New Tumblr Page / and Memories (or lack of)

So I finally put together a small Tumblr page and posted some recent pics and some oldies. I’m hoping to post a lot of old stuff there that hasn’t been seen in years. It is indeed much easier to update photos on Tumblr than it is here. So I still don’t know how long I’ll maintain this current blog but for it’ll probably be here at least through the year. Anyway, my memory of these pictures below is very foggy but they must have been about ten years ago – I think shot with my friend TC – but I do know for sure that that’s a Harmony video on the TV screen! ;-)



FetishCon 2015

It’s been a while since I’ve been to FetishCon but since they moved to a new hotel in St. Petersburg I was curious to see the new arrangement. To be honest, I kind of hate arriving at these conventions alone, even though I know I’ll see a lot of friends there, but just walking into the Meet N Greet party on Thursday night can fill me with a sense of dread (What can I say? I’m an introvert.) It was really nice though seeing friends whom I haven’t seen in a while and catching up, and meeting some interesting new people. For some reason, I ended up tied up and abandoned twice in my hotel room – by both Kimberly Sinical and Miss Pandora – I don’t know why this keeps happening to me! ;-) But I had my turn too and tied up a lot of gurls.

In no particular order below are TV Victoria (Wow, she’s skinny!), Sharon Porter with a huge ballgag, the lovely Sandra Silvers, Artesia (who’s always a blast and needed her badge held in place with some rope), Sybil looking striking in red, Kitty Smash (very cool, and what a great name), Miss Pandora before she turned the tables on me, Audrey done up in lots of rope, Florida beach girl Kalli who just happened to show up at a Fetish convention, more of Sharon, being taped up by Kimberly, then the next night abandoned in my satin blouse by Miss Pandora, and finally Ludella Hahn channeling her inner Velma. It was a super-quick weekend with never enough time to tie up everyone I wanted to, and before you knew it I was at the airport with Sharon and the lovely Akira Lane (thanks for the ride!), heading back to California. I’ve already heard from some friends who might be going next year so we shall see. If you haven’t been before and are into damsel in distress bondage it’s definitely worth checking out.

Full-On Summer

It’s been another dry spell on the blog here so I though I’d share some of the oldies that I’ve been posting over on Twitter. It’s still been a busy month even if I haven’t been on the blog here much. Cute Nina Jay from the UK and I finally have a scene together, which was a blast to shoot. Her photographer friend K. and Delilah Knotty all helped out the very last night of BoundCon back in May, just before midnight. It had already been a long day but I just finished a cup of coffee and thought, “You know, Nina, we really should tie you up and put you in the shower…” She was game and we had a great time. There are a couple preview shots over on the What’s New? page.

As for this week, I’ll be heading to Colorado for a long weekend to see some of my family and then next month have FetishCon coming up in St. Petersburg, Florida. It’s been a few years since I’ve gone but I figured I should give it another shot since it’ll be in a new hotel. It looks like I’ll have a chance to shoot again with Natalia Chaplin, with whom I shot one of my favorite videos, where she’s a crazy woman who helps strap me up and then robs me (why does this keep happening to me?) The first picture below is from that scene. We’ll do some kind of follow-up, I’m sure, and I hope to shoot with some other friends and some new ones. These conventions always fly by and on Sunday night I just crash, exhausted, and get ready to fly back the next day. As I’ve mentioned before I’m really not the most outgoing person in the world so sometimes the parties leave me a little frazzled but there’s usually so much going on that it turns out to be a fun time. I’m feeling good about this one.

I’ve also been loving summer here in L.A. It’s usually not my favorite time of year, especially for dressing, but something about this one has been really nice, just that feeling of promise in the air and the lovely long evenings. Of course August is nearly upon us and that’s when the heat really rolls in, but so far it’s been great. Hope yours has been good too.

In the meantime here are some oldies and random pictures, including a couple cute captions by my friend Mr. K., plus a nice shot being molested by Kimberly Sinical (shot by Jeff Jamm), and pics by Cincher, AmberKatt, Colorado Paul, and Chainguy. More new shoots coming up soon…

Marriage Equality in the US

It was quite a week here in the States with the Supreme Court narrowly deciding in favor of marriage equality. I’ve posted about the issue a few times here the last few years, but like many I was surprised to see it come to pass this quickly. Back around 2010 I guessed it would be at least ten years or more till it would happen, but late last year, as this Rolling Stone article reports, there seemed to be a tipping point and things started to move fast.

