It was another fun Halloween in West Hollywood. My friend Kim was feeling a little under the weather so I dressed up and braved the Boulevard on my own but luckily I was able to meet up with two group of friends during the night, including Louann and Mika, who are regulars here on the L.A. scene, Ashley A. who was in town for the weekend from New York (just shot pics with her a few weeks ago – that’s her friend Jodie in the mask with her below), Ileana Logan as a super-cute stewardess, and Capt. Al from AtTomicVisuals.
As usual, it’s a great mix of costumes and weirdos out on the streets with lots of CDs and cute girls. Apparently if you’re a teenage girl it’s required to make gang or peace signs when posing. Much later in the evening it was great to see Lorelei, Jon Woods, and Ikaras Jones again and hang out for a while at the hotel where they were all staying. If I see them a third time it’ll be a tradition!
The strange thing about this year is that there was a little rain off and on, but nothing too bad till about midnight when suddenly it let loose and was a deluge! Thankfully I brought a small umbrella, so I was fine walking back to my car. But a young guy came up shivering and asked, “Can I walk with you under your umbrella? I’m so cold!” I said sure, and after a minute he put his arm around me and came in close. I think he really was just trying to grab some body heat (mostly) but it was pretty funny. What the heck, it’s a party and if he’d been my type maybe I would have had some action. He was very thankful when we finally got back to the parking garage and we parted ways, never to be seen again. All in all, a fun night and crazy as ever…
I like your costume! :D
And as for the “guy sharing your umbrella” situation… sounds like the beginning of a T-n-T photoshoot fantasy! ;D
Thanks, AmberKatt, and thanks for posting!
And yeah, that would definitely be a good set-up for a fantasy, although he was so nice that I probably would have had to kidnap him to get some action going, lol!
Lorelei and Jon look their usual ” worst ” :)
Please give them my regards !
I’m sissy