Category Archives: life in general

Out in the Mountains off Angeles Crest Highway, around 2009

Well, it’s been another walk down memory lane. I’ve been posting some older pics on Twitter recently from some fun shoots with my ol’ friend Chainguy (Paul Logan), that we did in the mountains above L.A. back at the close of the ‘Aughts. Here they are plus a few more (I just scaled them down for the blog layout but if you save them they’ll be full sized, which, granted, wasn’t that big back then!) These were a blast to shoot, until finally the place burned down in the big summer fires one year. It’s probably back to normal by now but I haven’t been there in years. Fun times – hope you enjoy!

“Oldies” from Barton Avenue

Over on Twitter lately I’ve been occasionally posting some “oldies” with pictures that were removed from the site several years ago. Looking at them again I was really struck by how bad my photography was back then! But in some of them I think there’s a raw “kidnappey” quality that I think still works pretty well. I really would like to go back and find some of the original pictures and re-edit them at a larger size sometime and make them look better in Photoshop – something else I can do in my copious spare time ;-)

All these pictures were shot sometime back in the early to mid “Aughts” in the little bungalow where I lived for several years when I first moved to L.A. I never talked about it much at the time because the place kind of embarrassed me but it was actually in Hollywood, right by Paramount Studios. In fact I could walk to the corner and see the studio where the Dr. Phil show continues to be videotaped.

People often think that Hollywood is glamorous but the reality is that much of it is a dump. A lot of the neighborhoods are rough and worn out and this one was no different. I was actually kind of scared when I first moved there in 2001 and the first years were tough. I missed my ol’ regular life back in Colorado and many times wondered if I’d made a big mistake moving to this city. I could have moved back once the lease went to month to month but I stayed on, I think mainly because I knew if I were back in Colorado I’d probably stop working on this website that I wanted to make. I just knew I’d have a harder time meeting people and getting it off the ground back at home. So I stayed. I don’t miss the old bungalow at all, and tend to avoid Hollywood in general now, but at the same time it is where I started the website and shot and edited a ridiculous number of pictures there, in those tiny rooms, and the landlord never had any idea about any of it. Later when I finally moved out in early 2010 my good friend Paul (Chainguy) and I took a drawer out of the kitchen and with a sharpie wrote “Barton Avenue Studios” in the space under the counter and then replaced it.

So it is a walk down memory lane seeing these. I’d like to think my photography has improved since then though I sometimes wonder if I’ve lost some of the edginess that the early shots might have had. I don’t know, maybe. In any case there were some fun times there, especially with Delilah and with my friend Kim (who doesn’t appear on the site), and, sadly, with some friends who are no longer with us (like Paul) or who have drifted apart. The only thing I wish I’d done is shoot even more pictures there than I did…and figure out my camera settings better! I hope you enjoy :-)

Thirteen Years of Trannies In Trouble

Well, it’s that time of year again, March 23rd, and the anniversary of Trannies In Trouble, thirteen years now and going strong. Perfect timing too, as my friend TT who’s a very skilled website designer just finished the new look on the site, which went up over the weekend. The new front page is below, and underneath it the way the site used to look way back at the start in 2003. TT reworked the old “kidnap text” that used to be on the front page and added some bright colors. So the site has changed a lot, and at the same time in other ways it’s still the same CD / Trans Girls in Bondage site that it’s always been.

As always thanks so much to everyone who currently supports the site or has supported it in the past. Without you it would just be an occasional update in the Yahoo Group on those weekends when I could get away from what would probably be my lucrative data-entry career and talk someone into getting tied up (which, well, probably wouldn’t be that hard.) And thanks too to everyone who just checks out and enjoys the free pages. That’s totally okay too.

Although it is a paysite – and I couldn’t do it without all the paying customers – in many ways it’s also a labor of love. Looking back I don’t know if I’d actually recommend starting up a bondage website as a wise career path for any enthusiastic newbies, especially if they’re looking to get rich. But it has been fun (well, most of the time) and I’ve met so many nice people and have made some dear friends. So thanks to everyone in our small and unique little scene – it is kind of crazy and must look completely wacky to outsiders. But here we all are. In any case, I’ll be shooting more in the year ahead and hope we’ll all be back here again for next year’s anniversary! Till then…Hugs, Sandra

TEA Show Weekend with Ashley A. and Ada Black

The yearly Trans Erotica Awards (The TEA Show) happened earlier this month. It’s a good event and I got to hang out with my good friend Jessica (who’s not on my website, although I’ve tried!) We had a fun time, and I also was thrilled to shoot again with Ashley A. and Ada Black, who were both in town for the event.

