
It’s weird how TG admirers – guys who like t-girls – get such a bad rap. I sort of understand why – I’ve been to clubs where some guy who’s been drinking too much paws me and breathes in my face and generally acts unpleasant. But I often see postings online that seem to have a real disdain for admirers and I don’t really know why. I sometimes wonder, is there some residual self-hatred that we t-girls project onto these guys? I don’t know, but the attitude I sometimes see reminds me of that Groucho Marx line about not wanting to belong to a club that would have me as a member. Actually most of the time I enjoy the attention I get from guys when I’m out at the clubs, unless it’s especially gross or pushy. And I find that being with a guy romantically makes me feel so femme, which I just love. He’s the man and I get to be the object of desire. It’s not PC to say so but I love that feeling of being held, possessed, used and under his control.

One thought on “Admirers”

  1. Sandra,

    I totally agree with how when a guy treats you romantically it can really define your femeninity. I’ll never forget an experience I had with another crossdresser who came to a TG club in guy mode and picked me up. It felt so wonderful inside to be the femenine one who could held, caressed, and eventully taken. He was taller and larger than I, and that only added to the feeling of I being the “woman”. We arranged to meet at the same club again, and later on I invited him to my motel room to take some pictures of me both in and out of the ropes. There was no sex that, but he did ask for kiss. I reluctantly let him give me a peck on the lips before he left thought. We then arranged another meeting where I planned out a whole fantasy us to plar through. I described it in a letter to him and he loved it!! So, we arranged yet another meeting at that same club. He met me in the parking lot before we went in, and I was so horny that I gave him the most incredible french kiss ever. I was wearing my favorite outfit which was a pink satin blouse with a white suit jacket and a slim, knee length white skirt with white heels. It was the first time I had ever kissed a guy, and it felt absolutely incredible! We went inside to watch a male strip show and I seemed to really catch the eye of one of the strippers, believe it or not! Later, we went to my hotel room we played out the fantasy that I had wrote for him to do to me. He said that he had been anticipating all day and couldn’t wait to get started! But first I wanted to take a short walk around in the night like we were lovers. We held hands and stopped and kissed along the way. We then went back to motel room and played out my fantasy. If you want me to tell you about it, just let me know, I’ll be more than happy to describe it to you!

    Happy Ties! :)


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