I’ve been meaning to do a minor redesign on the Trannies In Trouble website for a while now and I’m looking for some help in redesigning the image on the front page. I’ve had this slanted “kidnap-style” text for…well, forever. I do like how it looks and am kind of attached to it but it would be nice to make some changes.
I can’t really pay anything so I was thinking of doing a small contest. If you have skills in Photoshop, feel free to work something up for me – just the text image or the text combined with a photo, not the full webpage – and If I use your image I can give you a few free months on the website, or if you’re already a member I can send you a couple signed photos of me – that is, if you’d like that, and it doesn’t seem too egotistical ;-) Or I could send you some shiny hose.
Some ideas I’ve had are redoing the current text so that it looks like it’s printed on a roll of duct tape, or printed on the side of a “kidnapping bag” with ropes and duct tape peeking out (those would require taking some photos, of course, to combine the text with), but if you have any other ideas feel free to go crazy with them. It can even be another style of text altogether if you have something else in mind but it just needs to say “Trannies In Trouble.”
Here are a couple links with large sized images of the text you can download to start with: Kidnap Text Slanted and Kidnap Text Straight. It’s best, of course, to design something large to keep good resolution and then later if I like it I can just scale it down to whatever size I need. Obviously don’t use the image below, it’s much too small. If you do come up with a design just email it to me at my regular email address on this page and include the subject line – “Trannies Front Page.”
Thanks so much for you help and good luck!
Sandra, anything with your picture on it will attract attention. Everyone loves to look at a beautiful lady and with those billion dollar legs, well the sky is the limit.
Aw thanks, spandexman, that’s very nice of you :-)
Thanks so much to Lisa M. Hayes, whose super-cute illustration is currently on the front page…That girl can draw!
Sandra, you and your gorgeous legs, skirts, heels, pretty face, hair makeup in danger or just teasing is always a hit!