I first shot with both of them about a year and a half ago on my rather ill-fated East Coast trip. It was a good trip in terms of meeting people and shooting pics but the planes and trains seemed to run late for the whole thing, so I consistently felt six hours behind schedule. Shooting here in L.A. was much easier!

Here Ashley appears as a webcam domme who pisses off one of her clients (we also shot a second scene that’s coming up real soon on the site). And Ada appears as a schoolgirl who gets caught smoking and ends up in the detention cell for a long night of restraint and punishment. We also shot a couple other scenes including one with her as a nosey tomboy who snoops around where she shouldn’t be. The whole tomboy look is incredibly hard to pull off but Ada does it effortlessly. It was great seeing both Ashley and Ada again and I hope we’ll be able to do a repeat in the future…Hope you enjoy!

Kyra Pixie in a Bind

Kyra Pixie is always fun to shoot with, and I really enjoyed her most recent video where she’s a drugged-out gurl in a hotel room who meets up with her dealer and has to pay a steep price to cover her debts. She’s a natural at improvising dialogue, which makes it really easy for us to shoot little intros where she’s trying to talk her way out of a situation. Another of my favorites with her was from late 2014 where she’s a mouthey rich girl who ends up getting kidnapped. There are a few more Kyra galleries in reserve right now, and I’m sure we’ll be shooting more this year…Plus, the redesign of the free pages on Trannies In Trouble is very very close to being unveiled, and there’ll be a new preview video featuring Kyra. I’m real excited and will post more here and on Fetlife and the Yahoo Group once everything’s online.

Shooting with Sandra – the “Victim’s” Perspective

I’m really thrilled to have Sybil back with another guest blog post, with her perspective on our very first shoot together back in the day…Thanks, Sybil, for the nice description of what really went on and for all your nice words!

I really haven’t done that much bondage modeling…Before I met with Sandra the first time, my resume was very short! I had shot with Jean Bardot in her studio, but Jean was definitely the feature in those shoots (and rightfully so!). Shooting with Jean also had more of a latex fashion and BDSM angle for her website at that time. Other than that I had some bondage pictures taken of me at home or at parties or during private play while I was tied up, but those pics were not for the purpose of being sold, distributed or anything like that. Those times I was tied up, I was tied by people I knew very well and vice versa, so there was plenty of trust and comfort there.

So when I contacted Sandra to arrange for our first shoot together in Hollywood, this legitimately was my first bondage modeling shoot! I was really nervous when the day came – not at all about personal safety – I just didn’t want to make a fool of myself or waste Sandra’s valuable time in not being able to produce usable content. I had so many thoughts which I laugh about now…Thoughts like, “What if I get really excited and there is a wardrobe malfunction? What if Sandra molests me, how should I react? What if I can’t take the bondage and have to end a scene prematurely?” But it turns out I had nothing to worry about, I could have only dreamed of Sandra molesting me or doing something inappropriate, and we would have laughed off just about any other situation we would have encountered.

Before we met, I tried to warn Sandra that I was basically a novice, but she was very encouraging and really made me feel confident as the time approached. She did an excellent job of setting expectations from the beginning; she took a very professional approach. I knew to expect paperwork, how much time it would take, how the content would be shared/used, and had a pretty good idea of what the scenes would be like.

I was staying at the Renaissance hotel in Hollywood with Jean on this visit from Minnesota, about six years ago, and Sandra thought it would be fun to shoot there, so we made that our plan. When Sandra showed up, she did all the hard work of setting up lighting, arranging the background, and laying out all the gear for the shoot – all I had to do was try to look my best! Sandra was very calm and confident; she obviously had tons of experience and had no trouble making decisions that I would have struggled with. It was just the 2 of us, Jean had a client at a local dungeon and would likely come back sometime while we were shooting. Sandra and I made small talk for a bit, discussed the first scene, and then she started doing practice shots, testing the lights, we were shooting!!

