Saran Wrap Weekend

It was a nice weekend. Friday night I met a friend named Master S. up at Threshold for the monthly TG party. We’d been talking all week about doing a scene with saran wrap. I’m a freak for mummification so I’d been looking forward to it all day. Altogether I was wrapped up from head to toe, wearing only my underwear, for about two and a half hours. I kept trying to escape, wriggling and poking a finger through the plastic, but Master S. would just add more. He wanted me to either escape or beg to be released. Finally I knew I wasn’t going to get out on my own and I had to plead with him through my gag to release me. He let me out and I lay back exhausted with an arm around his waist. It was fabulous.

Then Saturday night I was down in Orange County at Mistress Jordan’s Dragons Gate party and wouldn’t you know? More saran wrap! I met my friends Mistress A. and her sissy Victoria (and also finally got to meet R., a nice online friend whom I’ve been talking with for a while). Mistress A. and Vickie tied me up, spanked me with a hair brush and then finally wrapped me again in saran wrap. They had their hands all over me as I drifted in sealed up helplessness. And finally after being cut out, I lay there on the floor gently touching and being touched. I was in heaven. Two very nice parties in one weekend.


Ideally, I would like to be completely transparent about my life, so that anyone seeing me on the street would immediately see that I’m a TV and that I could tell anyone about my bondage website if the conversation went there. Keeping secrets just contributes to my anxiety level, and hell, I’ve got enough anxiety to begin with.

It’s funny that when I look at the most embarrassing things I’ve ever done, they’re really kind of tame. I tried to make a list and I look at it and think, “Well, okay, maybe some of them are a little embarrassing, but is that it?” I’ll have to update it when I think of more. There must be something really shameful and humiliating to share that I’m blocking out. Of all of them, (they’re in no particular order) the one that still makes me wince the most is the first item:

1. Plagiarizing the first paragraph in a Sertoma writing contest when I was eleven and then winning and getting a hundred dollar savings bond.

2. Shoplifting a Fat Albert action figure from Walgreens when I was ten years old.

3. Masturbating a lot while looking at bondage pictures. Masturbating while crossdressing. Masturbating in general.

4. Trying not to masturbate when I was sixteen years old, lasting eight weeks, and then letting loose looking at lingerie ads in Playboy magazine.

5. Dropping acid at a midnight screening of some Pink Floyd concert movie when I was seventeen, getting very high from it, then later being told by my friend that he fooled me – it wasn’t acid at all, just a blank piece of paper.

6. Walking in on my parents having sex.

7. Not actually having sexual intercourse with a woman till I was twenty-seven years old.

8. Making a joke about “Homo” milk when I was eight and watching my father’s face turn pale.

9. When I was fifteen, being in an art class and for some reason the word “Finland” came up, which I then rhymed with the word “Fag.” Strangely enough, a girl in the class was from Finland and was so offended that she picked up a chair and held it over my head at my desk and then just stood there and wouldn’t stop. I sat there blushing and feeling utterly bewildered like, “Wha’d I do?”

10. When I was in my early teens, hanging out with a couple girls from my church group and some lady came by and mistook me for a girl.

Ironically enough, variations on the “being mistaken for a girl” story happened probably ten times when I was a child or early teen. At the time I was so humiliated but now that I’m grown it’s something that I would love to have happen again. Funny how that works.

More San Francisco

Here are a few more pictures from my visit with Kim, another one from my flight out, and a couple before we went out for New Year’s Eve. Later on that night Kim unexpectantly brought out the scarves and tape and went crazy with it, taping up my mouth, then my eyes, then nearly my whole face, and torturing me with a little breath play, which I so enjoy.

