Category Archives: los angeles

Sharon Porter in Blue Leather

I love this blue leather outfit that Sharon Porter wears in this week’s update. She looked amazing when we got together at DomCon last summer and I had a fun time putting her in a really strict hogtie, with a rope running up to her head-harness gag to make things even more strict. Hogties are always a favorite because they make you feel so utterly helpless, and Sharon looked particularly hot and vulnerable restrained on the hotel-room floor. She wasn’t going anywhere – Enjoy!

L.A. Marathon 2014

I had a blast yesterday at the L.A. Marathon and although I’m a slowpoke I was still upright as I crossed the finish line. I had some doubts if I’d finish it this year, since I just wasn’t feeling strong with my training and the weather was warm yesterday in the 80s. I did come in about 20 minutes slower than last year but I was completely thrilled just to complete the race and put on a tiny surge to my trotting pace on the last miles, which are utterly miserable any way you cut it. I’d love to break the five hour mark at some point but it just seems really daunting at this point, maybe next year. The event itself is just so much fun though, with an incredible energy and an amazing crowd to cheer you on for miles and miles, and a course that goes by so many well-known L.A. landmarks. It just feels like a big L.A. lovefest and I hope to do it again next year.

One of the main reasons I keep running is that it’s a great way to keep the weight off, and as the decades pass it becomes harder and harder not to bulk up. If I didn’t work out I’m sure I’d be ten or twenty pounds heavier than I am now. So I’m no great athlete by any stretch but it does help with my vanity. ;-) I also tend to have better moods and just generally feel better about things if I stay active. I had a mild injury last September and didn’t run for an entire month and just felt awful. It was like withdrawal not getting my endorphin fix. It’s tough to get out to the gym or hit the track but I force myself even though I could totally be a couch potato. Anyway, it was an awesome race yesterday and will definitely be one of the high points of the year once again! Yay!

Guest Blog from Sybil Minnelli! — Snowbound in Minnesota

(The other day my friend Sybil and I were emailing and she very graciously agreed to write up a blog post about her life in Minneapolis where that girl gets up so many adventures with her friend the lovely Jean Bardot. Sybil’s always great fun to shoot with and hang out with and I always look forward to seeing her when our paths cross, which usually happens at least once a year, it seems. Thanks so much, Sybil, for sharing and hope we’ll see that video you mentioned one of these days, ha ha! *Hugs*)

Hello everybody, I’m honored to do this guest blog for Sandra’s website! I am amazingly lucky to call Sandra my friend. Being a lover of crossdressing and bondage, I contacted her out of the blue a few years ago and asked if she would consider me for a shoot with TranniesinTrouble and we made arrangements to meet in Hollywood at the Renaissance Hotel (now the Loews, I think?). I had never really done a photo shoot before, so I was super nervous! (I had shot with Jean Bardot before, but it was really informal as we have been friends a long time.) Anyway, I felt at ease with Sandra right away and I really enjoyed the experience. Sandra made me look really, really good, like way better than I thought I could! She understands as well as anybody how to catch her subject’s best angles. Since then I have tried to shoot with Sandra on every trip I make to the L.A. area, and it has mostly worked out for us. (With all the snow we’ve had lately in Minnesota, I need to get to L.A. soon!) Sandra and I have also hung out at Fetish Con in Tampa; the more time I spend with Sandra, the more I like her :-)

Here in Minneapolis, I’m just as lucky to call Jean Bardot my friend. I got to know her when I was a stage manager for a burlesque show – she was one of the performers I managed! As Jean and I got to know each other better, we became friendly and I started helping her with her business in a number of ways. I help her with managing her schedule, booking gigs, negotiating deals, and if she needs somebody to tie up on camera, well hey, I can help with that too ;-)