I had followed Sandra’s site pretty extensively for the past couple years before this, and I loved the classy nature of her site, the sexy secretary looks, and the way she could make girls look teasingly sexy. So for our first scene, I chose to wear a tight black skirt with suspenders with a purple top, which I thought would be right in line with the styles I’d seen on Trannies in Trouble. My intention was to have the welts of my stockings showing, maybe even the tops of my stockings if the skirt rode high enough during the shoot. I love that look – it’s something Sandra does amazingly well in her shoots. Underneath the skirt, I was tucked really well with a black satin gaff and I wore a 26” Versatile Fashions corset, laced very tight with 8 garters pulled snugly to the Secrets in Lace nylon RHT stockings, which had an imprint on the welt. I used medical glue to attach the silicone breast forms to my chest – I did not want those sliding around that day and peeking out around the black lace 36C bra! I wore a pair of 5.5” heels which I had custom made with a thick leather strap over the arch. These pumps are really difficult to remove when that strap is tight. And I wore leather gloves, my favorite for bondage – I love the way they look and feel as they protect my wrists while making it a little harder to undo knots.

So the first shots were “glamour” shots and we got some sitting, then standing, and we tried to get a shot with the Hollywood sign in the background. I had no idea how to smile while making it look natural, no clue how to pose, it felt like my first time being in front of a camera, so I kept looking for feedback from Sandra. She was great, she started saying right away, “oh that’s nice, these are going to be great. Love the lighting. The outfit looks fabulous.” She knew I was nervous and she did a great job of building up my confidence. I was just praying the pics would come out as good as she was telling me.

After a few dozen of those shots, Sandra just said very casually, “Ok, well let’s get you tied up now.” OMG! I was so excited and scared! I sat on the edge of the bed and she started tying my ankles, and we were chatting the whole time, telling stories, discussing the things we liked and getting to know each other better. Sandra used a magician’s rope, soft cotton and it felt wonderful as she circled my ankles and cinched them snugly. The rope grabbed nicely below and above my knees, even though I was wearing some very slippery nylon stockings. She knew she had to cinch those ropes very tight to keep them in place; my legs were locked together and it felt fantastic. Sandra then asked me to turn to the side and put my hands behind my back, and at that point I knew my freedom and control were going away for a while. Sandra circled my wrists three or four times, the rope was threaded between my wrists and then with a firm pull, my wrists were tightly cinched together and Sandra was in complete control. I had no idea when Jean would return, I was on my own, I was the damsel in distress, my favorite fantasy was on! She added some ropes to my elbows, around my chest, did a little cinching on the chest ropes and there I was, inescapably tied up.

I tested the ropes a bit, but I was helpless. There was no slack in any of the ropes and yet it was very comfortable – I could have stayed in this bondage all day. Sandra had me hop over to the chair and then came the matching purple ball gag, what a nice touch! She pulled the gag pretty tight, enough so that I would not be able to get it out of my mouth. I was starting to get a little excited at this point, but that’s when I found out that this was actually work! Sandra directed me to do a number of things to create the image she wanted. I had to sit in certain postures and put my legs in a variety of different positions, which I found to be very challenging while being tightly laced into the corset and mixed with the tight bondage. I needed all of my core strength to keep legs out in front of me with my toes pointed while sitting on the edge of the chair. I broke into a bit of a sweat a couple times, but Sandra always recognized it right away and patted me down with the kind of care only an experienced tranny in trouble would understand

After a lot of shooting, Sandra abruptly said, “ok, we got some excellent shots, let’s get you untied.” And that was the end of our first shoot, just like that. She didn’t rape me, there was no play session, I didn’t have a wardrobe malfunction, there was no panic attack or anything that pushed my beyond what I was capable of or willing to do. Sandra intentionally made this a quick, easy shoot to build my confidence and see how I did, so there was no video, no hogtie, no bdsm or tickling…She untied me and I think I babbled incessantly after she ungagged me, I was on an endorphin high. Once we all agreed the first set was a success, we started working on the next two…Jean returned from her session, and we had a blast doing the next two set-ups.

Sandra gave me a copy of all the pictures immediately after we were done; I was so glad to have them right away. We had agreed to share content vs. having Sandra pay me for the shoot and owning all the content. Out of respect for Sandra’s business, I only posted two pics from the shoot, and I made sure to tag them all with to be sure I was doing my best to drive traffic to her website. Another reason I have always enjoyed working with Sandra is that when choosing what pics to feature from a shoot, Sandra has an uncanny knack for picking the same pictures I like. There have been times I have shot with other folks and thought, “omigosh, why did they choose to publish that shot??” Not that I am complaining though – different people obviously have different tastes and preferences, and I totally get that – it’s good to understand other folks’ perspectives and tastes, so even if it isn’t my favorite angle, I’m still honored when people choose to share a photo of me. But Sandra and I have very similar tastes in that regard; I know she is going to make me look good! And that is the reason I will always cherish any opportunity to shoot with this fantastic lady – she always makes me look good, better than I think I’m capable of. Thank you, Sandra, and everyone who has supported over the years! xoxoxo

