The Day Arrives

Amazing – Barack Obama is going to be president.

Discouraging – It looks like the gay marriage ban in California is going to pass. The L.A. Weekly points out in their voter’s guide that “Proposition 8 marks the first time in history that an American will vote to take away a constitutional right.”

Until it’s reversed, and it will be.

2 thoughts on “The Day Arrives”

  1. Schwarzenator have won …

    In France it exists a “contract”, not really a marriage, called PACS. Two personn, gay, can live together and having near the same advantages of an hetoresexual married couple. The only difficulty is if this gay couple wants to adopt a child… There’s nothing in our law to accept ou ban. It’s not an easy subject of reflexion.

  2. If there is any silver lining it is this. In 2000, Prop 22 passed with 61% but Prop 8 only passed with 52%. Things are changing, just not quite as fast as some of us would like.


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