Waiting for luggage in San FranciscoDinner at Kim's RecliningTaped and Scarf TiedCan't see, can't speakAll sealed up

San Francisco New Years

I spent New Years in San Francisco visiting my good friend Kim. New Year’s Eve we ended up at a tranny bar called Diva’s, had some champagne and danced a bit, and watched some really hot Latinas shake their booties. I also finally had the chance to meet my friend Krystal, whom I’d been chatting with for a long time. Unfortunately we didn’t have time to play but I look forward to getting her all strapped up one of these days (he he he…)

Traveling while dressed
I’ve wanted to fly while dressed for a long time and on this trip finally had my chance. I flew out of the Burbank airport, which is small and close to home. I went low-key: girl’s jeans and top, shoes, make-up, jewelry, a coat and a purse. I was a little nervous but tried to act like I belonged there and like it was no big deal. The guy checking IDs at security looked at my passport (which obviously has a male picture on it), then without moving his head his eyes went up to my face, he paused for a moment, his eyes went back down, and he handed me back my ID without saying a word.

Sandra ready for the airport

I usually feel like I don’t pass very well because I’m so tall. But I started to notice that most people either didn’t notice me at all or if they did, I was probably just another person in the crowd. Of course there were many times when I felt I was being checked out or seemed to notice a look of recognition on someone’s face.

One time I noticed an older woman looking at me several times and then it looked like she was giving me a dirty look as she passed by. But who knows? Maybe she looks that way all the time? That’s the weird thing about “passing.” You just never really know what’s going through someone’s mind unless they say something to you. I think it’s best not to worry about whether or not you’re passing, but it’s hard not to. I accept that crossdressing will always be controversial and that there are going to be some people who won’t like me for doing it. But all I have control over is my reaction to the outer environment.

Hash Brownies
So I was doing such a good job of playing it cool and then everything fell apart. It was later that evening at Kim’s place. I was having a great time just hanging out and decided to sample a couple bites of her special brownies. An hour or so passed and I felt nothing, so we both took another little bite. Then another hour or so passed and it hit me hard. I had such a bad trip! I only occasionally smoke pot, maybe once or twice a year, because I’m especially sensitive to it and never know how I’ll react. Well, for over two hours I was freaking out. I got the shakes really bad and felt totally out of touch with reality and wasn’t sure I was ever going to get back to it. In the back of my mind I realized that it was just the drug and that this too will pass, and then I’d get swept up in it again, like in waves. Kim was very helpful guiding me back and holding my hand. And then finally after a couple hours it began to wind down. The next morning I was back to my senses and I had one of those feelings of clear insight, as though the patterns of my life up to now all made sense and I could see where I was going, and it was good – I was on the right path. Who knows? Maybe it was all just an after-effect, but I sure felt good. In retrospect it was an intriguing experience, though scary as hell at the time.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

I was feeling a little under the weather tonight, so I spent the evening watching the 2003 remake of that holiday classic, “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.” It’s really a vile and sadistic movie, but if you like the horror genre, it’s actually quite good in a “guilty pleasures” sort of way. It has really great cinematography and sets and atmosphere. Years ago I briefly worked on a few low-budget movies, so when I see something like that I always think of all the people in the art department who must have worked fourteen-hour days making rotting jawbones and crucified dolls, and all the poor people splashing buckets of fake blood around. There was also dripping water everyone. It must have been a grind putting it all together. But if you like that sort of thing it’s worth checking out. Good acting too.

Binder G.

A few days ago I had a great time on the webcam with Binder G. After tying me to my chair he began to wrap scarves around my face, adding layers and layers of gags and blindfolds, and finally wrapping plastic wrap over everything, leaving just my nose sticking out. He did a great mind-fuck on me, threatening to suffocate me with plastic wrap or with his hands over my nose. I had to really concentrate on relaxing to not get freaked out and into a panic.

Welcome to L.A.!

Last night I was here working on the computer and I heard these loud “pop, pop, pop” sounds. I was thinking, those crazy kids and their fireworks! Then I heard all this loud aggressive shouting and after a few minutes saw the colored lights from the black and whites reflected on my curtains. The cops put up their caution tape all down the block and were out there looking for shells till two in the morning. I don’t know if anyone got hurt but apparently someone was pissed. I love this city but it can really be messed up sometimes.