Party Gurl Jocelyn L. Returns

Jocelyn L. is one of those gurls that the camera really likes. She pulls off the party-girl look effortlessly and is really comfortable at striking a pose and looking over her shoulder with that look. She was basically introduced to bondage when we shot last fall and at the time I really hoped that she’d be willing to do it again, so I was thrilled when we shot these pictures just a couple months ago. We had the classic theme in mind of the hotel handyman who finds a cute CD practicing self-bondage alone in her room and who is “persuaded” to go along with whatever she’s forced to do to eventually be set free. I know I’ve been in a few hotel rooms late at night wishing I could get into some kind of trouble like this, and I suspect Jocelyn would do whatever was required of her. Why else would she dress like that if she didn’t want the attention?

2015 Winding Down / Here Comes 2016

Most years I get rather reflective and a bit melancholy when I write this end-of-the-year blog post. But you know, I have to say this has been a good year for me, so even though our world is still utterly insane, there’s really not that much for me personally to be moody about – Wow, that’s a change for me! Okay, well, I did have a slump this summer where I got into a bad emotional place worrying about the future but I got myself out of that. And I have noticed that I’m just not as tough as I used to be with the heavy bondage that I like so much, which inevitably happens to us all as the years pass.

So although there were a few setbacks, it’s been a fun and interesting year, with the amazing trip to Europe and BoundCon in May with Delilah, more fun shoots as usual, some great TEASE Parties with really good turnouts, and good visits with friends and family. Also a newly redesigned Members Area on the website done by my friend TT who’s just started working on the free site. And I always just really LOVE December and Christmas time – my favorite time of year!

I don’t think there’ll be any big trips in the new year, just planning to stay close to L.A. for a while. But I think it’s going to be another interesting year ahead in 2016…Once again, to everyone who supports the site: Thank you, I couldn’t do it without you! I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Super Solstice, Joyeux Noël, Feliz Navidad and a fun New Year’s Eve…Here’s to 2016!

This Year’s Visit with Karyn from France

Earlier this year when I was able to visit Paris just before going to BoundCon, I had a really nice time meeting Karyn who was a wonderful hostess and looked very chic and sexy in her red catsuit and knee-high boots. I very briefly mentioned our meeting in the BoundCon blog post down below but haven’t gotten around to posting any pics till now! I was pretty jetlagged but Karyn was a pleasure to hang out with in her apartment and made me feel very welcome.

We’d already talked off and on for a year or two on Fetlife so after getting a little better acquainted in person out came the ropes. She nearly purred as she was getting tied up and laid out on the latex sheets, with her latex catsuit making slippery noises as she squirmed and writhed. I felt her up a little while she was lying there helpless but I don’t think she minded all that much, although I couldn’t really tell with that ballgag strapped into her mouth. It was a fun visit and really nice to meet a new friend after arriving alone in the city. I really hope we get to meet again and subject Karyn to more bondage (and my clumsy attempts at French!)

On a more somber note, later we talked about the tragic Charlie Hebdo attacks that had happened a few months before, and of course the recent news in November has been so shocking and sad. I’d love to go back again and only hope the years ahead can bring some healing and peace to the people of France.

Some Tumblr Posts

Well, it’s been another slow month here on this blog so before November completely slips away I thought I’d post some of the pics that have been on the Tumblr page. It’s been a really good month with some good shoots and a quiet but very nice Thanksgiving weekend with a terrific TEASE party. Here’s to the rest of the year!

California Nina Returns to T’s in Trouble

My friend Nina is a very busy girl so it’s actually been over three years since we’ve shot together but she’s back this week on the site! We had a really fun time with this one, where she plays a closeted and married CD who meets me on Craigslist but learns too late that I’m really just looking for new victims to rob – It’s happened enough times to me that I finally became an expert at turning the tables!

Al from AltomicVisuals took care of the camera and Delilah was able to stop by to do some rigging, so we all had a great time and shot this set at the end of a fun day. I really hope Nina can get back for more trouble again soon. She looked fantastic in her green dress…Hope you enjoy!

