
Occasionally I’ll see a woman who really isn’t very good looking, perhaps the years have been hard on her, and yet for some reason I’ll find myself very attracted to her. I just had one of those moments this morning, talking to a manager at my local bank. She was probably about 45, a little on the heavy side, someone you might easily just walk right by, and yet something about her really worked for me. Even her clothes were nothing special, just a plain black top and skirt. And yet while talking to her I found myself really focused on her – the curve of her neck and her hair and just the way we made eye contact. I doubt that she picked up on anything, as I normally play it pretty cool (sometimes to my detriment). But as I drove away I thought of her husband, almost with a touch of envy, knowing that he gets to be close to her. Weird how that sometimes happens.

A similar thing, that makes much more sense, is when I find myself intrigued by an older rough kind of man and I wonder if he’d be into tying up trannies. The handyman at my apartment complex comes to mind. First off I do like the guy just as a person, but there’s nothing even remotely attractive about him (and I’m never really attracted to guys anyway). He’s probably pushing 60 and is out of shape and weathered. And yet the idea of him being the kind of guy who might break into an apartment and tie up a girl really turns me on. Something about his rough manner just adds to the fantasy even more. I’d never ask him if he were into such a thing, since how would that ever come up in conversation without being really weird, but if I knew he were into those fantasies I’d gladly leave my door unlocked for him to break in some evening ;-)

Anyway, I’m off to Thunder in the Mountains on Friday and will be there for most of the weekend, and I’ll take my camera just in case something happens.

3 thoughts on “Attraction”

  1. Every so often someone really gets my attention. For example a couple years back while coming out of a Cumberland Farms, an older woman really caught my eye. She was about 5’4″ slightly overweight, but was wearing the tightest riding breeches I ever saw a person were, and complete with black riding boots and a tight red knit sweater, really filled looked good. I figured her to be about sixty, but looked elegant, and confident enough to wear such a skintight outfit in public. I wondered how kinky she was. She was with an older gentelman, so I figured him to be her husband, wearing the twead jacket, khaki pants, and white shirt, minus a tie, but seemed proud to be at the blonde’s side.

  2. Rough, out of shape and pushing 60…hey I resemble that ;) But as a girl who seems to have attracted a lot of older male riggers, I can say that their enthusiam and pent up bondage needs easily compensates for their wrinkles. My rigger friend MX is in such good shape that after I’m bound and gagged, he picks me up and carrys me around like I’m a doll…very femme feeling indeed.


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