The Decade Winds Down

I was reading an email where someone asked what have you accomplished in the last decade and how many more decades do you expect to have ahead of you? The latter is a particularly sobering question. I just talked to my Dad on the phone for his birthday, and although he’s doing okay, he’s old and I know that eventually I’ll get that inevitable phone call one of these days. For myself there are probably three, maybe four, decades left at best, though if I keep hiking and staying in shape I might be able to drag it out a bit longer. Of course, I won’t be modeling forever but do hope to keep taking bondage pictures of other girls for years to come. And as for what I’ve accomplished, probably the best thing I’ve done in my life so far is to start Trannies In Trouble back in 2003. I haven’t figured things out by any stretch, but it’s certainly the most successful thing I’ve done up to now and I’m very grateful for it and for the fans and customers who enjoy my pictures and videos.

For most of my life I’ve felt as if I’ve just been drifting along often lost and unsure, and I definitely still have those moments, but things have been more focused this decade than they ever were before. One thing that I’m still ambivalent about, though, is Los Angeles. I moved here in 2001 and may not have ever started my website if I hadn’t come here, so it was probably the right move. But on the other hand, L.A. can be such a grind to live in. It’s congested and dirty and there are so many people who are frustrated and angry and just getting by, so it can be a very tense and unpleasant place. Of course, if you were making a six figure income things could be a lot more comfortable, but at this point that ain’t me. I’ve been making contacts and spending more time in Denver this past year, though, and I suspect that I might be spending a lot more time there in the not too distant future. When I was there this summer, just the ease of driving and finding a parking space, having an apartment with some space to turn around in, and having smog-free skies with big puffy clouds was just wonderful, and I found a surprisingly active scene and some really nice clubs and a couple new models to shoot with in a relatively short time. After that I found myself asking what am I doing putting up with Southern California’s grind.

So all in all, the 00’s (what do they call this decade?) have been pretty good for me. I’ve had my lonely times and moments of doubt but compared to earlier decades this one has been pretty good. And I’m hopeful about the next one and where it will lead. We shall see.

8 thoughts on “The Decade Winds Down”

  1. Thank you for making my decade a little better. I for one look forward to seeing your new photo sets. You are not only a gorgeous model, but I have found you to be a nice and well rounded person.

  2. Thanks so much, PF! I really appreciate that and all your support and hope to keep doing some nice photo sets for years to come…Hugs, Sandra

  3. So glad Sandra you made the choices you did in the last decade. No doubt you are in a better position to make great choices for the one ahead. I echo PF’s comments. You have helped many people have a better decade too along your route.

    Many thanks …

  4. Hi Sandra,
    Found your post quite interesting. As I have previously stated I really enjoy your site. This has become more so since I have been able to dress more freely, About the “old thing tho'”, I guess you would classify me as old, but I work out have a serious hobby in photography and do not in any way feel old. I must admit the body doesn’t always behave as one would like. My point is it is mainly a state of mind that has to be nurtured. So keeping up the website and doing what you really like to do will help keep you young at heart. Love your site.

    Hugs Paul

  5. Sandra:

    Your post made me look back too; and I feel the same way about the “00”

    Here is a nice thought for You.
    There is great meaning in life for those who are willing to take the journey.
    Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived.

    I am glad we met and you opened the doors of T&T for me, I really have enjoyed this part of my Journey.


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