A Week of Kindness

I first saw “Une Semaine de Bonté” (A Week of Kindness) by Max Ernst when I was fifteen years old and I remember it made a deep impression on me. There are really only a handful of pictures with any real bondage references, but the ladies’ gowns and dresses fascinated me, such as the high-collared dress of the lady in the second picture (what would it be like to wear something like that!)

The book, which was published in 1934, is really a series of collage images cut up from pictures in Victorian magazines and encyclopedias, and although it’s billed as a novel, there’s no real storyline to follow. But I looked at it many times and always felt it conveyed a real sense of dread and a glimpse of the id unmasked, as though without our shaky civilization what savages we would all be. As a fifteen year old I only wished it had even more gowns and dresses and bondage but it was always fascinating to flip through its pages.

TV Repartee

I never expected to actually be on the cover of TV Repartee when Nina Jay told me that our recent interview was being printed (October 1st, 2015), so it’s a big honor to be so prominently featured. Thanks to Nina, Photographer Keith, and Bella who publishes the magazine. I was still a bit jet-lagged in London when we shot this picture last May, but it was a fun and very memorable visit. Here’s the link to the magazine if you’d like to see more, with another photo on the front of the TV Repartee site that may look familiar…

New Tumblr Page / and Memories (or lack of)

So I finally put together a small Tumblr page and posted some recent pics and some oldies. I’m hoping to post a lot of old stuff there that hasn’t been seen in years. It is indeed much easier to update photos on Tumblr than it is here. So I still don’t know how long I’ll maintain this current blog but for it’ll probably be here at least through the year. Anyway, my memory of these pictures below is very foggy but they must have been about ten years ago – I think shot with my friend TC – but I do know for sure that that’s a Harmony video on the TV screen! ;-)



FetishCon 2015

It’s been a while since I’ve been to FetishCon but since they moved to a new hotel in St. Petersburg I was curious to see the new arrangement. To be honest, I kind of hate arriving at these conventions alone, even though I know I’ll see a lot of friends there, but just walking into the Meet N Greet party on Thursday night can fill me with a sense of dread (What can I say? I’m an introvert.) It was really nice though seeing friends whom I haven’t seen in a while and catching up, and meeting some interesting new people. For some reason, I ended up tied up and abandoned twice in my hotel room – by both Kimberly Sinical and Miss Pandora – I don’t know why this keeps happening to me! ;-) But I had my turn too and tied up a lot of gurls.

In no particular order below are TV Victoria (Wow, she’s skinny!), Sharon Porter with a huge ballgag, the lovely Sandra Silvers, Artesia (who’s always a blast and needed her badge held in place with some rope), Sybil looking striking in red, Kitty Smash (very cool, and what a great name), Miss Pandora before she turned the tables on me, Audrey done up in lots of rope, Florida beach girl Kalli who just happened to show up at a Fetish convention, more of Sharon, being taped up by Kimberly, then the next night abandoned in my satin blouse by Miss Pandora, and finally Ludella Hahn channeling her inner Velma. It was a super-quick weekend with never enough time to tie up everyone I wanted to, and before you knew it I was at the airport with Sharon and the lovely Akira Lane (thanks for the ride!), heading back to California. I’ve already heard from some friends who might be going next year so we shall see. If you haven’t been before and are into damsel in distress bondage it’s definitely worth checking out.

Full-On Summer

It’s been another dry spell on the blog here so I though I’d share some of the oldies that I’ve been posting over on Twitter. It’s still been a busy month even if I haven’t been on the blog here much. Cute Nina Jay from the UK and I finally have a scene together, which was a blast to shoot. Her photographer friend K. and Delilah Knotty all helped out the very last night of BoundCon back in May, just before midnight. It had already been a long day but I just finished a cup of coffee and thought, “You know, Nina, we really should tie you up and put you in the shower…” She was game and we had a great time. There are a couple preview shots over on the What’s New? page.

As for this week, I’ll be heading to Colorado for a long weekend to see some of my family and then next month have FetishCon coming up in St. Petersburg, Florida. It’s been a few years since I’ve gone but I figured I should give it another shot since it’ll be in a new hotel. It looks like I’ll have a chance to shoot again with Natalia Chaplin, with whom I shot one of my favorite videos, where she’s a crazy woman who helps strap me up and then robs me (why does this keep happening to me?) The first picture below is from that scene. We’ll do some kind of follow-up, I’m sure, and I hope to shoot with some other friends and some new ones. These conventions always fly by and on Sunday night I just crash, exhausted, and get ready to fly back the next day. As I’ve mentioned before I’m really not the most outgoing person in the world so sometimes the parties leave me a little frazzled but there’s usually so much going on that it turns out to be a fun time. I’m feeling good about this one.

