TEASE – Just a quick announcement that the next TEASE party in N. Hollywood, California, will be on Saturday, May 30th, 8 PM till 2 AM at the Threshold clubhouse. Thanks to Jessica for the cute new artwork! We’ve been having fantastic turnouts since we switched over to quarterly parties – RSVP page on Fetlife. Hope to see you there!
Tumblr and Blogging – I’ve been thinking that when I get back from BoundCon I’ll probably start up a page over on Tumblr to post new preview pics and some oldies and occasional rambling thoughts like I sometimes do here. I used to blog a lot more on this page, but in general it seems that the “golden age” of blogging, if there ever was one, has pretty much passed. Now there are blog-like things like Twitter (which I kind of like) and Facebook (which I’m on but can’t stand), but actually reading and following specific blogs seems to have fallen out of fashion. I know I don’t follow any blogs anymore, whereas I used to follow quite a few. Even traffic on this page here has fallen off, although again, I don’t blog that often and this blog is basically only seen by visitors to the larger Trannies In Trouble website, and is tucked away on its own little link.
But Tumblr on the other hand seems to be quite popular (heck, it probably had its golden age a few years ago too!) But it appears that it’s much easier to post pictures on Tumblr than it is on WordPress, which is what this page is. It’s actually surprising how much cutting and pasting I have to do here just to post a few photos, which has always been one of the hassles of updating this blog…So anyway, long story short, I’m sure I’ll keep this blog online for another year or so but I’ll probably start to drift over to Tumblr this summer and will of course post a link when I get it started. And of course none of this has any impact on the main Trannies In Trouble site and the ongoing updates there with photos and videos. Thanks again to everyone who does follow the blog here, and those of you who leave comments, I always appreciate it! Without them I’d feel like I’m posting into the void ;-)
Luv ya, Sandra. Will follow you wherever you go. Not in a creepy fan way :) More like looking in a mirror, really, if I had gone through door number 1 instead of door number 2. Keep up the great work. You look fantastic, as always. :)
i love twitter for putting down quick thoughts. but much of my thoughts just end up getting lost into the void and it’s hard to reach people you’d like to contact with. haven’t used tumblr yet but i’m cautious about it just because yahoo owns it (and yahoo seems to be in a general state of disarray)
but as someone who also runs a wordpress blog, i understand the cumbersome feeling of writing posts. in my case, just coming up with consistent content that has real value is tough. on the other hand, i get total control over my content and i need to move spots, it’s not hard to migrate.
Sandra, I think tumblr is perfect for you, by the way. I think you’ll get a bigger audience there, and you can drive it to your website. Right now, your website and blog kind of occupy the same space.