Jean has introduced me to fun and kinky people all over the world and I cherish some of the relationships I have made because of her. This past weekend, one of our dear friends had a milestone birthday with a party in the L.A. area. Unfortunately, schedule demands were such that we couldn’t make it out there for the party… We thought about sending flowers, a gift or something along those lines, but it just didn’t seem right. And then it came to us – we needed to make a happy birthday video clip, duh!! So I wrote up a quick script, ran it by Jean, and to nobody’s surprise, it would start with Jean saying Happy Birthday with a tied and gagged tranny gurl by her side. She would remove the gag long enough for me to say happy bday and then put it back in so I could take a spanking on behalf of the birthday girl. Before starting the video, Jean used leather suspension cuffs on my wrists to pull my hands above my head, and while she was doing that, I was saying, “Okay, don’t forget to *do this* and *say that*…” but as soon as she cranked my hands up with the winch, making me helpless, she grabbed the ball gag and said, “I don’t think I need any more help with this!” And she strapped the gag in really tight, so I just sat there waiting for her to do whatever she wanted after that. Then she cuffed my feet together and started the video rolling. I have included a few screen captures from the video to illustrate! Once the video was complete, Jean gagged me again and treated me to a little scene before she let me go and got that on video too… I’m not sure I’m ready to share that just yet, though!

Well if you’re still reading at this point, thanks very much for listening and I hope you have enjoyed it! I need to stop now before this gets completely out of control, but if you want to hear any more stories, thoughts, scene reports from Minneapolis, (or whatever!) please leave a comment or mention something to Sandra and I’ll happily write up another entry! Until next time…Happy tranny trails!

Xoxo, Sybil

TGirl Nights Long Beach

For years I’ve meant to head down to Long Beach for the TGirl Nights put on by Jamie Jameson at Hamburger Mary’s, but with the schedule of the old TEASE parties and how they used to be on Fridays I never had enough oomph left over the next night to head down there (So glad we’ve switched TEASE to Saturdays!) So finally last night my friend Kim and I got made up and headed down the SoCal freeways to Long Beach. We got to hang out again with Cici Kitten and our new friend Fierce and we had a great time. Actually two weekends out clubbing in a row is very rare for me but it was fun and Jamie’s party has a huge turnout. If you’re into clubs full of trannies this is definitely one to check out and I’m sure we’ll be back again. They also do it on Tuesday nights for a karaoke party earlier in the evening and dancing later.

Latex Night at the Ox’

Last night my friend Kim and I were able to get out to the latex party at the Oxwood Inn and we had a great time. A couple drinks in me and I was feeling very relaxed! We got to hang out with Louann Chen and Cici Kitten, both crazy party girls! I don’t get out to the Ox’ as much as I’d like but it was a good crowd, though as the music got louder and louder I found myself nodding my head and smiling whenever anyone tried to talk to me; with everyone including me being tipsy though it really didn’t matter! Fun night.

2013 Winds Down

Well, here we are again at the end of the year. I’ll admit 2013 has been another very mixed year for me. It did have some great highs and fun moments: there was the L.A. Marathon, which I never thought I could finish but nicely surprised myself; later in the year I dated a woman who’s one of my favorite people in the world, and although it didn’t last and she’s moving out of state for work I’m thankful that we’re still friends; the Indiana bondage parties put on by Donna Patricia Richardson were great fun and highly recommended; and there were also some very fun and sexy shoots during the year, and some great events such as DomCon (the best ever, thanks to Krystle!). There was also the Halloween parade in West Hollywood (pictures below), and a few TEASE parties that really stood out. But at the same time, not to dwell on them, there were also some real lows, challenges, and moments of doubt as another year passed.

I’m heading out in a couple days to Atlanta for my end of the year visit with my parents – my Dad’s not doing great but he’s hanging in there – and then it’ll be back to work in January. I’m also hoping that Mr. K. gets better in 2014. He’s a good friend and has always been so supportive, and although he’s having some health problems he’s slowly making a recovery.

What really stuck out for me this year though was the sense of the uncertainty of the future and of life in general, and just how quickly these years pass. Obviously, we make our plans but then life often has its own ideas. After a year like this one, which really wasn’t bad, just challenging, I’d be foolish to believe that I’ve really got it together.

I am very thankful, though, that the website continues to do well – thanks again to all the paying members who really are the ones who keep it going. If it was just me I’d have reached my limits long ago. I will probably have to look at the finances of it more closely next year as it continues to be more expensive to run since I’m shooting more with other models but it’s moving forward very well and I’m extremely grateful for that.