Twitter of course went crazy, with some very funny and touching posts. My favorite is from the Onion below, always hilarious. There’ll be some inevitable backlash (there’s already been lots of grumbling in the great state of Texas) but I’m hoping things will eventually settle down and people will realize the sky still has not fallen. I also loved this photo down below of what appears to be Miley Cyrus hand-gagging herself :-) I really wanted to see that one but the link didn’t seem to work (If anyone has a good link, please post below in the comments). In any case it was a thrill to wake up on Friday, go online, and hear some good news.

Europe / BoundCon 2015

It’s taken me way too long to review all the pictures, but BoundCon was amazing once again, with a really nice group of friends to hang out with, including Delilah Knotty, who completely surprised me when she let me know she was planning to go. I always feel like a bit of a show-off and name-dropper with these trip reports but there you go; I just hate to forget anyone. In any case, the jetlag was pretty tough for me this time but I had the chance to fly out a week before. Flights to Paris were surprisingly cheaper than Germany so I suffered through three days in the French capital (poor me!) and had a chance to go back to the famous Maison du Travesti, which strangely enough reminds me of the French version of L.A.’s Oxwood Inn, and also got to meet up with a couple nice new friends, Sabine and Karyn. I was in a bit of a fog the first couple days but enjoyed taking a side trip to the Paris Catacombs, which are truly awe-inspiring and much farther below the city than I would have guessed. The spiral staircase down is definitely not for the claustrophobic.

Before heading to Germany I was also able to spend a few days in London and finally meet up with Nina Jay and her good friend K. (Rocket Man below). It was really nice hanging out with them both and taking some pictures around the city, which I feel like I barely saw. The travel caught up with me and I pooped out for one night but we did a lot, riding the London tube, going to the Way Out Club and Molly Moggs tavern, which were both terrific. (The British are so polite!) Just before leaving for the big convention I’m glad I was also able to meet up with Claire Jones and enjoy a delightful dinner with her (I recall someone got tied up too). And then the next morning it was a nice breakfast with the amazingly talented FemDom artist Sardax, who recently illustrated (and translated!) a new edition of “Venus In Furs.” A really nice guy who kindly enough took me on a short tour to Camden Town Market, which was charming.

The high point of the trip was of course BoundCon, which is three days of performances, parties, classes and bondage, plus some very good German beer. It was great having Delilah there, who did a lot of tying, though she got her own helpless time in too – as did I, although strangely enough I have no pictures to prove it. It was a great time and like I say a really nice group. Seen in the pictures below there’s Gwendoline from Corsica, who’s well known from her own personal website, of course Marie Lissandro from Germany, also Katya from Germany whom we briefly saw just before the crazy Saturday night party (with a mysterious beautiful friend in the blue catsuit). Also Jenny from Austria whom I got to tie up late at night back at the hotel bar where lots of bondage action was taking place. We also made two lovely new friends, Cacea from the UK and Suzanna from Germany with her partner Heidi. And it’s always great to see Sandra Silvers at these events. I think she goes to all of them! It was an amazing couple weeks, although it’s always nice to come back home again too. It’s hard to say if I’ll be back again next year, as this one would be really hard to top! Good memories though, we shall see…

Marie Lissandro looking very glamorous by SlaveFlash.Photo:

This last picture was one of those bizarre misfires but I love it. I have no idea what we’re talking about!

Great Time at BoundCon!

It was an amazing time at BoundCon with Delilah Knotty and friends. We met so many cool people and did a lot of bondage and were utterly sleep deprived by the end. I was hoping to get some photos posted quickly and had this crazy fantasy that things would be quieter when I got back to L.A., but no, silly me. But here’s a quick picture done by SlaveFlash.Photo just before leaving for the Sub Rosa Dictum party in Munich, which was crazy. We have the TEASE party tonight in L.A. but I’m hoping to go through the photos soon and post a few more. My internet access was pretty lousy in Europe but Delilah was able to tweet quite a bit so check out her feed for some more pics. I only have a few of her retweets on mine, lol! But it was an intense whirlwind experience and a lot of fun, definitely worth the effort and suffering through the jetlag! :-)