I’ve also been loving summer here in L.A. It’s usually not my favorite time of year, especially for dressing, but something about this one has been really nice, just that feeling of promise in the air and the lovely long evenings. Of course August is nearly upon us and that’s when the heat really rolls in, but so far it’s been great. Hope yours has been good too.

In the meantime here are some oldies and random pictures, including a couple cute captions by my friend Mr. K., plus a nice shot being molested by Kimberly Sinical (shot by Jeff Jamm), and pics by Cincher, AmberKatt, Colorado Paul, and Chainguy. More new shoots coming up soon…

Marriage Equality in the US

It was quite a week here in the States with the Supreme Court narrowly deciding in favor of marriage equality. I’ve posted about the issue a few times here the last few years, but like many I was surprised to see it come to pass this quickly. Back around 2010 I guessed it would be at least ten years or more till it would happen, but late last year, as this Rolling Stone article reports, there seemed to be a tipping point and things started to move fast.

Twitter of course went crazy, with some very funny and touching posts. My favorite is from the Onion below, always hilarious. There’ll be some inevitable backlash (there’s already been lots of grumbling in the great state of Texas) but I’m hoping things will eventually settle down and people will realize the sky still has not fallen. I also loved this photo down below of what appears to be Miley Cyrus hand-gagging herself :-) I really wanted to see that one but the link didn’t seem to work (If anyone has a good link, please post below in the comments). In any case it was a thrill to wake up on Friday, go online, and hear some good news.

Europe / BoundCon 2015

It’s taken me way too long to review all the pictures, but BoundCon was amazing once again, with a really nice group of friends to hang out with, including Delilah Knotty, who completely surprised me when she let me know she was planning to go. I always feel like a bit of a show-off and name-dropper with these trip reports but there you go; I just hate to forget anyone. In any case, the jetlag was pretty tough for me this time but I had the chance to fly out a week before. Flights to Paris were surprisingly cheaper than Germany so I suffered through three days in the French capital (poor me!) and had a chance to go back to the famous Maison du Travesti, which strangely enough reminds me of the French version of L.A.’s Oxwood Inn, and also got to meet up with a couple nice new friends, Sabine and Karyn. I was in a bit of a fog the first couple days but enjoyed taking a side trip to the Paris Catacombs, which are truly awe-inspiring and much farther below the city than I would have guessed. The spiral staircase down is definitely not for the claustrophobic.

Before heading to Germany I was also able to spend a few days in London and finally meet up with Nina Jay and her good friend K. (Rocket Man below). It was really nice hanging out with them both and taking some pictures around the city, which I feel like I barely saw. The travel caught up with me and I pooped out for one night but we did a lot, riding the London tube, going to the Way Out Club and Molly Moggs tavern, which were both terrific. (The British are so polite!) Just before leaving for the big convention I’m glad I was also able to meet up with Claire Jones and enjoy a delightful dinner with her (I recall someone got tied up too). And then the next morning it was a nice breakfast with the amazingly talented FemDom artist Sardax, who recently illustrated (and translated!) a new edition of “Venus In Furs.” A really nice guy who kindly enough took me on a short tour to Camden Town Market, which was charming.

The high point of the trip was of course BoundCon, which is three days of performances, parties, classes and bondage, plus some very good German beer. It was great having Delilah there, who did a lot of tying, though she got her own helpless time in too – as did I, although strangely enough I have no pictures to prove it. It was a great time and like I say a really nice group. Seen in the pictures below there’s Gwendoline from Corsica, who’s well known from her own personal website, of course Marie Lissandro from Germany, also Katya from Germany whom we briefly saw just before the crazy Saturday night party (with a mysterious beautiful friend in the blue catsuit). Also Jenny from Austria whom I got to tie up late at night back at the hotel bar where lots of bondage action was taking place. We also made two lovely new friends, Cacea from the UK and Suzanna from Germany with her partner Heidi. And it’s always great to see Sandra Silvers at these events. I think she goes to all of them! It was an amazing couple weeks, although it’s always nice to come back home again too. It’s hard to say if I’ll be back again next year, as this one would be really hard to top! Good memories though, we shall see…

Marie Lissandro looking very glamorous by SlaveFlash.Photo:

This last picture was one of those bizarre misfires but I love it. I have no idea what we’re talking about!