In any event, I’m still very happy to be back in Los Angeles, am planning more photo shoots, have some new bondage gear and photo gear to play with, and am really looking forward to making some new pics and videos in the year ahead and keeping the bondage fun going. All the best in 2014 and keep those ropes and gags tight!

Finally Met that Crazy Babette

A couple weeks ago my archrival and new friend Babette Jones from Bound to Tease was down here in Southern California and we finally had a chance to meet after emailing occasionally over the last eight or so years. She was a lot of fun, with a great sense of humor. After meeting at the TEASE party first (very fitting), later I was able to visitor her here in the Valley and hang out for a long afternoon. It was kind of a power struggle as we’re both controlling bitches but Babette was no match. Even though I was tied up briefly at one point, it didn’t last for long and eventually our roles were reversed, as of course they would be. As I’ve gotten a little older I rarely find anyone who’s a match for dominating me and this was no different from most encounters. If you’re with Sandra (from now on I refer to myself in the third person) you’re probably going to end up in bondage and also heavily gagged, while I smirk and laugh; that’s just how it goes these days. In any case here are some candid shots that Babette sent me taken from the video camera. (I know they’re mostly me but that’s what she sent me, really. And hey, how come there were none of her tied up?!) It was a really fun party the night before and a fun day hanging out, and Babette was such a smartass that I’m actually smiling and laughing in most of these!

Being Tall

I was at the grocery story this morning getting snacks for the TEASE party tonight and saw a genetic woman who must have been 6′ 3″ and wearing low heels, which probably made her even a couple inches taller. The nice thing is that she looked all dressed up for the office, with a nice skirt and top and killer legs. The thing that struck me though was how much she stood out because of her height. I’m six feet tall myself, without heels, and have commented before how I’ll never really pass because of that, along with other tell-tale signs, and people often say, “Oh but there are lots of tall women out there!” Which is true, but whoa, those tall women who are out there – they really stand out! Which again, for a CD, “standing out” kind of kills it for passing. Just an observation ;-)

Blue Is the Warmest Color

The other day my friend Kim and I went to the local art house to see the French film, “Blue Is the Warmest Color,” about a love affair between two French girls, one a high school student when they first meet, the other an artist with blue hair who’s a few years older. The movie’s been in the news lately because the sex scenes are very graphic and prolonged and in fact the film got banned in Idaho for being too racy. I think if someone went just for the sex scenes, though, they would be disappointed, as it’s really a very intense love story of how another person can imprint themselves on one’s soul, for better or worse. Some of the scenes near the end are achingly painful and the actresses are amazing, especially Adèle Exarchopoulos, from whose perspective the story is told. She doesn’t seem to be acting but rather channeling her desperate cravings from some inner depths.

The movie’s also gathered a lot of attention because the author of the graphic novel on which it’s based isn’t happy with how the film turned out, calling the sex scenes porn. And also the two young actresses have publicly complained about the difficult and exhausting working methods of the director, one of the actresses saying she would never work with him again. So there’s a lot of drama surrounding the movie, but as they say there’s no such thing as bad publicity. If you enjoy foreign films with a slower non-Hollywood pace you’ll probably be very moved by this one. Definitely worth seeing.

Halloween in West Hollywood 2013

This was the third year that I’ve made it out to the West Hollywood Halloween street party, going with my friend Kim again, and we had a blast. We’ve learned that it’s a good idea to get there early and go out to eat first before hitting the boulevard, as things just get crazier and more claustrophic the later it gets. As always it’s a mix of people and some really creative costumes, and loads of gay boys and drag queens everywhere. We shot a bunch of pictures and I found myself casually getting felt up a couple times by the not-so-innocent bystanders.

Later on we were able to meet up with Ikaras Jones who was decked out in an amazing full-body latex outfit and who was accompanied by none other than bondage legend Lorelei and her boyfriend Jon Woods. Wherever they went there was a big crowd of people waiting to take pictures with the bound and gagged Lorelei. As we continued on the crowd just continued to swell and eventually Kim got separated from us. There was a frantic moment of “Uh oh, what now?” but eventually I was able to get a text message through and we finally met up back at the car. My feet were killing me by then, even with my low heels and we fought the traffic out of Hollywood and back to the Valley. It was another fun and very memorable time and hopefully we’ll be back again next year…Oh, and I still have no idea what’s going on with that guy with the thing on his head in picture nine below!