Getting Ready for BoundCon

I’ve been busy getting ready for the trip to BoundCon coming up next week. Big trips like this are always stressful trying to get everything ready and trying to fit all my stuff into a couple suitcases – never enough room. But after all the hassle and expense they’re usually worth it. Of course, 75 percent of the world’s people never get to board a plane so I’d be a bit of a jerk to complain about my luck, even if I end up sitting in a middle seat for twelve hours ;-) I’ll be making a few other stops but barring any unforeseens the BoundCon event will be one of the highlights, especially the crazy Saturday night party which is out of this world. This year I’m thrilled that Delilah Knotty is able to meet me over there, so there will be trouble to be had. I doubt I’ll be doing any blogging while I’m gone but might post a few things on Twitter if there’s wifi. As long as everything goes as planned there should be some nice new pictures…and some German beer! :-)

TEASE in May / and Tumblr / Blogging

TEASE – Just a quick announcement that the next TEASE party in N. Hollywood, California, will be on Saturday, May 30th, 8 PM till 2 AM at the Threshold clubhouse. Thanks to Jessica for the cute new artwork! We’ve been having fantastic turnouts since we switched over to quarterly parties – RSVP page on Fetlife. Hope to see you there!

Tumblr and Blogging – I’ve been thinking that when I get back from BoundCon I’ll probably start up a page over on Tumblr to post new preview pics and some oldies and occasional rambling thoughts like I sometimes do here. I used to blog a lot more on this page, but in general it seems that the “golden age” of blogging, if there ever was one, has pretty much passed. Now there are blog-like things like Twitter (which I kind of like) and Facebook (which I’m on but can’t stand), but actually reading and following specific blogs seems to have fallen out of fashion. I know I don’t follow any blogs anymore, whereas I used to follow quite a few. Even traffic on this page here has fallen off, although again, I don’t blog that often and this blog is basically only seen by visitors to the larger Trannies In Trouble website, and is tucked away on its own little link.

But Tumblr on the other hand seems to be quite popular (heck, it probably had its golden age a few years ago too!) But it appears that it’s much easier to post pictures on Tumblr than it is on WordPress, which is what this page is. It’s actually surprising how much cutting and pasting I have to do here just to post a few photos, which has always been one of the hassles of updating this blog…So anyway, long story short, I’m sure I’ll keep this blog online for another year or so but I’ll probably start to drift over to Tumblr this summer and will of course post a link when I get it started. And of course none of this has any impact on the main Trannies In Trouble site and the ongoing updates there with photos and videos. Thanks again to everyone who does follow the blog here, and those of you who leave comments, I always appreciate it! Without them I’d feel like I’m posting into the void ;-)

Ladies of the Place Blanche

I saw these amazing photos recently on Twitter of trans women in Paris back in the 1950s and was really taken by the style and atmosphere of the photos (another link here). They’re really amazing, taken by Swedish photographer Christer Strömholm around the Place Blanche district of Paris, near the Moulin Rouge. I’m going to sound like a big jet-setter here again but I’m actually heading over to BoundCon again in a few weeks in Germany, with a couple other stops including a quick stay in Paris, so these jumped out at me when I saw them. It’ll only be the second time I’ve been over there but I’ve saved up since last year and I’m real excited and should have some fun new photos.

There’s something about black and white and the styles of the past though that we just can’t touch today. When I see these photos I just wonder what the lives were like of these ladies. Did they live full-time – I’m guessing they did but who knows? – and what did they do for a living? Were they call girls, shopgirls, performers? And what was it like being trans back in that time, in that city? The photos suggest so much back-story and leave so many unanswered questions, beautiful and suggestive.

Brides In Bondage by Samuel Cirnansck

I really loved these fashion photos when I saw them on Twitter recently, taken a few years ago at a show in Sao Paulo, Brazil, by designer Samuel Cirnansck. They really play off the idea of marriage as a form of slavery and domination of women…and yeah, they’re just really sexy. The latex dresses in particular are stunning. There are some other shots from this show over here, with a nice video too, and lots more on Google Images. Apparently they’ve been very popular online with lots of reposting, can’t imagine why ;-)

Twelve Years of Trannies In Trouble

I don’t blog as much as I used to but it’s been almost a tradition here every March 23rd to mark the anniversary of Trannies In Trouble, which has now been online for twelve years. I’m amazed that it’s still going strong and as always I plan to keep the show going as long as I can. I always try to stay several months ahead with new material, and things are going well, so we should be here again next year before we know it.

