Out in Public / Passing?

I forgot to mention, the other day after the Bizarre Bazaar, while I was dressed I went out to the local Pavilion’s grocery store to pick up a few things. It was really cool. I go out quite a bit, but usually it’s to places like clubs or TG events, but here I was just in a normal everyday place in broad daylight. I was really happy that I didn’t feel particularly nervous. Of course, since the grocery store was in Hollywood it’s not like they’ve never seen a tranny before.

I’m six feet tall in my bare feet, so most of the time I don’t pass when I’m out. But I try not to worry about it. I think most TGs, especially of the crossdressing variety like myself, don’t pass, but for the most part people have they’re own worries and just don’t care. I suspect someone seeing me, if they noticed me at all, would be thinking something like, “Let’s see, pasta, cheese…I don’t want to forget the salad fixings…Hey, that’s a guy…Oh, I better pick up the dry cleaning before they close…Gee, I sure am hungry…” And I know lots of other people didn’t even notice me at all. The problem’s not passing, it’s getting over my fears of being judged by others.

2 thoughts on “Out in Public / Passing?”

  1. Hi,
    I just started reading your blog. I’m a 28 year old straight girl, graduate student, and scientist. I find the transgendered lifestyle interesting – not freak-show interesting, but interesting because I imagine that those who do exist or have existed as both men and women have a lot of insights into gender and sex and what they mean. I’ve always been interested in the ways our gender and the societal norms that go along with them inform and guides our behavior.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say that I think you’re right on with this:

    I suspect someone seeing me, if they noticed me at all, would be thinking something like, “Let’s see, pasta, cheese…I don’t want to forget the salad fixings…Hey, that’s a guy…Oh, I better pick up the dry cleaning before they close…Gee, I sure am hungry…”

    I look forward to reading more!


  2. That’s about the size of it. Go out do your thing. You are you. Don’t even think about what your wearing.

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