Family Travel to Colorado and Atlanta

It’s been a while since I’ve seen my family, so I’ll be traveling for about a week in Colorado and Atlanta. It’s been over a year since I’ve been back to Denver so I’m really looking forward to it. I was hoping to be able to hike up Pikes Peak too with my hiking buddy J., although the weather’s looking doubtful tonight. But if we do, I always love the challenge of struggling up those last few thousand feet of elevation and wondering how I’m going to make it the rest of the way. Many writers have pointed out how going up mountains can be viewed as a metaphor for life and how our struggles are really mostly with the self. I know mine are; if I could just get out of my own way half the time I’d do much better. Anyway, after Colorado I’ll be in Atlanta for a few days to see my parents who are old but hanging in there. It should be a nice break and then back to L.A. to get kinky again with some new photoshoots that I’m looking forward to. More news soon, I hope…

Back to School Theme at the Next TEASE Party, Friday, Sept. 6th

Sorry for the lack of blogging lately, but I just wanted to mention that the next TEASE Party here in N. Hollywood, California, is next Friday, Sept. 6th, at the Threshold clubhouse. Last year we did the same theme and it turned out to be the biggest party of the year, so I’m hoping we’ll have a nice turnout. If you’re in Southern California I invite you to stop by and visit. It’s a very relaxed and laid back atmosphere with none of the cattiness you can find at some of the bars and clubs. There will also be a free ticket giveaway around midnight for the best back to school outfit…Hope to see you there!

Introducing TS Ashley Washington

A while back I heard from a very pretty TS girl named Ashley and of course we got to talking about taking some pictures. Ashley was a lot of fun to hang out with and looked fantastic as a cute damsel in distress. We shot in this strange hotel which I really like in the suburbs of L.A. The rooms were huge and have this unique red color scheme, as though they’re a portal to hell. In this scene Ashley was a hapless girl who has a little too much to drink at the bar and finds herself lashed down to the metal frame of a rollaway bed. Always be careful when you’re out drinking and never take drinks from a stranger, especially if you don’t see them being poured, or this could happen to you…which some of you might like. ;-) The full set is up on the site. Hope you enjoy!

Pretty CD Silvia Snow on Ts in Trouble

Silvia and I emailed each other a few months ago on Feflife and I was immediately impressed by her polished and incredibly pretty look. But since she lives a few states away I wasn’t sure we’d ever have the chance to shoot together. But as luck would have it she was able to pay a visit to Southern California recently and I had a great time meeting her and taking some bondage pictures. She’s a real dear and a very nice person and happily endured some pretty intense bondage. I’m hoping we’ll be able to do it again on some future travel. In the meantime this gallery will be going up on the site early on Friday. She ends up tied in a crossed-leg position with growing distress as the intensity increases. This was the last thing we shot after a long day and it was a blast getting her all tied up and tape-gagged – Aw, poor dear! ;-) Hope you Enjoy!

Fun Shoot with Emma Cass

I had a fun shoot the other night with a new tgurl featured on the website named Emma Cass, who had written me several months ago about an upcoming visit to L.A. Thankfully our schedules worked out and Emma was game to try out some bondage. It was a terrific shoot and although she lives very far away I’m hoping we might be able to shoot again someday. Emma was a real trooper and endured some very strict bondage (gotta love that!) Here are a few sample shots and the gallery with the first two shots below just went up on the site this evening. Enjoy!

Bugs (and an Amphibian) for Dinner at Typhoon

My friend Krystle and I have been talking for a while about eating some bugs at this crazy restaurant in Santa Monica called Typhoon and we finally got to drive down there last night and enjoy some. I didn’t dress up for this outing but still had a blast. I won’t post the thumbnails here in case anyone is squeamish, although to be honest they’re not that bad (just be careful of the third link in the next sentence if you do choose to click!) We had ants, crickets, frogs legs, scorpions on shrimp toast, and the most disgusting looking: fried silk worm pupae. I always like to try new things (within reason) and eating bugs seemed totally reasonable! It actually wasn’t that hard to do once we dug in. With the dipping sauces it’s just like eating fried whatever. The frogs legs were one of the tastiest, definitely tasting like chicken and very warm and juicy. And a couple glasses of wine made it awesome – A totally fun night out!