I really appreciate the support of everyone who enjoys the site, though of course I owe a special thank you to all the paying members and especially those of you who have been coming back for years. Without you I’d be a secretary in an office in Pasadena (where I might end up robbed and tied up!) ;-) I never want anyone to feel pressured or like I expect them to join the site, as I know how tight it is out there for so many. But I am truly grateful and humbled by everyone who supports the site at any level. Thank you so much for making it happen and here’s to many more years to come…Hugs, Sandra

Missed Opportunities

It’s funny, over the years I’ve had some really good private bondage scenes, and have had only a handful that went poorly, and usually not that poorly, just a lack of chemistry, which sometimes happens. But there are probably three or four people that I didn’t meet or with whom it just didn’t work out, where I still feel some slight regret. With one of them I just chickened out, another we started to play and it got off to a bad start, and one was with a guy whom I annoyed and who probably just lost interest after that.

The one who still gets to me and whom I sometimes fantasize about, was a guy in Denver who wrote me when I was living there and feeling lonely. He was a male dom and was probably a little too pushy and sure of himself in his emails. I just wasn’t sure about him and I let the opportunity pass, although now I’d probably go through with it. I know that even just five years ago when it happened, my confidence was a little less secure than it is now, not that I’m always sure of myself – far from it! – but now I know more of what I really like and what I’m willing to do in a play scene away from the camera.

The thing is, the emails he wrote me were a real turn-on, but he was still a little too secretive and that’s what made me uneasy, even if that element of the unknown does add to the turn-on. He also made it clear that he would love to get off during play, although he would have been okay with only doing bondage role-playing without anything sexual. I know many people would say, “If you had any doubts or sensed any red flags it’s smart to listen to those signals – you made the right decision.” And I agree…and yet. I know that since that time, he’s played with other people and it appears to have been good for both parties. Maybe I’m just being greedy but yeah, those emails were hot. If I had it to do over again, I’d probably see him.

I had another scene with another guy where we just didn’t communicate enough and when it started to get too intense too quickly, I got rattled and called it off. Looking back, it could have been really good and I just wish I’d handled it better and had communicated better up front. And then there was one other scene that I sometimes think about with a photographer who wanted to shoot pictures of me and play afterwards, this time nothing sexual. But he was maybe a little less forthcoming than I would have liked at first, and in retrospect I admit I over-reacted and called it off and he likely just thought I was a drama queen (rightly so in that case). It was a shame as he’s a good photographer with a great style of bondage. I exchanged a couple more emails with both of these guys but it just felt like the opportunity had passed and I doubt we’ll probably ever meet.

I’ll admit probably part of my not-so-unconscious motivation for writing this is that, hey, maybe one or two of these guys will see this and write back. (Maybe the guy in Denver visits LA!) But I actually suspect they don’t follow this blog, so that’s doubtful. It is inevitable of course that some scenes are going to lack chemistry and some are going to involve miscommunication – they’re not all going to be earth-shattering. But these three in particular are the ones that I find myself looking back on with some regret whenever I think of them. I don’t dwell on the memories, but these things happen, and will certainly happen again.

I know there was a time a few years ago when I was more cautious about meeting people to play with, maybe too cautious. I wasn’t as bad as those profiles you see on Fetlife with long lists of angry do’s and don’ts and a generally aggrieved tone, but I was less sure of myself and as a result very careful. And to be honest, for a few years there I went through a spell where I just wasn’t having that much fun with private play. Now, with more experience behind me, I tend to be more open to possibilities if it feels right and if I seem to be on the same page with someone. Most of the time they’re male doms or guys who are into tying CDs. And most of the time my judgment is good. I don’t do a ton of private play by any means, especially since I don’t have much free time, but I have moved beyond that bad spell these last few years, which is reassuring. But it is funny, although not surprising, of course, how the ones that “got away” tend to stick in the memory.

“In Trouble” Portrait by Ultra Fem

I just recently received this cool portrait that was done by Lisa M. Hayes, also known as Ultra Fem, whom I met a few years ago at FetishCon. I love her style of cartoon art, very slick and polished, and her commissions are actually very reasonably priced. She’s also a very kinky girl if you check out her website, doing lots of super-huge breasted women, bizarre sex, and peril and danger, with some bondage thrown in. I’m a little vain, can’t deny it, so I was thrilled to see what she’d done, capturing one of my favorite fantasies, the moment right before the abduction and/or robbery is about to happen. Always lock your front door and don’t make yourself a target for dangerous women with rolls of duct tape, unless of course that’s your thing ;-) Thanks so much, Lisa!

