Millionaire Mind Seminar

So this weekend I was at another personal growth / prosperity seminar. Yeah, I’m a total junkie when it comes to these things, and this one was really awesome – and practically free. I went to the three day long Millionaire Mind Intensive, based on the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker. You can get two free tickets to the weekend seminar just by buying the book.

I was a little skeptical, as usual, going in but really warmed up to it as it went along. It was at the L.A. Convention Center downtown, and it’s a very high energy environment and a lot of fun, and there were a lot of people there – about 700. Sunday was so emotionally intense that I had a few moments where it felt like I was in a really rockin’ church or something. I love that kind of intense inspirational stuff and, to be honest, if I was a Jesus person I probably would be in church every Sunday. In any case, at the seminar it’s true that there are quite a few sales pushes for their more advanced courses, but this one is very solid and complete just on its own. One of the main things they present is a simple money management technique for dividing your money up into six different accounts, with the goal of holding onto more of it and using the saved funds for eventual passive business income investments. It makes a lot of sense and if this was all they presented I still would have felt more than happy with it.

But they also do some powerful and emotionally moving exercises to look at negative beliefs that you may have about money, beliefs that may hold you back from success. I ended up doing one of the exercises with an older woman there who turned out to be the perfect person to be paired up with. We both had very similar money issues and I had one of those “a-ha” moments that brought me close to tears.

Breaking Arrows – On Sunday there was also this absolutely amazing exercise designed to face down your fears. I’d heard of this technique before of breaking an arrow with your neck. I was really scared when we did it but when it happened it was frickin’ awesome. The arrow snapped right in two and I had this rush of relief and excitement and love wash over me. Of course, don’t try to do anything like this without taking the course and being instructed by people who know what their doing. People do get hurt doing this exercise, especially if they’re not instructed in the proper technique.

Of course, the arrow is a metaphor for whatever’s holding you back in your life, and in fact you’re directed to write down on the arrow something where you’re stuck. The idea is that when you walk towards your fears they disappear. I wrote down “social anxiety,” because even though I’m very effective in my life and do well with other people, still that damn anxiety rears its ugly head more often than I’d like to admit. It’s part of the reason I was taking prozac all those years. So now that I broke the arrow, I’ll never be anxious another day in my life ;-) Okay, kidding aside, the experience truly was one of the most moving things I’ve done in years. In my small group there was one girl who was really scared and crying and when she finally got up the courage and did it, it was just a stunning and beautiful moment.

Mein Hair – Of course, I attended the seminar just in plain ol’ “Robert” mode, but my hair did look pretty awesome and got some comments. I had just seen my hairdresser recently before I went and she usually blows out my shoulder length blond hair with bangs so that it’s really femmed out and androgynous. With my pierced ears I definitely got some glances. You know me – I love the attention and looked pretty darn good even as a guy, if I do say so.

I believe they do this seminar two times a year in L.A., and they do it in many other cities too. It’s another one that I’d highly recommend. The book is excellent too, so if you’re at all curious just pick up a copy at Amazon and register for the next seminar closest to you. I’ll post the date for L.A. the next time they’re doing it here. I might even do it again myself. I’m still on a high from the thing. Absolutely Loved It.

2 thoughts on “Millionaire Mind Seminar”

  1. so now that you’re going to be a millionaire, you’ll be retring from the web site gig and moving to some tropical island?

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