L.A. Marathon 2013

I just completed the L.A. Marathon earlier today and although my time was slow (5:19) thankfully I didn’t completely “bonk out” and hit the wall, and was even able to put on a little speed the last couple miles (and yeah, I left my high heels at home!). The 26.2 mile-long course is fantastic, with lots of L.A. landmarks, including Dodger Stadium (where it starts), Frank Gehry’s chrome-plated Disney Hall, down Hollywood Blvd. and the walk of fame, past a crowd of cheering drag queens in West Hollywood (Yes!), along Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, and finally finishing in Santa Monica nearly at the beach. It was really tough and a complete blast – it’ll definitely be one of the high points of the year!

Granted, I didn’t run the entire thing. I was doing the “run, walk, run” technique, endorsed by Olympian Jeff Galloway, where I walked for one minute every half mile. These little rests make a huge difference and allow some time to recover, until you hit mile 20 or so and things just become generally painful! But there’s amazing support from the crowds, with people everywhere cheering you on and lots of bands along the way jamming out.

It was a great day and I’d have to say that anyone who’s moderately active could probably do the same thing with maybe six months of moderate training (which is basically what I did, and not even as consistently as I should have). I never thought I’d be able to complete a marathon so I’m walking on air tonight, and insanely sore! Also a bit concerned with how I’ll feel in the morning when I try to drag my legs out of bed! ;-)

Kyra Pixie on Trannies In Trouble

It’s been a few years now since I’ve had the chance to shoot with Kyra Pixie, who always puts up a good struggle when she’s in bondage (as one friend recently said, “She’s feisty!”). Recently though she had a chance to get away and I had a great time shooting with her again. Kyra is transgender and goes just about everywhere in girl mode. She was looking so cute when she showed up at the hotel that I had to shoot a couple casual behind-the-scenes shots (the first one below) before she changed outfits for the shoot. After she changed I put her through the ringer with some intense bondage, so here are a few quick teaser shots leading up to the more intense stuff which will be posted later on the site, probably sometime in March. It’s great to have her back on the site and I’m looking forward to shooting more as the year progresses…Enjoy!

A Year in Van Nuys

When I moved back to Los Angeles from Denver last January I wasn’t sure if I was making the right move but I knew I had to give it a try. I originally left L.A. in 2010 because I was really just sick of the stress and congestion of the city. Granted, my last living situation was not that good, living in a bad neighborhood in Hollywood, so after eight years of that it was pretty easy to leave for the peace and quiet of Colorado. But when this chance to come back and live in the Valley came along it just made sense. I love and miss Colorado but for what I’m doing right now it’s probably better to be here in Southern California. And thankfully the move turned out to be surprisingly easy. I jettisoned a lot of my old belongings and within a few weeks it felt like it was back to normal. It’s strange; I really had expected the 2010’s to be my “Colorado years” – Funny how things turn out.

Of course, now I’m a little shocked that we’re already heading into 2013, but I feel optimistic about it. The upcoming ten-year anniversary of the website is exciting and I fully intend to keep the site going for a good long time, but still it’s tough to imagine what things will look like another ten years into the future (assuming I’m still around, which I’m certainly planning to be.) But when I look back in ten-year chunks at the past decades and see how different each one has been it just shows that making an accurate predication about the future is really a long shot. It just seems there are always those unforeseens. Plans turn out differently, we’re certain of a relationship that suddenly ends, we think we’re on a clear path and it turns sharply. So although I’m an optimist, I’m also something of a reluctant optimist for I have too much awareness of how things inevitably change and, sadly, decay – the unavoidable truth of time marching onward and all that comes with that – things I think about way more than I should.

But it’s been an interesting year. I love being back in L.A. even though it can still be a royal pain in the ass to live in this city. My end-of-the-year musings always wind up turning a little (or a lot) melancholy so I’ll just wrap this up here. In any case, here’s wishing all the best to everyone in the new year, and of course lots more bondage fun and games for everyone in the year, and years, ahead…

Once again, the inevitable Los Abandoned…