Fun with Online Self Bondage and Niteflirt

A while back I wrote about the online self-bondage services I occasionally provide and also about the sessions I’ve been doing with sissy roberta, the CD from Colorado who craves to be tied up and used. We’ve had some fun sessions this summer, and we recently started using Google Meet so that I can watch her when she’s gagging and tying herself up. It’s similar to Apple’s FaceTime and works great – highly recommended as a way to keep an eye on someone at a distance!

An interesting development is that she also has a female roommate who helps keep an eye on her when she’s doing self bondage. Everyone who’s into self bondage should have a roommate like that – I have one too! If you’re in the closet and have a roommate, you never know what opportunities you might be missing by keeping your secret hidden!

I also mentioned a while back the phone sex site that I’ve been visiting off and on for about six years. Well, I finally made my own profile on Niteflirt, and I’ve already had some calls and LOTS of text messages. It’s been eye-opening and a fun experience, though some of those calls can get a little weird! One CD from the Midwest has called me a few times. I can barely get a word in edgewise with her, but she seems to be getting turned on, so okay.

One of the main things I’ve learned on Niteflirt is just how driven some people are with their sexual fantasies. That’s not a unique observation, of course, but wow, some of the guys especially who write me are laser focused. I probably am too, but not like some of these guys! On the other hand, I have a friend, for example, who’s into BDSM but he’s not a fetishist and his kinks are very wide ranging. He’s just into all kinds of different things and can look at all kinds of different porn. I’m not like that at all. For me there are very specific things that turn me on – obviously bondage and dressing, plus humiliation and all those robbery fantasies that I’ve been lucky enough to act out with Star Nine. And I like making others helpless too. On the milder side I also just like to see pics of nicely dressed cute crossdressers and of well-dressed genetic females, but that’s all part of the dressing. But I’m certainly not the kind of person who has a list of two hundred kinks that they’re equally into. I’m pretty focused too.

My favorite phone calls on Niteflirt are actually the ignore and humiliation calls – one of my lines is a self-bondage ignore line, though if someone is doing a good job at tying themselves up, I’ll certainly be paying careful attention. Plus, safety is always my top concern, so I don’t want someone getting so turned on and carried away that they really get themselves stuck for good! I’ve also had a couple nice calls about dressing and bondage and just life in general. And my rates are pretty reasonable so it’s not going to break the bank. I’m not really doing it for the money anyway though I’m happy to take whatever I get. I’m doing it more for fun and for insight into what makes people click – plus I’ve been an occasional customer myself for years and it’s intriguing to see things from the other side. But again, since Trannies In Trouble takes up so much of my time, my phone lines aren’t on that often, though I have done lots and LOTS of texting this summer. If someone does want to talk on the phone, the best way to set it up is when the caller texts me first and tells me what they’re into. It saves a lot of time.

If you’re already a member of NiteFlirt feel free to send me a text or an email just to say hi. I’ll be honest though – Niteflirt can be very addictive, so if you’re not a member already proceed with caution before signing up. Of course, if you can’t resist, then yes, by all means go for it! And do say hi. Happy texting!

6 thoughts on “Fun with Online Self Bondage and Niteflirt”

  1. I’ve used a video call through the chat feature on gmail. you only need the other person’s email, so it can still stay somewhat private. There are even options for muting audio and video to make it a one-way call. You can watch the sub without them watching you.

    If what I’m using is indeed the Google Meet app then I wholeheartedly agree with you. It’s a great way to have a long-distance selfbondage session.

    P.S. to have even an online session with you would be a dream come true!

  2. Hi Francine, That chat option on Gmail sounds similar to Google Meet, might be the same thing or very similar. It does work great for keeping an eye on someone long distance!

    Thanks for the comment! Sandra

  3. Hi Sandra
    It’s great being your bondage slut on web cam
    Because you like to punish me and humiliate me so much.
    It’s very hot to be in your control and web!
    very addicting better than
    a bad habit any day.
    So happy we found a way to connect on video.
    sissy roberta

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