The TEA Show

So last Sunday I went out with my friend Scott, who was the perfect date and a true gentleman, and we attended the Transgender Erotic Awards (or TEA Show) in Hollywood. It’s an awards show for tranny / shemale porn performers, which is not what I do obviously although I have been able to shoot with a couple of very nice models such as Ada Black and Stefani Special who do trans porn and it is an interesting world, just different. This was my first year attending and Trannies In Trouble was actually one of the many sponsors for the night (it wasn’t nearly as expensive as it sounds.) I didn’t have my camera with me unfortunately so we only took a few shaky snapshots with Scott’s phone but we had a really fun time.

Sitting at the same table were a couple of lovely latina ladies, including this cutie next to me who was fascinated by my latex dress and who kept feeling up my latex-clad arm (I really didn’t mind.) Ileana Logan from the east coast was also there, looking very lovely as a blonde (we were able to shoot some new pictures just a couple days beforehand). And although I didn’t get a good shot of her face below I also was finally able to meet Amber Dubois, also from back east, who said some of the nicest things about my dressing and my website – I was really touched. We’ve emailed off and on on Facebook for several years and she was an absolute dear, so I was really glad we just happened to run into each other that evening.

The show was a little late getting started but the presenter, a fabulous drag queen named Jujubee from RuPaul’s Drag Race, was a hoot and kept things going once they did finally start around 10:30 (I could tell it was going to be WAY past my bedtime before we got out of there!) I’ll admit as the show continued I really started to feel like a visitor in a foreign land, since Trannies In Trouble is a completely different thing from shemale porn. That’s totally okay but I really felt, like my friend Kim said, like a related but distant cousin. It was an interesting evening and hopefully I’ll meet some more trans models who are also into bondage but I don’t know if I’ll really need to attend next year. I know a lot of the performers there would just look at fully-clothed bondage photography and ask, so when does the sex start?

One ironic twist is that the awards show used to be called The Tranny Awards but this year they changed it because of complaints from some of the performers who find the word tranny offensive and demeaning. That kind of made me feel like an old dinosaur too, since when I started my site almost twelve years ago (yeah, that long!) no one was saying a thing about the word tranny, or even debating its use. At the same time I do understand the argument since most people agree that the word tranny comes from the word transvestite rather than transsexual, so I can see if you’re a trans person who lives full-time, you may not like it. In any case this is probably all best left to another blog post in the future. But Jujubee, bless her heart, made a point of using the word tranny over and over again and pretend-apologizing for it every time, reminding the crowd that, Oh right, we’re not supposed to use that word anymore. I breathed a sigh of relief at her tongue-in-cheek humor as I was secretly fearing that someone might shove a microphone in my face and demand I explain myself for the name of my website. In reality, I was practically unknown in this crowd so I really had nothing at all to fear. And the obvious answer would just be, hey, I AM a transvestite and crossdresser and a full-on fetishist. If anyone here is a tranny I certainly am!

Finally by the end of the evening I’d had one too many drinks (three is a lot for me…gotta hide those wine glasses from the camera!) but thankfully Scott was perfectly sober as we wandered out onto the sidewalk and made our way back up to the Valley for some sushi in the fridge here and some reflection on the evening. Like I say, I don’t know if I need to race back again next year but I’m glad I got to do it and see more of a subculture that, especially living here in Van Nuys, the porn capital of the world, has always seemed just a couple of degrees away…

Help Me Redesign my Front Page…

I’ve been meaning to do a minor redesign on the Trannies In Trouble website for a while now and I’m looking for some help in redesigning the image on the front page. I’ve had this slanted “kidnap-style” text for…well, forever. I do like how it looks and am kind of attached to it but it would be nice to make some changes.

I can’t really pay anything so I was thinking of doing a small contest. If you have skills in Photoshop, feel free to work something up for me – just the text image or the text combined with a photo, not the full webpage – and If I use your image I can give you a few free months on the website, or if you’re already a member I can send you a couple signed photos of me – that is, if you’d like that, and it doesn’t seem too egotistical ;-) Or I could send you some shiny hose.