I’m overwhelmed by Yahoo 360

I don’t want to sound like I’m complaining, because I love the attention, but I can’t keep up with Yahoo 360! I’m happy to talk to everyone but I know that I neglect a lot of the messages and friend requests because there are so many of them. I’m sure I’m also neglecting my regular email too. So if I’m forgetting anyone, please forgive me, it’s really not personal. It’s just that my inbox runneth over…


It’s weird how TG admirers – guys who like t-girls – get such a bad rap. I sort of understand why – I’ve been to clubs where some guy who’s been drinking too much paws me and breathes in my face and generally acts unpleasant. But I often see postings online that seem to have a real disdain for admirers and I don’t really know why. I sometimes wonder, is there some residual self-hatred that we t-girls project onto these guys? I don’t know, but the attitude I sometimes see reminds me of that Groucho Marx line about not wanting to belong to a club that would have me as a member. Actually most of the time I enjoy the attention I get from guys when I’m out at the clubs, unless it’s especially gross or pushy. And I find that being with a guy romantically makes me feel so femme, which I just love. He’s the man and I get to be the object of desire. It’s not PC to say so but I love that feeling of being held, possessed, used and under his control.

Self Bondage – Valid?

It seems sometimes that self bondage gets put down as being not real or somehow less valid than doing bondage with another person. But I’ve always found it just really sexy in and of itself. I have done self bondage sometimes when I didn’t have anyone to tie me up, but I’ve also done it many times when I was just in the mood for a good self tie. The heightened sense of danger, which is very real – people do make mistakes and accidentally hurt or kill themselved doing self bondage – really does add to the thrill. I know it’s risky, and that some people will say I’m not being “safe, sane and consensual” in doing it. Hell, I’ve even sworn in the past many times that I would never do it again…but it ain’t gonna happen. I know myself too well. That idea of getting in over my head has always been a turn on. Even if I had dozens of tie-up partners, I’d still have the desire to do self bondage from time to time. And now that I have this webcam going it’s gotten even better – having people watch while I’m doing something that’s risky, intimate, and potentially humiliating. Just another pleasant evening at home.

SAW – the movie

I checked out the movie “SAW” tonight and have to say it was really good. I won’t give anything away but as a horror movie it has all kinds of great twists and turns, a terrific ending, and some really sick stuff along the way. These two guys are chained by their ankles in a nasty bathroom somewhere and they have a hacksaw that’s useless on the chains, but could be used to chop off a limb and escape. Hmm, what to do? There are also a few moments with a mother and daughter tied up and cleave gagged – The bondage isn’t that great but the movie itself is very very good and really creepy. Kind of reminded me of “Seven.”

Apparently it was made by two really young dudes who wanted to make a low-budget movie and started out with the inexpensive idea of two guys trapped in a room. On the ‘making of’ reel, the director looked like he was about 24 years old – pretty damn impressive. “SAW” Website

Through the Ringer by Binder G.

Tonight’s webcam show was awesome for me. I hope it was good for everyone watching. It started out with just some simple self bondage and then turned really intense. This crazy-ass guy, Binder G, came by and absolutely worked me over. He put me in several ties and tormented me by tightening a rope down around my neck right to the point of worry and fear. Then it was a cruel spanking without any warming up, just wailing away on my ass till I was about to go crazy. Finally he did a super tight hogtie and then tied me to a long bamboo pole, did some mind-fucking (pretending that he was going to leave me there alone), and left me exhausted and spent on the floor. Damn, what an evening.

The Awfulness of Clubs

There really is an awfulness to the club scene, even though I really enjoy going out to them and dancing. I love to watch people, especially all the girls kissing each other (you sure do see that a lot), but I’m always so aware of all the people who don’t seem like they’re having a very good time. The desperation and loneliness in these places always seems so close to the surface. Even though I think I’m an optimistic person, I know I have a somewhat morose streak to my personality. It’s like I always find the unhappy people to be the most interesting. I think it’s because I’ve been there myself so many times, spending a night at a club and coming home to think, “Damn, that was really unpleasant.” We’re all looking for some kind of connection and clubs are probably one of the worst places to try to find it. With friends they can be lots of fun, but alone, less so.

