider going back again, especially if other good friends were attending.

Of course, here’s the obligatory ain’t-we-having-a-great-time picture. Party on!

7 thoughts on “Diva Las Vegas, Baby!”

  1. a 6′ 3″ supermodel in a black suit! I can die now! It’s too bad your admirer at the hotel did not walk up to you face to face and just stated how gorgeous you are. You two might have had amazing chemistry, instead of him doing the stalking routine. Oh well, his loss. This is a good lesson for other admirers that it pays to be direct and very polite. thank you for the suit shot.

  2. I’ll let you know if Viva Wildside week is more of your thing. They are a bit more…alternative. I’ll be going next next week.

  3. Thanks, Mike and PF! It is funny, the stallking thing really is a perfect example of a really awful approach kiling any chance of an interaction. You’re right, Mike, just having the guts to talk to someone and being respectful is the way to go.

    And thanks, Vivian! I’m very curious to hear about Wildside, though I don’t know if I could live up to the name. I’m not that wild! ;-)

  4. Hi Sandra,

    I can’t believe I missed you by one day. I was in Las Vegas from the 2nd to 22nd April when I had to fly home. Your blog is so interesting on your experience of meeting the “general public” in girl-mode. Sadly I had to leave Debbie behind, but maybe one day she will venture out to the States!



  5. Oh darn, so sorry I missed you, Debbie. Hope you had a nice visit though. If you get to return when it’s occurring DLV is a pretty good event and worth checking out…Hugs, Sandra

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