It was quite a week here in the States with the Supreme Court narrowly deciding in favor of marriage equality. I’ve posted about the issue a few times here the last few years, but like many I was surprised to see it come to pass this quickly. Back around 2010 I guessed it would be at least ten years or more till it would happen, but late last year, as this Rolling Stone article reports, there seemed to be a tipping point and things started to move fast.
Twitter of course went crazy, with some very funny and touching posts. My favorite is from the Onion below, always hilarious. There’ll be some inevitable backlash (there’s already been lots of grumbling in the great state of Texas) but I’m hoping things will eventually settle down and people will realize the sky still has not fallen. I also loved this photo down below of what appears to be Miley Cyrus hand-gagging herself :-) I really wanted to see that one but the link didn’t seem to work (If anyone has a good link, please post below in the comments). In any case it was a thrill to wake up on Friday, go online, and hear some good news.
The Miley Cyrus ‘photo’ was actually a still from a short video she made. Check your email…
Also, welcome to the 21st Century, US of A! Very good news indeed.
Thanks so much, Claire! And thanks for the Miley still, very cute – now, if only her thumb was to the side of her nose and her hand was even more tightly clamped down, lol ;-)
Perv! :D
That’s why I make the big bucks ;-) And her outfit was pretty cute too…