Bar Sinister last night

DK and I went out to Bar Sinister in L.A. last night. It’s a Goth club and this was the first time I’d ever visited it, even though it’s really close by. The dungeon area was pretty empty when we first got there, so she tied me up with some hemp rope and a ballgag and blindfold. I knew people were watching us (which I really love), but obviously couldn’t see them. I squirmed back and forth with my arms lashed tightly with chest ropes and began to drool a little when she started to spank me.

Later we hung out and danced for a while. Usually I just like to watch people at these places. There was one girl wearing a long shiny white dress who was so wasted that she had to have a girlfriend help her leave the club. I was afraid she was going to hurl as she passed by.

Out in Public / Passing?

I forgot to mention, the other day after the Bizarre Bazaar, while I was dressed I went out to the local Pavilion’s grocery store to pick up a few things. It was really cool. I go out quite a bit, but usually it’s to places like clubs or TG events, but here I was just in a normal everyday place in broad daylight. I was really happy that I didn’t feel particularly nervous. Of course, since the grocery store was in Hollywood it’s not like they’ve never seen a tranny before.

I’m six feet tall in my bare feet, so most of the time I don’t pass when I’m out. But I try not to worry about it. I think most TGs, especially of the crossdressing variety like myself, don’t pass, but for the most part people have they’re own worries and just don’t care. I suspect someone seeing me, if they noticed me at all, would be thinking something like, “Let’s see, pasta, cheese…I don’t want to forget the salad fixings…Hey, that’s a guy…Oh, I better pick up the dry cleaning before they close…Gee, I sure am hungry…” And I know lots of other people didn’t even notice me at all. The problem’s not passing, it’s getting over my fears of being judged by others.

Bizarre Bazaar

I went out to Threshold’s Bizarre Bazaar this afternoon and had a great time. What I really enjoyed is that I didn’t feel nervous at all. Sometimes when I go alone to these kinds of events, I’ll do a trip on myself thinking, “What if I don’t know anyone?” And then I worry that I’ll just clam up and not enjoy myself at all. But I was pleasantly surprised at just how many people I did know. I also got to briefly say hi to Lorelei from Bedroom Bondage, which was really cool. I’ve been a huge fan for years. Jon Woods was there and tied her up onstage in a hogtie that left me hypnotized. She looked fabulous!

Saturday Night Out at the Lodge (Again)

Tonight my friend Kim and I went out to the Lodge again to hang out and dance. The place was crazy, full of trannies and sexual energy. We met and hung out with a nice new girl who’d recently moved to L.A. I also got hit on a couple times which usually doesn’t happen too often, since oftentimes I think I come across as kind of reserved and unapproachable. I don’t mean to come off that way, but because I’m usually shy when I meet new people I think I sometimes give that impression.

Earlier we went shopping at a cool little clothing store on Santa Monica Blvd. and I bought this stretchy tight sexy black dress which I wore to the club. I can’t wait to shoot some pictures in it. I’m wearing it now as I write (2:40 am), back at home, and don’t want to take it off because I’m feeling kind of turned on. But I’m tired and don’t really want to go to the trouble of jacking off, which is something I sometimes do after a night out. Maybe if I had some new sexy bondage pictures to look at.

Fantasy from Last Night

A fantasy I had: Someone whom I’ve never actually met finds out where I live, somehow ends up with a key to my place, and while I’m on the webcam tying myself up, he lets himself in, grabs me and carries me off, taking me away in the trunk of his car. Everyone online watching sees what’s happening but of course can do nothing about it. They can hear the car driving off and can imagine my muffled cries inside the locked car trunk. Onscreen is my now-empty apartment, the webcam broadcasting silence. Where’s Sandra gone to?

Webcam Fun Last Night

Well, I’m still a slut. I had a great time last night on the webcam. Delilah came by with her paddles and cane. She got me all strapped up tightly and made me endure 30 hard strokes on my ass, leaving some nice bruises.

Later after she left, I intended to call it a night but after chatting a while longer I started to get turned on and ended up in nearly two more hours of self bondage, with this penis gag that forces me to drool uncontrollably. There’s no dignity with that thing strapped in.

Sandra Gibbons talks about what's happening in her world, both bondage related and not