Some ideas I’ve had are redoing the current text so that it looks like it’s printed on a roll of duct tape, or printed on the side of a “kidnapping bag” with ropes and duct tape peeking out (those would require taking some photos, of course, to combine the text with), but if you have any other ideas feel free to go crazy with them. It can even be another style of text altogether if you have something else in mind but it just needs to say “Trannies In Trouble.”

Here are a couple links with large sized images of the text you can download to start with: Kidnap Text Slanted and Kidnap Text Straight. It’s best, of course, to design something large to keep good resolution and then later if I like it I can just scale it down to whatever size I need. Obviously don’t use the image below, it’s much too small. If you do come up with a design just email it to me at my regular email address on this page and include the subject line – “Trannies Front Page.”

Thanks so much for you help and good luck!

Recent Postings with Amanda Bound and Vivian Chen

I hope everyone’s been having a good start to the new year. I’m just getting ready for some more shoots coming up this weekend. But I’ve been having a good time working on the most recent updates on the site, including the intense gag sequence with Amanda Bound that we shot a few months ago. Breathplay is of course very dangerous and I always tell people to be extremely careful if you ever do anything like that, and to never do any breath restriction with self-bondage – it’s just way too risky and could be your last.

The session that Amanda and I did turned out to be quite intense and in fact one of the member’s on the site wrote me yesterday and said the CIA should hire me to interrogate prisoners, which I’ll take as a compliment ;-) We were very careful though and worked out safety signals beforehand and Amanda wants to do it again so it couldn’t have been that bad! This Friday there’ll also be a new update with Vivian Chen in a plastic wrap and duct tape mummification that I found very hot. That girl was completely helpless and wasn’t getting out of there without some assistance or maybe a couple hours desperately struggling inch by inch out of her cocoon. There will also be a few extra pantyhose mummification pics included, that we shot a few years ago and have just never gotten around to posting. It’s funny how things can pile up on the hard drive and never get posted till years later. But I’m excited about some other shoots coming up too – here’s to a new year with lots of bondage ahead. :-)

Happy New Year!

I got sick with a bad cold right on Christmas Eve so it’s been a few days here laying around and trying to take care of myself. I don’t watch as many movies as I’d like to, always seem to be short on time, but when you’re sick you’re kind of forced to slow down. So I saw a few on my laptop the last few days. “Under the Skin,” with Scarlett Johansson as an alien driving around Scotland in a van is dark and slow but hard to turn away from – hey, I’d get into her van but, yeah, it certainly wouldn’t turn out pretty. I also loved “Upstream Color,” which is really hard to describe, including pigs, orchids and Henry David Thoreau’s “Walden” among its various plot points. It’s not kinky, although there is a bizarre and interesting abduction sequence early in the film which has a few brief moments, including the use of a breathing mask, that certainly aroused my interest, though no real bondage.

And I also finally saw the French reverse-chronology rape/revenge movie, “Irréversible,” which I avoided for years, fearing it would be too disturbing. The rape scene is indeed awful and goes on and on but overall the movie wasn’t nearly as stomach-churning as I expected, some of the revenge parts in fact being so over-the-top that it becomes a little absurd, especially with the shaky camera for the first forty minutes or so. But it’s dark and nasty and has a bleak message with the nice tagline, “Time Destroys Everything.” The three movies are all pretty artsy, especially the last two which are art films with a capital “A.” And each, especially “Under the Skin,” has a few sexy moments even if that’s not really their main point – C’mon, we’re talking art here! ;-) They’re probably all worth checking out though if you’re into that sort of thing.

Thankfully I’m feeling much better and am finally planning to fly to Atlanta tomorrow to spend a few days with my Mom over new years. I hope everyone has a nice end of the year and has friends or family to spend it with. If all goes as planned I’ll be back in L.A. in a few days and it’s back to work. I’m excited about 2015, have a few shoots already lined up and a couple conventions I’m already thinking about going to. Happy New Year!

French Tranny Club Shows Up Comic-Style

I saw this cool image over on Facebook, taken from a French comic book, or “Bande Dessinée,” called The Parrot of Batignolles, which is the neighborhood where the Maison du Travesti tranny club is located in Paris, ironically enough on the Rue des Dames, or loosely, “Ladies Street.”

I sound like such a jet-setter here although it was the first time I’d ever been to Europe, but I have to say I did a double take when I saw it, since it’s the very same club that my friend Krystle and I visited back in May. The illustration actually just shows the street view with the very-pleasant Café Marcel on one corner (where we got more than a little tipsy a couple times), and the club itself right across the street, behind where the guy with the hat is crossing. The artist may not have known the club was actually there, since it’s very discreetly tucked away, but it’s a hoot seeing the location show up in a comic strip. And from my limited French I think the lady is saying something along the lines of, “It’s crazy all the same, you pull on a thread and it all unravels,” which just seems somehow fitting. Now if someone could just make a comic for the Oxwood Inn here in Los Angeles, although yeah, somehow Van Nuys is maybe a little less glamorous than Paris. But hey, you gotta start somewhere – maybe a whole series of comics featuring TG bars throughout the world. That’s so crazy it just might work! ;-)

Another Year Coming to a Close

(Although the holiday season is my favorite time of year – I never get tired of that Christmas music! – the end of the year does always put me in a reflective mood. So I just want to put out a little “melancholy warning” here, feel free to skip this one if you’re not in the mood to bring it down a notch or two, just talking about a friend who died this year and the passage of time…Hey the pictures are amusing! ;-) )

2014 has been a strange year for me, not bad, just very uneven, as many years so often are. There were some amazing high points – the trip to Europe with my friend Krystle for BoundCon, some great photoshoots, some very good parties, especially at TEASE, another great Halloween in West Hollywood, and a great time seeing friends and family in Colorado a few months ago. At the same time of course there were some low points, including some ongoing family issues (I’m fine but most of us eventually have to deal with parents getting older and all that that brings).

And one of the biggest shocks this year was when a woman I knew named Fawna, who was a regular at the TEASE parties and active at the club where it’s held, had a heart attack and suddenly died last summer. Fawna was a terrific person, warm and welcoming, very funny, and someone who always made me smile when she showed up. I wish I could say that she and I were close friends but really we were probably just casual friends, or even “club friends.” There’s nothing wrong with that but now that she’s gone I wish I’d been closer to her. Ironically, almost four years ago when my friend Chainguy (Paul Logan) collapsed and was in the hospital, Fawna was the person I would call and check in with and who kept me up to date on his condition. They were quite close and his death hit her hard. She was only 40 years old this year, and I find it unbelievable that both of them, Paul and now Fawna, are gone and their pictures are now up on the wall at the club where TEASE is held. I just find that more and more I have that feeling of time passing and of the inevitable changes that eventually arrive for all of us as the years pass by.

I don’t want to be a complete downer, though. I am thrilled that the website is still going strong, almost twelve years now, and as always I plan to keep it going for many more. It is interesting, though, how the website business has changed in the last decade, with so many more new sites out there, lots of free “tube” sites reposting content, and an endless string of free images available. So I’m hugely grateful that people seem to enjoy Trannies In Trouble and stick around with me, as there are so many options out there. I know of other bondage producers that haven’t been so lucky these last few years. So if you’re a regular subscriber or have joined even just once or twice, Thank You! I sincerely mean it. The site would be a mere shadow of what it is now without you all. I would still be posting things but it would be more like my profiles on Fetlife or Facebook where something new goes up only every few months. (Speaking of Facebook, I’m running out of space for new friend requests there (they limit the number), so if you try to friend me and I don’t respond just let me know.)

In any case, in spite of my occasionally gloomy and overly-reflective view of things (though usually I think I’m just being realistic about this crazy planet we inhabit), I am aware that I continue to be very lucky. Just to be able to dress up and go out whenever I want to, and rarely ever be hassled, is something I’m aware that many CDs simple can’t do. I don’t think I’ve written before about the CD from Syria who wrote me a while back and said that he stays in the closet to avoid being murdered. The mind boggles to read things like that, to live in a place so hostile that just one’s basic survival would be in doubt. And yes, trans people here in the U.S and throughout the world do get murdered every year and many live challenging and even desperate lives that I can’t imagine. So to be able to live in a relatively progressive place like Los Angeles. – well, things aren’t always perfect here but it’s still pretty darn good.

Anyway, to wrap up, thanks again to everyone who’s been supporting my site and to everyone who reads this blog when I post something (not as often as I’d like!) Have a great time over the holidays coming up, whichever ones you celebrate, and I hope everyone has family or friends to spend time with. All the best in the new year – good luck to us all! ~Hugs, Sandra

And remember, everything is always exciting here! ;-) (Thanks to AmberKatt for the photos.)

Sandra Gibbons talks about what's happening in her world, both bondage related and not